how to make basil butter milk
How To Make Sure Your Home Inspector Can Pass The Test - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
How to Make YouTube Videos (In 5 EASY Steps!) - Duration: 4:30.hey guys I'm Danielle and the video production manager here at The HOTH in
case you haven't heard videos basically taking over the world which means that
it's time for you to add it to your marketing plan there's this
misconception that video is super expensive it's time consuming and you
really have to be creative in order to be successful and that's just not always
the case today we're going to go over five simple steps for you to make an
awesome online video so the first step is the brainstorm and it's actually the
easiest part of creating a video because we're turning blog content into your
videos all you need to know is which blogs are performing best for you go
ahead and go into your Google Analytics drop down behavior site content all
pages and then we want to go ahead and type slash blog because that's where
ours is located and then here we can see the amount of traffic we've been getting
to all of our blogs and we know that this is a great list of content to start
from the next step is writing your script you'll use the main key points
from your blog post go ahead and shrink all that content down so that it's
shorter and more conversational you want this to sound natural like you're
talking to a friend we don't want any lengthy stats here or anything that's
difficult to pronounce go ahead and breathe through your scripts a couple
times out loud to see if anything makes you stumble once you have your script
completed then it's time for filming if you're just starting out and you don't
have any fancy equipment that's totally okay you probably have a high quality
camera right in your pocket just two things to keep in mind while you're
filming you always want your phone to be horizontal while you're filming
otherwise your video is gonna look like this when you edit you also want to make
sure when you're working with natural light that you have it on the person
who's speaking space if you have it behind them it's gonna look like this
the next step is editing you don't really need to worry about what kind of
editing program you're gonna use if you have a Mac it comes preloaded with
iMovie and this works totally fine you'll drag the clips that you want to
edit into iMovie you have them up here in the top but you can just drag them
straight down here to start your timeline think of editing is layering so
this is gonna be my April this is the main piece of video that we're gonna
edit then anything that I put on top of it is called b-roll it can cover up a
cut or it can add emphasis to whatever you're talking about then underneath it
is music because you're layering here you will hear both audio tracks but
you'll only see whatever footage track is on top
if you want to split up the clip all you need to do is right click and then go
down to split clip now you have two separate pieces that you can work with
whenever you're done with your video go ahead and go up to file share file and
you'll export your video make sure it's in at least 1080 go ahead and save it
and then you have your video file for you to upload to YouTube the last step
is the upload so we recommend uploading all of your videos to YouTube YouTube is
owned by Google and Google starting to use a lot of YouTube videos in the
actual results pages so this is where your SEO skills can come into play one
of the things that I recommend is making sure that your keyword is in your title
turn blog content into videos it's kind of a long a long tail keyword that we
use for this so that is in my title for example if you're gonna do another video
maybe about video marketing ten best tips you wouldn't want to do the ten
best tips of video marketing because video marketing is now at the end of
your title you would do video marketing : ten best tips in here I always
recommend to use this space make sure you put a description make sure you are
using some keywords video traffic increase your web traffic things like
this never link to your video you also want to make sure you are putting tags
in here just utilize all of this area it's really gonna help Google and
YouTube both understand what your video is about so once you have all of this
information in you for your video the only thing left for you to do is
actually embed it on the blog post that you want it on so let's go ahead and
check out this video if we go to share I'm gonna click embed this is gonna give
you your embed code all you need to do is copy and paste that onto your website
and then you'll start seeing some new traffic we hope these simple steps
inspired you to kick off your video marketing plan if you're not ready to
start creating videos yourself we have a product that can help you get started
Hoth video takes your original blog content and turns it into a two to four
minute video these videos come with professional spokesperson quality stock
footage animated text graphics a customized call to action and your
company logo these videos also come to you with YouTube optimized title tags
and description all you need to do is upload if you're interested in learning
more about Hoff video reach out to one of our account managers today
How to make Chocolate Ganache!!! - Duration: 6:13.-------------------------------------------
simple how to make smooth zoom in and zoom out - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
How to Make Marinara Sauce from Fresh Tomatoes [CC] - Duration: 1:08.When I have extra tomatoes that are about to spoil, I make a homemade marinara sauce.
