Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily which Jun 27 2018

hey guys it's Mitchell and today we're going to talk about what to look for in

a laptop

hey guys it's Mitchell Losey and welcome to my channel if you're new here

subscribe so that you get updated when I post my new videos I try to post videos

at least once a week so you'll want to stay informed will you I don't know

alright guys so today I want to talk about laptops specifically

because I have this old laptop and it is it's cool it does not do what I need it

to do anymore and I need to find myself a new laptop so right now I have my

desktop computer which is my main workhorse and I love it I built it

myself it's good enough at the moment for what I need it to do and I also have

this old laptop I got it senior year of high school so that's

like 6 years ago so at this point it's pretty outdated it works it still works

when I first got it this thing was like the thing to get it was when

touchscreens started just being added to the laptop so this is a touchscreen and

at the time it was an ultra portable laptop it was super thin but now by

today's standards it's pretty hefty for what it is so yeah my laptop is an Acer

Aspire it's got an i-5 in it probably a 5500 it's got 8 gigabytes of RAM and has

like a 500 around 500 gigabytes of storage they also had like a hyper drive

in there so it boot up in like less than 16 seconds and that works for a while

but now it's kind of stopped doing that and some things just don't work on

anymore like the sound does not work one day it was just like I'm done and then

no more sound for me coming out of the speakers on this thing can't even plug

in headphones so that's super frustrating if I'm trying to watch

videos you don't want to listen to music not on here also the backlit keyboard

blew out which I don't know why it still kind of works if I

bend it in the right spot but that doesn't work anymore which kind of sucks

and then with like keeping up the things that I'm doing especially now that I

have to like edit all these videos this thing definitely won't keep up with that

it freezes all the time I'm always having to restart it and sometimes when

I restart it the internet won't work won't connect the network that's around

so it's just like super frustrating which yeah so yeah and I know I have

like my desktop PC but you know sometimes I just want to like sit on the

couch watch TV while having a laptop like it's a great computer I love it but

likes I have to be at this or have to be in this room if I want to use it so that

just kind of sucks I'd love to be able to like take my laptop places work

anywhere that kind of thing definitely in the market for a laptop but this year

in 2018 there are so many options for laptops it's so hard to figure out what

to even get so I'm gonna try to break down what I think would be right for

what type of user kind of help you guys figure out what might fit into what you

need yeah I'm gonna kind of like walk through the different specifications for

laptops kind of talk about what's good for what what you should be sure your

weight should be shopping for for different use cases that you might have

so let's get started so the first thing you figure out is what are you gonna be

using this for you and if you're out what type of a user you are what

different applications you're gonna be running on it what's like the hardest

use case this thing's gonna go under and that's gonna determine everything else

so if you are a light browser like you just use it to use the internet maybe

you do a little like spreadsheets not much no real like hardcore applications

being open there's that set of users and then if you're more of like a mild user

you you know your surfing the web with a bunch of tabs your streaming videos

watching Netflix whatever and then you're also using some like lighter

application maybe a little bit of light gaming

there's that user case so like the general day-to-day person just like use

a laptop most of your day you need to get work done on it there's like power

user who's gonna be doing all those things I previously said with on using

like really heavy applications like any of the Adobe Photoshop premier that kind

of stuff 3d modeling like SolidWorks AutoCAD that

type of stuff or just like or just anywhere you need a bunch of processing

power you're gonna be kind of like the stupid user so then from those

categories that pretty much divides right up to what kind of processor you

should get that's the central processing unit it's the main brain of the computer

kind of does what it says it's gonna pretty much determine how many tasks you

can do at once and how fast you're gonna be able to do them so if you're looking

at Intel that's the main things that I would go for you have their I 3 their

i-5 or their i7 versions of their CPUs there's also the lower versions like the

core em threes the core different ones pretty much what you should be looking

for is anything that is dual core or quad core now the latest processors are

coming out which are like the 88,000 version of the AI number those are all

quad core now which is a step up from the previous ones that are all dual core

you pretty much get like twice as much crossing the car because you have

instead of only having two pathways to get things done you have four pathways

to get things done so you're that light user that just kind of browsing the web

maybe watching some Netflix streaming a few things not really doing any gaming

or heavy applications you're gonna be under that I three that's gonna be right

for you if you're the more medium user who has some light applications maybe a

little bit of gaming you're gonna want the i-5 and then if you're that Pro user

who's editing stuff or doing rendering you know any 3d object applications

you're gonna want that I seven so you can

those tests done faster after the processor one of the next most important

things is going to be how much RAM you should get so Ram stands for random

access memory so RAM does is it stores all of the data that you're currently

using so if you have a bunch of browser tabs open it's gonna keep all of that

storage stuff that's currently being used needs to be accessed really quickly

in that location on that little chip of RAM the more you have the more multitask

and you can do this that's pretty much how much from all the tests can do and

how much RAM or two go hand-in-hand so if you would have a lot of things you're

gonna be doing if you want to have multiple applications open and be able

to switch between them really fast you're gonna want more RAM so my

recommendation in RAM is in 2018 the least you're gonna want is 8 gigabytes

now previously it's been 4 gigabytes but now that's not even gonna be enough for

you so if your that light user you're gonna want to probably stick around 8

gigabytes at the lowest you could go for but you're gonna see some things slowing

