hey guys it's Mitchell and today we're going to talk about what to look for in
a laptop
hey guys it's Mitchell Losey and welcome to my channel if you're new here
subscribe so that you get updated when I post my new videos I try to post videos
at least once a week so you'll want to stay informed will you I don't know
alright guys so today I want to talk about laptops specifically
because I have this old laptop and it is it's cool it does not do what I need it
to do anymore and I need to find myself a new laptop so right now I have my
desktop computer which is my main workhorse and I love it I built it
myself it's good enough at the moment for what I need it to do and I also have
this old laptop I got it senior year of high school so that's
like 6 years ago so at this point it's pretty outdated it works it still works
when I first got it this thing was like the thing to get it was when
touchscreens started just being added to the laptop so this is a touchscreen and
at the time it was an ultra portable laptop it was super thin but now by
today's standards it's pretty hefty for what it is so yeah my laptop is an Acer
Aspire it's got an i-5 in it probably a 5500 it's got 8 gigabytes of RAM and has
like a 500 around 500 gigabytes of storage they also had like a hyper drive
in there so it boot up in like less than 16 seconds and that works for a while
but now it's kind of stopped doing that and some things just don't work on
anymore like the sound does not work one day it was just like I'm done and then
no more sound for me coming out of the speakers on this thing can't even plug
in headphones so that's super frustrating if I'm trying to watch
videos you don't want to listen to music not on here also the backlit keyboard
blew out which I don't know why it still kind of works if I
bend it in the right spot but that doesn't work anymore which kind of sucks
and then with like keeping up the things that I'm doing especially now that I
have to like edit all these videos this thing definitely won't keep up with that
it freezes all the time I'm always having to restart it and sometimes when
I restart it the internet won't work won't connect the network that's around
so it's just like super frustrating which yeah so yeah and I know I have
like my desktop PC but you know sometimes I just want to like sit on the
couch watch TV while having a laptop like it's a great computer I love it but
likes I have to be at this or have to be in this room if I want to use it so that
just kind of sucks I'd love to be able to like take my laptop places work
anywhere that kind of thing definitely in the market for a laptop but this year
in 2018 there are so many options for laptops it's so hard to figure out what
to even get so I'm gonna try to break down what I think would be right for
what type of user kind of help you guys figure out what might fit into what you
need yeah I'm gonna kind of like walk through the different specifications for
laptops kind of talk about what's good for what what you should be sure your
weight should be shopping for for different use cases that you might have
so let's get started so the first thing you figure out is what are you gonna be
using this for you and if you're out what type of a user you are what
different applications you're gonna be running on it what's like the hardest
use case this thing's gonna go under and that's gonna determine everything else
so if you are a light browser like you just use it to use the internet maybe
you do a little like spreadsheets not much no real like hardcore applications
being open there's that set of users and then if you're more of like a mild user
you you know your surfing the web with a bunch of tabs your streaming videos
watching Netflix whatever and then you're also using some like lighter
application maybe a little bit of light gaming
there's that user case so like the general day-to-day person just like use
a laptop most of your day you need to get work done on it there's like power
user who's gonna be doing all those things I previously said with on using
like really heavy applications like any of the Adobe Photoshop premier that kind
of stuff 3d modeling like SolidWorks AutoCAD that
type of stuff or just like or just anywhere you need a bunch of processing
power you're gonna be kind of like the stupid user so then from those
categories that pretty much divides right up to what kind of processor you
should get that's the central processing unit it's the main brain of the computer
kind of does what it says it's gonna pretty much determine how many tasks you
can do at once and how fast you're gonna be able to do them so if you're looking
at Intel that's the main things that I would go for you have their I 3 their
i-5 or their i7 versions of their CPUs there's also the lower versions like the
core em threes the core different ones pretty much what you should be looking
for is anything that is dual core or quad core now the latest processors are
coming out which are like the 88,000 version of the AI number those are all
quad core now which is a step up from the previous ones that are all dual core
you pretty much get like twice as much crossing the car because you have