I've gotten questions about how I make this sauce, so today I am sharing my method.
This recipe is what I call "lazy cooking".
I don't use specific measurements.
Instead I keep things simple and add in ingredients to taste.
So, first I wash the tomatoes, then blend to the consistency I'd like the sauce to be.
Then I pour into a pot and turn the burner on low.
Today I am adding in oregano, thyme, black pepper, salt, a bit of sugar, flour to thicken the sauce,
and avocado oil.
Then I heat the sauce thoroughly and serve with my favorite vegetables or pasta, typically.
Today I have also added a ground meat to the sauce, but this is entirely optional.
If you're not yet subscribed, I'd love to have you join our nutrition family over here at Nutrition Elevated. And if you have a nutrition question you'd like answered, leave it down in the comments below.
How To Make Chocolate Cake 2018 #77! 10+ Simple Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas 2018 - Duration: 10:03.
How To Make Chocolate Cake 2018 #76! 10+ Simple Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas 2018 - Duration: 11:53.
DIY How to make bouquet out of candies and artificial flowers (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #499 - Duration: 3:36.Hi. Today I will show you how to make bouquet out of candies and artificial flowers.
Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.
First, cut a styrofoam ball in a half.
Make a hole by using wooden stick.
Wrap the wooden stick by using ribbon.
Cut a piece out of tulle,..
...fold it in a half...
...and wrap a candy.
Secure it by using glue.
Do the same with all the candies.
Glue the leaves near the edge of styrofoam.
Glue a few candies on the middle of styrofoam.
Attach the artificial grass.
Cut a small rectangle out of tulle.
Crease it...
...and glue it above the leaves.
Glue the artificial flowers.
Cut a few strips out of abaca fiber mesh.
Use them to decorate the bouquet.
Pour the glue to the hole and attach the handle.
Cut a piece of decorative mesh. About 16cm long.
Fold it in a half and attach to the styrofoam.
Cover entire bottom side of styrofoam.
And it's done.
This bouquet will be a beautiful gift for wedding, birthday or anniversaries.
Of course you can use other flowers and different additions.
Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.
Thanks for watching. Bye bye.
How To Make Chocolate Cake 2018 #75! 10+ Simple Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas 2018 - Duration: 10:52.
BEST Side Hustles to Make Money - Duration: 1:10.Get yourself a side
hustle and make some money
Ever try to get a raise at work
Just to have your boss say
I really appreciate you
You're very valued and
I wish we could give you some
extra money except
times are really tough and we can't make that happen
That's why most of us are picking up side hustles
A good 37 percent of Americans in a new survey
said they've got a side hustle
and they're making some additional money
significant money
An extra six hundred and eighty six bucks a month
is being brought in on average
That adds up to eight thousand two hundred bucks a year
What are the top 4 most common side hustles?
Well, number 4 is repairs and landscaping
Hey, if you're a good handyman and you don't mind
the sweat and work that goes into landscaping
you might want to pick that up
selling stuff online is not that bad of a gig
selling crafts
Childcare is a lot of work, lets not kid ourselves
that will definitely be a full- time job in itself
I don't know if "side hustle" that's
full-time gig, type work
but crafts, that could be fun
like a hobby, sell it and make some extra money
Eight thousand two hundred bucks extra a year?
That doesn't sound too bad
Thanks for watching
be safe
make sure you "like"
The Obama administration was plagued by a long list of scandals and the mainstream media
looked the other way.
In fact, Obama is still running around saying that his administration didn't have any
scandals and the media gives him a pass for it.
The audacity there is remarkable.
The EPA alone had four scandals going on at the same time during the Obama years.