down on your computer so if you want it nice and snappy I would say eight

gigabytes if you're that medium user I would definitely recommend 16 gigabytes

and if you're that power user if you can afford it definitely go for 32 gigabytes

but you might not need it so you might be able to stay 16 gigabytes I think 16

gigabytes is the sweet spot but it all comes down to what you can afford and

what your use case will be for this the next thing that comes down to with

picking out a laptop is how much storage you have so that's gonna be your hard

storage that's gonna keep all your files anything that you save on the computers

can be stored here and nowadays it's either between a solid-state drive or a

hard disk drive so that means is this hard disk drive there's literally a

little platter that spins around and it writes code on to it to remember all the

things so it's going to be slower or you have solid-state drive so there's no

moving parts it literally is kind of like a flash drive but bigger and faster

so that means data it can be written to it and taken off really quickly so the

tricky thing here is that the more you can get is always better because files

are getting bigger and bigger these days so the more the better but the other

thing is hard disks are a lot slower than a solid-state drive is so if you

have a solid-state drive and your operating systems on that your system is

gonna be so much happier so much faster and it's totally worth it the problem is

the higher the SSD the more expensive your laptop's gonna be because that is

like the premium stuff it is getting cheaper but it's still pretty expensive

most laptops they're gonna start around 128 gigabytes which is gonna be barely

enough you're gonna want at least 256 gigabytes but if you can definitely

afford it with a solid-state drive go for 512 gigabytes or if you can get a

terabyte if you can afford that it's totally gonna be worth it so you get

super quick storage you move files back and forth super quick and you're also

gonna be able to load applications so fast it really makes the big difference

if you have an old laptop that has a hard disk drive and you can swap out a

solid-state drive that's gonna boost your computer speed it's gonna make it

fast it's gonna make an old laptop kind of feel like new so that's always a

great option if you can't you're definitely gonna want at least a

terabyte of hard disk drive so you have plenty of space they're not very

expensive compared to solid state drives and also with drives if you're getting

if you don't care about how thin your computer is and it's thicker you can

always get a combination of solid-state drives and hard drives it'll come with a

combo of about like 128 solid-state drive maybe a 256 audio driver but then

also have a one terabyte hard disk drive and that's so that you can have your

operating system on a solid-state drive you have a really fast experience with

the operating system it'll start up really fast they also have your hard

disk drive so your computer can store its again store its permanent files

where you're just saving things and it doesn't

access stuff as fast so that's always a great option but if you're looking at

portability it's probably gonna come down to a solid-state drive and you're

gonna have to weigh your options there some of the last thing to think about

when you're trying to think about what kind of a laptop you want to buy is the

form factor so if you are say a college students or something you're probably

gonna want a two-in-one so that you can have it fold into a tablet you can have

a stylus you take can write notes if you're more of just kind of working on

it you don't need that you can just do a clamshell where it doesn't fold in half

all the way around it just closes like a normal laptop also you can do something

where it's like the surface pro or it's just a tablet but then it has a fancy

keyboard cover that kind of makes it into a pseudo laptop but my personal

preference this laptop I've had was a touchscreen it doesn't turn into a

two-in-one but I hardly used the touchscreen so if

you're not gonna get a two-in-one it's really not worth paying an extra price

to get touchscreen for it some people like it so they can like scroll through

the web pages by just using their finger on the screen I didn't like that because