instead of only having two pathways to get things done you have four pathways
to get things done so you're that light user that just kind of browsing the web
maybe watching some Netflix streaming a few things not really doing any gaming
or heavy applications you're gonna be under that I three that's gonna be right
for you if you're the more medium user who has some light applications maybe a
little bit of gaming you're gonna want the i-5 and then if you're that Pro user
who's editing stuff or doing rendering you know any 3d object applications
you're gonna want that I seven so you can
those tests done faster after the processor one of the next most important
things is going to be how much RAM you should get so Ram stands for random
access memory so RAM does is it stores all of the data that you're currently
using so if you have a bunch of browser tabs open it's gonna keep all of that
storage stuff that's currently being used needs to be accessed really quickly
in that location on that little chip of RAM the more you have the more multitask
and you can do this that's pretty much how much from all the tests can do and
how much RAM or two go hand-in-hand so if you would have a lot of things you're
gonna be doing if you want to have multiple applications open and be able
to switch between them really fast you're gonna want more RAM so my
recommendation in RAM is in 2018 the least you're gonna want is 8 gigabytes
now previously it's been 4 gigabytes but now that's not even gonna be enough for
you so if your that light user you're gonna want to probably stick around 8
gigabytes at the lowest you could go for but you're gonna see some things slowing
down on your computer so if you want it nice and snappy I would say eight
gigabytes if you're that medium user I would definitely recommend 16 gigabytes
and if you're that power user if you can afford it definitely go for 32 gigabytes
but you might not need it so you might be able to stay 16 gigabytes I think 16
gigabytes is the sweet spot but it all comes down to what you can afford and
what your use case will be for this the next thing that comes down to with
picking out a laptop is how much storage you have so that's gonna be your hard
storage that's gonna keep all your files anything that you save on the computers
can be stored here and nowadays it's either between a solid-state drive or a
hard disk drive so that means is this hard disk drive there's literally a
little platter that spins around and it writes code on to it to remember all the
things so it's going to be slower or you have solid-state drive so there's no
moving parts it literally is kind of like a flash drive but bigger and faster
so that means data it can be written to it and taken off really quickly so the
tricky thing here is that the more you can get is always better because files
are getting bigger and bigger these days so the more the better but the other
thing is hard disks are a lot slower than a solid-state drive is so if you
have a solid-state drive and your operating systems on that your system is
gonna be so much happier so much faster and it's totally worth it the problem is
the higher the SSD the more expensive your laptop's gonna be because that is
like the premium stuff it is getting cheaper but it's still pretty expensive
most laptops they're gonna start around 128 gigabytes which is gonna be barely
enough you're gonna want at least 256 gigabytes but if you can definitely
afford it with a solid-state drive go for 512 gigabytes or if you can get a
terabyte if you can afford that it's totally gonna be worth it so you get
super quick storage you move files back and forth super quick and you're also
gonna be able to load applications so fast it really makes the big difference
if you have an old laptop that has a hard disk drive and you can swap out a
solid-state drive that's gonna boost your computer speed it's gonna make it
fast it's gonna make an old laptop kind of feel like new so that's always a
great option if you can't you're definitely gonna want at least a
terabyte of hard disk drive so you have plenty of space they're not very
expensive compared to solid state drives and also with drives if you're getting
if you don't care about how thin your computer is and it's thicker you can
always get a combination of solid-state drives and hard drives it'll come with a
combo of about like 128 solid-state drive maybe a 256 audio driver but then
also have a one terabyte hard disk drive and that's so that you can have your
operating system on a solid-state drive you have a really fast experience with
the operating system it'll start up really fast they also have your hard
disk drive so your computer can store its again store its permanent files
where you're just saving things and it doesn't
access stuff as fast so that's always a great option but if you're looking at
portability it's probably gonna come down to a solid-state drive and you're
gonna have to weigh your options there some of the last thing to think about
when you're trying to think about what kind of a laptop you want to buy is the
form factor so if you are say a college students or something you're probably