On top of that, we are all familiar with the IRS scandal, VA scandal, DOJ scandal, Benghazi
scandal, Hillary Clinton scandal, and on and on.
Not only was Obama responsible for a lot of scandals but a few of the scandals cost American
Fast and Furious was one of those scandals and we are still trying to get to the bottom
of what happened.
On Wednesday, Jeff Sessions announced a big development on that front…
From The Daily Caller:
Here's more.
From The Hill:
Obviously, this is a great move.
There are a lot of reasons to be disappointed in Jeff Sessions but there are also a lot
of areas where he has been doing a fantastic job.
He's been fantastic on immigration and moves like this are surely going to earn him some
points with conservatives.
Not just conservatives, though.
This should score him points with anyone who is interested in the truth.
This isn't about Republican or Democrat, it's about getting to the truth and exposing
nefarious activity
the highest
levels of government.
Hopefully, we
can finally start
getting some answers.
How to Make Multiple Participants as Admins on a WhatsApp Group - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
How To Make Cartoon Animation Video In Bangla 2018.YTB TECHBiD - Duration: 9:16.Welcome Friends ST Technical BD r pokkho theke apnader shobaike shagotom.
Power Lead System Income Proof - How To Make $1000 Commissions - Power Lead System 2018 - Duration: 14:38.and what's going on is Paul farmer from I'll be going over
my power lead system income proof and results for the week I do these every
week I've been doing it since about I believe it's September 2017 you could
actually go back at my channel or my blog Paul Jay farmer comm and check that
out if you like to see my progress I've been documenting it the whole time if
you don't know what power lead system is is a marketing tools and training suite
basically it is designed to be used for any business any service any product to
help them get more leads and make more sales that's the main thing so no matter
what you're doing you can definitely benefit from power lead system now I'm
gonna do my best to keep this short I just completed a workout and I am a
little bit shaky actually exercise is one of the things I do on my daily
routine so but yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna keep this a little bit shorter I usually
go at least 20 minutes I'm gonna do my best to keep this at no more than 10
minutes okay so power lead system like I said I
started it in April of 2015 I didn't really do much with it I was just a
customer and I why wasn't a customer I was in Philly it but I wasn't using the
affiliate program I was tapping into compensation plan eyes using the
training I was using the tools provided and I was off doing other things it
wasn't until April I mean late September 2017 I decided to take this thing
seriously really tap into the compensation plan and I was able to
create a full time income within a few months by doing so now I'm gonna go over
just a few of the principles I have followed to do so but if you want a more
detailed report what I'll do is I'll put a little card in here I go in complete
detail in many other videos about what power early system is what you want to
do be successful with power lead system in fact I just did a video the other day
last week where I went over the seven steps of principles or keys whatever you
want to call it to be successful online and you know I'll make sure I add that
as well so you can check that out well because that is what I've fought
alright so I'm just gonna jump right into it
so last night was this over here last night I did a had a thousand dollar
Commission come in at 1017 p.m. let's just jump right over to power lead
system power lead system like I said marketing tools trading platform I have
another video where I'll pop in here so you can check that out but I'm just
gonna jump right over to the Commission's earned understand these are
all products these are all training products digital products that are gonna
help you build your business you know help you with your marketing help you
make more money no matter what you're doing but as you can see right now as we
sit today and the week started over on Sunday I'm at fourteen hundred and forty
dollars okay so let's break it down real quick I have the gold Commission's this
is my residual income there's only one residual level in power lead system and
that's fifty three ninety seven a month and that pays a twenty dollar residual
income per customer per person that comes into your your business and you
make fifty percent matching bonus on whether they earned so they are the
thousand dollars here 500 is a or five I'm sorry two thousand dollars you earn
a thousand dollars doing nothing imagine if you have number of those people that
are going out going to work following the training and making things happen
that could really start adding up okay I had a master traffic Institute sale as a
thousand dollars right there those really really make a difference
obviously but thousand dollar commissions are nothing to laugh at I
mean this is life changing income right here this could really change a lot of