I my screen gets all smudgy and I just it felt weird when it doesn't open up

and do a tablet in my personal opinion I would say if it's not two in one

don't bother with a touchscreen oh and another thing was screens is that you if

you're working on stuff that needs to be color accurate like photo editing and

video editing or anything like that you're probably gonna want i PS panel

because those are super color accurate so you're gonna want to look for it to

have IPS panel if you're not it doesn't really matter you want it to at least be

full HD 4k on a laptop doesn't really make too much sense because the screens

only so big so it's gonna look just as clear as if you have a full HD so if it

comes down to that with price go with the full HD and for save some money on

the screen so then you can have more for like a solid-state drive or more RAM so

yeah those are kind of the things you want to look for kind of think about

figure out what kind of user you are then look at the different

anything's gonna be a good option you just gotta think about how much how

portable you want it to be how powerful you need it to be I would say an i-5

with 16 gigabytes of RAM and 256 gigabytes of storage on a solid-state

drive I'd be a good option if you're going to

put altra portable you're gonna be doing like video editing 3d rendering stuff

video gaming for sure you're definitely gonna want to i7 16 gigabytes ram at

least and then you're probably gonna need a bigger Drive so maybe a

combination of drives whatever is gonna work for you you just kind of think

about which use case will be best for you there another thing was gaining you

can also look out for it you're gonna go for more of like a gaming laptop you

we're gonna want to get a good graphics card if you can play a graphic intensive

games like first-person shooters you know Call of Duty battlefield grand

theft auto fortnight even you're gonna want a good graphics card and it really

knew where laptops come with the graphics card built in but come with

like an Nvidia 1050 or 1060 I'll just add more cost but it's definitely worth

it if you're in a gaming or even video editing that'll help out too so yeah for

what I'm looking for I'm probably gonna need like an i7 with 16 gigabytes of RAM

hopefully like 512 gigabytes of storage on SSD probably not a graphics card

because I'm gonna want something more portable so that I can take it with me

and go work on a coffee shop at a video or just work anywhere with a nice light

ultra plus for part of a laptop so another important thing with a laptop

now that is 2018 is to get one that has a USB C Thunderbolt 3 port that is gonna

be super helpful it'll allow you to hook up to a 4k monitor it'll actually allow

you hook up to like 2 or 3 4k monitors from a single port it'll allow you to

move files at like super speeds you can also hook up a graphics card externally

so you could if you wanted the thin ultra portable laptop but you still

wanted graphics power for if you're editing playing video games

they sell portable graphics cards and the nice form factors that you could

keep on your desk and then your your desk you just hook it right in and

you have a graphics card it's that insanely cool yeah so that's

also really important to look for in a laptop is making sure it has at least

one USB C Thunderbolt three port for sure so yeah with all the laptops that

are out there this year there's a lot of good options it just kind of depends on

your use case do you want a two in one do you want a tablet do you want a real

full laptop he's kind of gonna think about that and then think about your use

case to figure out what type of performance you need and which parts are

going to get you that hopefully this video helped you kind of see what you

should go for and help me make a decision to figure out what you need if

you have any good recommendations for a laptop let me know in the comments below

and you know what you're using it for a laptop what do you like in a laptop any

of that stuff let me know in the comments I'd love to hear from you guys

and if you're not subscribed already get subscribed so you know when I post new

videos and like this video if you liked it if it's helpful it really helps me

out so yeah thanks for watching and I will see you guys in the next one

alright bye

For more infomation >> Which Laptop to Buy in 2018 - Duration: 15:46.


TOP 5 STRANGE HORROR GHOST PLAYER | WHICH ARE UNSTOPPABLE! | 2018 Latest | Clash Of Clans PART 2 - Duration: 5:51.

Hi guys today on this video I tell you the 10 mysterious base in clash of clan



Top 3 base you see in?

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clash of clan by me Gosling it's a single crystalline Copeland and I saw to you that place and

like or subscribe my video and I warn you don't use your

Highly level Town Hall account, please donot use use your small town hall account

Because it will be chance to ban your account go to social abd search player

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Main place please. I tell you please I request you, please don't try it your main brace

For more infomation >> TOP 5 STRANGE HORROR GHOST PLAYER | WHICH ARE UNSTOPPABLE! | 2018 Latest | Clash Of Clans PART 2 - Duration: 5:51.


WordPress vs Ghost vs Medium - Which Blogging Platform Is Best - Duration: 6:02.

Which is the best platform for blogging?

Simply put, any of these platforms, WordPress, Ghost, and Medium

can be a good fit for your blogging efforts.

All three have pros and cons, and neither of them is perfect.

Keep in mind that each can serve a definite purpose, and depending on the nature of the

goal that your blog has, you can pick the one that is ideal for you.

Let's start with WordPress.

For anyone who is even remotely active on the Internet,

WordPress needs no introduction.

It's the most popular website building platform and content management system out there with

more than a quarter of websites and simple blogs relying on.

Plus WordPress can be used to power a lot more than just blogs.

E-commerce stores, corporates sites, photograph sites, news portals, and so on.

WordPress is available in two flavors:

Number one is self-hosted and totally free or free but with paid add-ons, Wondering what is the difference between .com and .org?

The short answer is: is what you will install on your own server, then

you can customize it with themes and plugins as well as tweak it to suit your needs., on the other hand, is what you run from dot-com servers directly.

You can still change the themes but the options are severely

limited and there are no custom plugins to be installed.

WordPress is well known for its simplicity and ease of use.

If there is one platform for our lineup, that is guaranteed to not close its doors any time

in the near future it is WordPress.

Chances are you cannot really go wrong with WordPress if you decide to start a blog.

Using it, does, however, boil down to what you intend to achieve.

Special elements such as SEO metadata and custom content types can only be added

in the self-hosted platform.

Note that WordPress is not truly free in terms of money.