gonna want a two-in-one so that you can have it fold into a tablet you can have
a stylus you take can write notes if you're more of just kind of working on
it you don't need that you can just do a clamshell where it doesn't fold in half
all the way around it just closes like a normal laptop also you can do something
where it's like the surface pro or it's just a tablet but then it has a fancy
keyboard cover that kind of makes it into a pseudo laptop but my personal
preference this laptop I've had was a touchscreen it doesn't turn into a
two-in-one but I hardly used the touchscreen so if
you're not gonna get a two-in-one it's really not worth paying an extra price
to get touchscreen for it some people like it so they can like scroll through
the web pages by just using their finger on the screen I didn't like that because
I my screen gets all smudgy and I just it felt weird when it doesn't open up
and do a tablet in my personal opinion I would say if it's not two in one
don't bother with a touchscreen oh and another thing was screens is that you if
you're working on stuff that needs to be color accurate like photo editing and
video editing or anything like that you're probably gonna want i PS panel
because those are super color accurate so you're gonna want to look for it to
have IPS panel if you're not it doesn't really matter you want it to at least be
full HD 4k on a laptop doesn't really make too much sense because the screens
only so big so it's gonna look just as clear as if you have a full HD so if it
comes down to that with price go with the full HD and for save some money on
the screen so then you can have more for like a solid-state drive or more RAM so
yeah those are kind of the things you want to look for kind of think about
figure out what kind of user you are then look at the different
anything's gonna be a good option you just gotta think about how much how
portable you want it to be how powerful you need it to be I would say an i-5
with 16 gigabytes of RAM and 256 gigabytes of storage on a solid-state
drive I'd be a good option if you're going to
put altra portable you're gonna be doing like video editing 3d rendering stuff
video gaming for sure you're definitely gonna want to i7 16 gigabytes ram at
least and then you're probably gonna need a bigger Drive so maybe a
combination of drives whatever is gonna work for you you just kind of think
about which use case will be best for you there another thing was gaining you
can also look out for it you're gonna go for more of like a gaming laptop you
we're gonna want to get a good graphics card if you can play a graphic intensive
games like first-person shooters you know Call of Duty battlefield grand
theft auto fortnight even you're gonna want a good graphics card and it really
knew where laptops come with the graphics card built in but come with
like an Nvidia 1050 or 1060 I'll just add more cost but it's definitely worth
it if you're in a gaming or even video editing that'll help out too so yeah for
what I'm looking for I'm probably gonna need like an i7 with 16 gigabytes of RAM
hopefully like 512 gigabytes of storage on SSD probably not a graphics card
because I'm gonna want something more portable so that I can take it with me
and go work on a coffee shop at a video or just work anywhere with a nice light
ultra plus for part of a laptop so another important thing with a laptop
now that is 2018 is to get one that has a USB C Thunderbolt 3 port that is gonna
be super helpful it'll allow you to hook up to a 4k monitor it'll actually allow
you hook up to like 2 or 3 4k monitors from a single port it'll allow you to
move files at like super speeds you can also hook up a graphics card externally
so you could if you wanted the thin ultra portable laptop but you still
wanted graphics power for if you're editing playing video games
they sell portable graphics cards and the nice form factors that you could
keep on your desk and then your your desk you just hook it right in and
you have a graphics card it's that insanely cool yeah so that's
also really important to look for in a laptop is making sure it has at least
one USB C Thunderbolt three port for sure so yeah with all the laptops that
are out there this year there's a lot of good options it just kind of depends on
your use case do you want a two in one do you want a tablet do you want a real
full laptop he's kind of gonna think about that and then think about your use
case to figure out what type of performance you need and which parts are
going to get you that hopefully this video helped you kind of see what you
should go for and help me make a decision to figure out what you need if
you have any good recommendations for a laptop let me know in the comments below
and you know what you're using it for a laptop what do you like in a laptop any
of that stuff let me know in the comments I'd love to hear from you guys
and if you're not subscribed already get subscribed so you know when I post new
videos and like this video if you liked it if it's helpful it really helps me
out so yeah thanks for watching and I will see you guys in the next one
alright bye
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