If you opt for the self-hosted version, the software will forever remain free but you

might have to pay in terms of domain name registration and web hosting.

On the other hand, the host at is free for basic usage, lots of storage and

features, but if you need a custom domain or anything fancier

you will have to opt for the paid plans.

Ghost is a straightforward and simple platform that relies on a minimal use of the interface.

Unlike WordPress, Ghost does not power a wide array of websites.

Instead, it is purely a blogging platform and it is meant to be used only for blogs.

Ghost uses markdown rather than visual editing but you can change that with extensions.

Much like WordPress, Ghost comes in two variants: One is the self-hosted version that is free

to download and use and second is the hosted version on Ghost own servers.

However, unlike ghost does not offer a free plan.

More of that, you are not limited, in the hosted version,

and you can upload your own themes and content by means of FTP.

No matter which variant of Ghost you are using this platform offers SEO settings and Social

Sharing features in the core itself, so you don't need external plugins for that purpose.

What trade Ghost up, is minimalism, and that minimalism it's visible not just in terms of design

but also in functionalities.

You can create and edit posts and that's pretty much it.

Medium is the third entry in this video.

It is less of a personalized blogging platform and more of community-centric writing.

In other words, writing on Medium is comparable to having your article in the college magazine

or the notice board, rather than in a journal or diary of your own.

Medium defines itself as a community of readers and writers, offering unique perspectives

on ideas, large and small.

That's exactly what it is - a platform meant for long-form writing

and expressing your views on various subjects.

This platform is primarily used by serious writers focusing on highly niche centric topics.

Medium is purely a hosted platform so you cannot download anything or run it on your own servers.

There are no storage limits in place and the best part is that everything is free as of now.

I know that there are a lot more things we can cover about these great platforms.

What you should remember is that you can definitely test all these tools for free

to choose the one that suits your needs.

Please let me know in the comments section what blogging platform are you using.

Check out our playlist with even more tutorials and reviews.

Hit the like button if you enjoyed this video and see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> WordPress vs Ghost vs Medium - Which Blogging Platform Is Best - Duration: 6:02.


Which Bike Helmets Are The Safest To Wear In A Crash? - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Which Bike Helmets Are The Safest To Wear In A Crash? - Duration: 1:49.


Guess Which Drugs I Use (Ellen) | Lineup | Cut - Duration: 7:01.

- My drug I like to use has a lot to do with sex.

- Are you a male escort?

- Oh, god, yes.

(both laughing)

(quirky music)

- Hi, my name is Ellen Acuario,

and I am a stand-up comic, mom, woman.

- Not much, I'm like a drug virgin.

Smoking weed didn't do too much for me.

I just like alcohol.


- Okay.

Hi, I'm Ellen.

- I'm Tony.

- Ooh, you're a good-looking dude.

- Thank you.

- Nice.

I'm married.

What kinda drugs are you into?

Is that (laughs)?

- Oh, I gotta guess, okay.

So when did you first do drugs?

- Man, I was in seventh grade.

- Seventh grade.

So what, were you bored?

- I just had a rough childhood and grew up really poor.

- I did too and that's rough.

Did you feel like it was an escape?

- Yeah, now when I get high I still feel

like it's an escape sometimes.

- Meth? (laughs)

I mean you don't--

- What makes you think meth?

- I don't know. (laughs)

Why did I go straight for meth?

Tony, tell me what your drug?

- So I used to be addicted to painkillers,

prescription painkillers.

- Was there a moment where you're like, I gotta stop?

- No, I just got caught.

I was in the military at the time.

- Oh, did you get kicked out?

- Yeah. - Ooh.

Do you regret ever having taken it?

- Honestly, no.

I just regret getting caught. (laughs)

- Really?

(director laughs)

Damn, okay.

Cool, Tony.

Nice talking to you.

- Cool, nice meeting you. (laughs)

- Hoo, man.


- Well, I'm Henry.

- Hi, Henry.

- Do you like having fun when you have sex?

(all laughing)


My drug I like to use has a lot to do with sex.

- Oh, that thing to get it up?

Is that what you're talking about?

- What thing, a rope?

- No. (laughs)

What's that drug?

- Viagra?

- Yeah, Viagra!

- I don't need Viagra.

Well, do you wanna see what it is?

- Oh, okay.

- Yeah, it's poppers.

- Poppers?

- Do you know what those are?

- No.

- They're an inhalant that you use

to relax, that relaxes your muscles.

It relaxes things and it makes sex pleasurable.

- Poppers, I have never heard that.

Is that really common?

- In the gay community it is.

I don't know how common it is in the hetero community.

- Oh okay, so good to meet you.

- Sure, nice to meet you. - Okay, okay.

Hi, what's your name?

- Sean. - Sean.

When you do drugs, what are you chasing?

What kinda feeling are you looking for?

- It's a religious experience.

- Experience with your drug?


- Yeah. - I got it right!

(claps hands)

So do you continue to do mushrooms?

- Every weekend.

- Every weekend. - Yeah.

So what I do is this whole ceremony where I, it's like a--

- By yourself?

- It's like a cabaret act.

Well, I bring people down to watch too.

- Oh!

- It's called the First Church of David Bowie.

- Oh, I don't know.

(all laughing)

I'd have to think twice about it,

because what it is is...

- Why?

- Well, because the audience and me,

we're collaborating and creating a sort

of an experience of aesthetic emotion,

and if people aren't able to sort of be open,

they're not gonna contribute to that moment,

you know what I mean?

- Do you feel like I was making it not serious?

- No not at all, but I just don't know you at all.

- Oh, okay.

I have been enlightened.

(Sean laughs)

What drug do you do?

Let me guess, like looks will tell me anything.

Are you a partier?

- No.

- Oh, no.

- I read, I watch a lot of Netflix.

- Oh, Netflix and chill.

- Maybe let's not.

- Weed goes with Netflix, no?

- Does it? - Does it?

- Have you watched Netflix?

- I drink.

Are you addicted?

- I was.

- Oh, you were.

Addicted, alcohol?

Are you an alcoholic?

- Incorrect.

- Oh, okay.

- I was a heroin addict.

- Whoa! - Yep.

- Oh man, you're clean now?

- Yeah, one year, three months, 22 days.

- Congratulations, and what was the turning point?

Was it like done?

- My dad found me unresponsive in my room a couple times,

- Oh my god. - And (chuckles nervously),

as a parent you're probably, yeah.

- Yeah.

- That's probably harder for you.

He revived me and I just cried in his arms.

I was like I can't do this,

I can't live using, I can't live clean,

and I decided to go to treatment one more time.

I'd been about 13 times.

I decided that if I hated it still a year later,

I could still just kill myself,

so I got clean and then a year later I loved my life.

- Oh my god, come here.


- I'm really grateful to still be alive.

- Yeah.

- Thank you. - Thank you.


- Come on in, hello!

- Hello. - Hi.

- Should we hug?

Let's just hug.

- Hi, yes I'm a hugger. - You're a hugger.

- And what's your name?

- Kate. - Kate.

Is it a problem for you?

- I think anything can be a problem.

- Ooh, alcohol?

- Alcohol, sure. - Alcohol is your drug.

- No, cocaine, mushrooms, and weed.

- That was a lot you said in one sentence.

So you don't think it's a problem?

- I think that sometimes the way

that I do drugs is a problem.

- How do you do them?

- When they're there, I'm like a fucking vacuum cleaner.

Or if I'm drinking, it's like

let's just drink as many drinks as possible

and let's just go as far away from--

- That's how I feel at a buffet.


- I wish I had more control.

- Ha.

You look like you're someone in control.

- Look good, feel good, you know?

- I know, but doesn't that wear you down?

- Absolutely.

- Then what are you left with?

(inhaling deeply)


- Um...

Dammit. (laughs)

You got me. (sniffs)

- It's okay. - Yeah.


- I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

You did this, this is your fault.

(all laughing)


(crew clapping)


- I don't know, I feel like I went

through an emotional rollercoaster.

Drugs seem to be more of an escape for everybody.

I think I've been at the same place a lot of people

have been in terms of what turned them to drugs.

I'm constantly trying to find love for myself,

and not use things as an escape,

which is very tempting,

but I fear that if I go down there,

I would not be able to control it.

- Yeah.

(crew clapping)

I'm supposed to go on a road trip with my fucking kids.

(laughs) Oh my god.

For more infomation >> Guess Which Drugs I Use (Ellen) | Lineup | Cut - Duration: 7:01.


Ingraham: new Know the Trifles of which even we do not know - Duration: 11:51.

now the Democrats like to portray themselves as members of the enlightened

class they're the elites and conservatives are the vulgarians so

Trump of course to them is the ultimate know-nothing right I mean he's a guy who

shoots from the hip and the mouth he hasn't marinated himself sufficiently in

the writings of let's say Aristotle and Plato and he doesn't understand world

history or the complexity of geopolitics he lacks compassion and is so so crass I

think it's fair to note that the president has is vulgar I mean is vulgar

has insulted Prime Minister he watches a lot of cable television no matter what

he says but his lack of reading lack of interest in reading is a big contrast to

our last two president he doesn't have any empathy even for his recovering wife

he doesn't have any empathy for anyone meanwhile the same left wingers who

claim Trump is a lowbrow ignoramus are conspiring to make our children

something far worse in my mind not only do today's liberals many of them hate

our American traditions and a lot of our heritage but they're also the agents of

a historical and cultural purge the likes of which I don't think we've ever

seen in our nation now you know it's gotten bad when just this week leftist

librarians took it upon themselves to strike Laura Ingalls Wilder's name from

a major children's book award the American Library Association first

awarded the prize to Wilder herself back in 1954 they later named it after her

but now the librarians claim that Wilders work includes stereotypical

attitudes not consistent with values regarding the depiction of Native

Americans now I think I'm right here but little house was after all set in the

1800's in Minnesota so don't we want to know how people in the past lived how

they thought and frankly how they survived my view is if we hide or worse

demolish our history what do our children go to learn the lessons of the

past so I guess Mark Twain Truman Capote Flannery

O'Connor Harper Lee and those other stereotypical writers will also soon

have to be banned as well so who are the real book banners now well I guess

there's always those lovely PC graphic novels kids now this is the same leftist

mentality that has led to of course the destruction of historical markers and

statues all over the country what amount of Marxist City Councils have ordered

the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces removing history

altogether rather than allowing the next generation to see it interpret it and

yes debate it now these official acts I think of inspired left-wing activists

to take it upon themselves to topple or deface statues which you know for good

or for bad of course are part of our national memory and by the way I'm

saying this as a Connecticut Yankee I got no I got no affinity for the South

but it doesn't stop there even this 1925 World War one cross

memorial in Maryland is now considered offensive to militant atheists they

filed a suit to have the memorial removed and the Fourth Circuit Court of

Appeals agreed with them and ordered the peace crosses demolition so now who are

the intolerant know-nothings again the left

I would submit is so blinded dogmatic in their ideology and their hatreds that

they refuse to accept even basic facts sometimes scientific facts abortion is

but one example now they continue to deny the obvious truth of human life in

the womb now far from an article of faith religious understanding this is an

established scientific fact and we have the pictures to prove it who could deny

that an ultrasound of a 12 week old child preborn child in the womb is a

living human being growing and living well but groups like Planned Parenthood

and the Democratic Party at large well they're determined looking the other way

that I didn't like the fact that people can see this mother's seeing these

images the visual evidence the proof of life is the threat

threat to the abortion racket make hundreds of millions of dollars on this

don't look the left is so anti debate so anti dialogue that they prefer to

intimidate now and demonize their political opponents rather than convince

them convinced of it their arguments the right one bring people along to your

point of view no no we're not gonna do that

instead they resort to slander or labeling conservatives or Trump

supporters as remember Hillary called them the deplorable z'

Obama said the people clinging to their guns and their religion

now we've told you about those 2016 texts this all bleeds through the

process all the way down to FBI agents working on the Hillary Clinton probe one

said that Trump supporters not deplorable but they're all ports a

middle class uneducated lazy POS look it up if you don't know what it means that

think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing

another referred to his voters from Ohio as quote retarded nice no bias there but

sadly now it's gotten even worse because we now know that we have in the White

House someone who could lead the Ku Klux Klan in the United States of America

somebody who could be the leader of the neo-nazi if you vote for Trump then you

the voter you not donald trump or standing at the border like nazis go you

hear you hear tens of millions of people voted for him after he showed his cards

four years what are you said we are you suggesting

that they're racist or they're yes yeah i meant the people who vote all the

people who voted for Donald Trump yes at least are being honest now that's what

they always felt now they're actually saying it so understand this by casting

their political opponents as a despicable frankly subhuman class the

left now has a blanket license to attack them and target them in public they're

not going to be able to go to a restaurant they're not going to be able

to stop at a gas station they're not going to be able to shop at a department

store the people are going to turn on them they go to protest they're gonna

absolutely harass them on till they decide that they're going to

tell the president no I can't hang with you harass them when they go into public

places surround crowd what does that lead to

well it's expected the leftist renegades have absorbed this message from the

political class it's now open season on conservatives activists are now papering

White House adviser Stephen Miller's neighborhood in DC with wanted posters

barring Miller's image wanted posters treating the White House official like a

criminal to be hunted and captured completely justified in their minds now

for months the left has been insisting of course that the president's

immigration policies especially his travel ban was unconstitutional they

derided Trump in his administration as racist for attempting to prohibit

immigration and travel from certain volatile hotspots same ones that Obama

targeted as hot spots himself now again the left refuses to acknowledge basic

truths basic facts it's a national security threat and it's posed by

immigration from certain regions in the world

we can't vet these people no systems in place well the court today weighed in

not only ruling that the president has the statutory authority to control and

regulate immigration frankly it should have been a 9-0 case but that the ban

does not contain any religious or anti-muslim bias the ruling shows that

all of the attacks from the media and the Democrat politicians are wrong and

they turned out to be very wrong now the left was stunned that the Supreme Court

sided with Trump on the travel ban DNC deputy chair congressman keith Ellison

without so much as a even an attempt at a glancing reference to statutory

interpretation he reacted this way corsets really should not be on the

Supreme Court in my view he's so he may he may be there but he's not there

properly you know you know he you know you can do that I mean in this you know

you can you can jam in a Supreme Court by denying a sitting president their

right to appoint the Supreme Court justice that is exactly what happened

and course it has just done what paymasters send him there to do last

part is key not a real justice he's just doing what his paymaster's said to do

guys a storied career as a jurist on the federal court of appeals so no legal

rebuttal to the statutory interpretation of the court no attempt at a rational

argument just personal demonization of a Supreme Court justice now in the 1850s

America saw the rise of the know-nothing party it was an anti-immigrant an

anti-catholic political movement that sprang from what was ultimately a secret

society and today we're seeing the rise of another know-nothing party made up of

secret forces deployed to undermine the will of the people and the

representatives they know nothing of facts nothing of history and nothing of

the damage that they're doing now to the Republic they're called Democrat


For more infomation >> Ingraham: new Know the Trifles of which even we do not know - Duration: 11:51.


Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 2:24.

 Kourtney Kardashian is indulging in the local cuisine while in Italy for a romantic vacation with her boyfriend Younes Bendjima

 The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star posted a backside view of herself in a bikini poolside on Monday with the caption, "This Italian food

" She finished off the Instagram story with emojis that we can only assume highlight what she has been eating: spaghetti, pizza, fish, gelato and panna cotta (it's technically the custard emoji but we're taking liberties for her here for the sake of consistency

)  Kardashian and Bendjima have been living "la dolce vita" in Capri, Italy at the five-star hotel Capri Palace for past few days

The reality star posted another bikini photo on one of many boat rides they've been enjoying while in the island off the west coast of Italy

 They were also photographed sharing a sweet kiss on Friday, as they swam in the crystal clear blue waters

 The couple opted for the beachside destination after making a stop in Rome. Kardashian posted two photos in the Eternal City on Thursday, one at the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

 The dairy-free, gluten-free star is known for keeping her strict diet whenever possible, but admits that her cheat meals often fall when she's abroad

 "You only live once, so traveling is a time that we cheat here and there," she wrote in a post on her app in September, "especially when we're in other countries, where the quality of food can be so much better

" Tags Celebrity Food Kourtney Kardashian News

For more infomation >> Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 2:24.


Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 2:07.

 Kourtney Kardashian is indulging in the local cuisine while in Italy for a romantic vacation with her boyfriend Younes Bendjima

 The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star posted a backside view of herself in a bikini poolside on Monday with the caption, "This Italian food

" She finished off the Instagram story with emojis that we can only assume highlight what she has been eating: spaghetti, pizza, fish, gelato and panna cotta (it's technically the custard emoji but we're taking liberties for her here for the sake of consistency

)  Kardashian and Bendjima have been living "la dolce vita" in Capri, Italy at the five-star hotel Capri Palace for past few days

The reality star posted another bikini photo on one of many boat rides they've been enjoying while in the island off the west coast of Italy

 They were also photographed sharing a sweet kiss on Friday, as they swam in the crystal clear blue waters

 The couple opted for the beachside destination after making a stop in Rome. Kardashian posted two photos in the Eternal City on Thursday, one at the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

 The dairy-free, gluten-free star is known for keeping her strict diet whenever possible, but admits that her cheat meals often fall when she's abroad

 "You only live once, so traveling is a time that we cheat here and there," she wrote in a post on her app in September, "especially when we're in other countries, where the quality of food can be so much better

" Tags Celebrity Food Kourtney Kardashian News

For more infomation >> Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 2:07.


Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 1:47.

is indulging in the local cuisine while in Italy for a romantic vacation with her

The star posted a poolside on Monday with the caption, "This Italian food." She finished off the story with emojis that we can only assume highlight what she has been eating: spaghetti, pizza, fish, gelato and panna cotta (it's technically the custard emoji but we're taking liberties for her here for the sake of consistency

) Kardashian and Bendjima have been living "la dolce vita" in Capri, Italy at the five-star hotel Capri Palace for past few days

The reality star posted another bikini photo on one of many boat rides they've been enjoying while in the island off the west coast of Italy

They were also photographed on Friday, as they swam in the crystal clear blue waters

The couple opted for the beachside destination after . Kardashian posted two photos in the Eternal City on Thursday, one at the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

The dairy-free, gluten-free star is known for whenever possible, but admits that her cheat meals often fall when she's abroad

"You only live once, so traveling is a time that we cheat here and there," she wrote in , "especially when we're in other countries, where the quality of food can be so much better


For more infomation >> Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 1:47.


Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 1:50.

  is indulging in the local cuisine while in Italy for a romantic vacation with her

 The star posted a poolside on Monday with the caption, "This Italian food." She finished off the story with emojis that we can only assume highlight what she has been eating: spaghetti, pizza, fish, gelato and panna cotta (it's technically the custard emoji but we're taking liberties for her here for the sake of consistency

)  Kardashian and Bendjima have been living "la dolce vita" in Capri, Italy at the five-star hotel Capri Palace for past few days

The reality star posted another bikini photo on one of many boat rides they've been enjoying while in the island off the west coast of Italy

 They were also photographed on Friday, as they swam in the crystal clear blue waters

 The couple opted for the beachside destination after . Kardashian posted two photos in the Eternal City on Thursday, one at the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

 The dairy-free, gluten-free star is known for whenever possible, but admits that her cheat meals often fall when she's abroad

 "You only live once, so traveling is a time that we cheat here and there," she wrote in , "especially when we're in other countries, where the quality of food can be so much better

" Tags

For more infomation >> Kourtney Kardashian Bares Her Bikini Butt (Which She Credits to 'This Italian Food') While on Vacati - Duration: 1:50.


1146 The problem in which the person listens to others talking about cramp and ends up having cramp - Duration: 4:18.

I have a lot of cramp

and I often get cramp when I hear someone talking about cramp

For example, I heard the client saying that he has cramp in both legs

and the next day I had cramp

so I thought it was that person, does this have anything to do with it?

You're saying it's the right side of the brain.

These things happen when the right side of the brain reacts to something

the question is what reacted

How did you say it was when you had this conversation?

but since there is no certainty that this person is

so there's a feature of this kind of conversation, right?

So what is the characteristic of this type of conversation?

Imagine this sena ...

You are reacting by imagining

I understand...

I'm imagining the scene where I spend three very quiet hours

Are you saying that's it?

You have to stay still and sleep at all times.

You're saying it's a reaction to falling asleep.

and this makes the right side have cramp

This means that it is possible to reproduce the cramp

So the question is what would be the reaction when you imagine you are sleeping


And this, so that the right side of the brain stays like this, there is the previous one to this

And where does that come from?

Is the support bone

The support bone is ... The left foot

The first toe of the left foot ...

The navicular of the left foot


The medial A5IN

So that sort of thing ...

You are saying that the support bone gets a bit

So if you get into it

the brain reacts to this and it happens

Usually you can reproduce that, can not you?

I do the reproduction of everything

This state

You are saying that this state occurs inside the body

When imagining something with the brain

the support bone is thus in this direction

And when it points in this direction the cramp

He said that he is a person in which this phenomenon occurs

It's happening on the right side

- In the right side? - Yes

Doing this sometimes has a third party as well ...

Go all together

Is coming?

So if you are related it will appear

Can not ...

Is coming? How's it coming?

My foot ...

Wait a minute

So come...

The direction to remedy this is in reverse.

The direction to remedy is P1 5EX


In me it also relieved ...

Then that's it

I just want to do something for the next one.

I want to be able to respond to what they expect of me

Compensation, reason for living, helping others

I want to be the pro.

and I want to teach these techniques to the world

For more infomation >> 1146 The problem in which the person listens to others talking about cramp and ends up having cramp - Duration: 4:18.


World Cup 2018: Harsh truth of quality chasm which stalks Socceroos - Duration: 3:01.

World Cup 2018: Harsh truth of quality chasm which stalks Socceroos

The hysteria over Tim Cahilll and Daniel Arzani - and the scant match minutes they were afforded - disguises one irrefutable fact: when the chips were down the Socceroos couldn't find the Midas touch needed to succeed at World Cup level.

Be it against France, Denmark and finally Peru, those fine margins of quality, where games are won and lost, were like a mirage.

Always just beyond their reach.

The fact that both goals at the tournament came from Mile Jedinak penalties tells a story of a team lacking the penetration and the ruthless efficiency that separates the also-rans from the achievers on football's most unforgiving stage.

With the final Group C game against Peru already out of their grasp at 2-0, the calls for Cahill were finally answered in the 52nd minute by van Marwijk, as he replaced an ineffective Tomi Juric.

But, at 38, Timmy Time isn't what it used to be and the legendary Socceroo barely had a touch as Peru - already out before a ball had been kicked - made their raucous army of fans proud with a performance which finally delivered on their promise.

While Cahill's decorated international career ended with a whimper in stifling Sochi heat, Arzani's is just beginning.

He arrived in the 57th minute but at the age of 19, and with just 25 professional games of football to his name, he is not yet the miniature messiah people want him to be.

He had some beguiling moments, and his movement and trickery were a concern for Peru, but too much is expected of him too soon.

His time will come.

As for the Socceroos, they will lick their wounds, dream of what might have been as they go their separate ways en route out of Russia.

Arch pragmatist van Marwijk will insist he did the best with the talent at his disposal.

And rationalists and realists will nod sagely and venture that while luck was never a bedfellow at this World Cup, Australia simply couldn't breach the quality chasm, even if Tom Rogic, a master of improvisation in one of his best displays for his country, didn't deserve to end up on a losing side.

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