people's lives I remember just the other day this is
Tuesday June 26th on Sunday we had our team had a training and one of the
questions asked was how many of you would like to make five hundred dollars
just an extra five hundred to one thousand dollars a month and just
basically everybody said yes just basically everybody said yes so imagine
if you could do that weekly I've been doing that weekly since January
of this year first of this year 2018 I haven't had below $1,000 come in a
week from power lead system just because I just follow the principles follow
proven plan and I stay consistent okay that's all that is so that's that week
okay so this is this week so far and as you're gonna see is this week is
actually better than last week last week was one of my worst weeks I've had in a
very long time but it was still over 1,000 dollars and you know the average
online for people in online business is two sales for their whole career their
whole career so I could tell you firsthand when I first started been
online for six years six plus years now my first two years was miserable I
didn't know what I was doing but I definitely got more into sales I'll tell
you that but I didn't know what I was doing I didn't make her leave money it
was bad okay so this is this is a having over a thousand in a week that's that's
huge you know that's a big deal and that's one of my lower weeks
that's what on my lower week so as you can see I did a 580 remember it's 50 397
580 residual right 50% match that comes in pretty much regardless to 62-54 the
diamond level okay that's a 147 one-time payment pays you $100 over and over 400
out of social profit Academy sale that was $400 it's 497 one-time pays you $400
over and over at $50.00 overrides and then I didn't have a master traffic it's
tube sales or anything like that okay so let me jump over here real quick and
again previous videos I have so many of you I tracked this the whole time I've
been doing this the whole time I've been doing this so you can see my journey you
can see where I started see where I where I'm at now and I'm very
transparent I show you exactly what I do I want you to make an educated choice
you know a decision to better your life if this is something you want to do I
can tell you this though many people for many people power leads their fall back
it's where they come back to because they know it's stable they know it pays
on time and they know it's consistent unlike a lot of the other programs out
there that kind of fly-by-night they don't always pay you believe me I've
been there done that I have the t-shirt to show it but basically here is how the
levels look you when you come in when you when you click the link below you
hit start is seven day free trial you're going to start at the gold level what
you want to do is you want to become an affiliate so now that's gonna allow you
to earn commissions with the compensation plan and that's gonna be
and you're gonna have access to basically all the tools and then most of
the training aside from these higher level products you will not have access
to those until you get those products okay then we have the diamond like I
said it's one forty seven timepiece is 100 over and over we have social profit
academies for 97 pazi 400 over and over and of course the big dog mask truck
gets to 1497 one time pays you over and over $1,000 okay over and over
all right so 1550 a customer is your potential upfront but of course that
doesn't include a 50% match that does including pass ups that doesn't include
any of the bonuses and your the overrides so as you can see you could do
very very well with this program without too much effort so what do I do
to earn the power lead system it's going to keep this short I use a funnel we
have done free funnels done for you in the sense that we didn't put together
the funnel okay we didn't we didn't write the copy we didn't make the page
this was already done we're using pre done funnels and the funnel just
consists of a capture page a website where information is exchanged so you
capture someone's information their email it then goes to a sales page here
you have a sales page the sales page is going to do the the telling and selling
for you this works 24/7 365 days a year no matter what you're doing it works for
you as long as you are getting people to your page to your website and then the
next process is the follow-up process and there
already pre-written emails that go out on your behalf
but as you get more knowledgeable and more skilled you will want to start
personalizing those and being a real person okay letting people know who you
are telling your story because that's really where you shine that's really
where people start really wanting to work with you and so forth so the main
focus if you want to create a full time income and you want to do it relatively
fast maybe you're watching this video right now you're like man I can really
use an extra $1,000 a month okay now that's not a full-time income but that
will help a ton of people that'll take care of car payment they'll help with
the mortgage that will that will you know buy you some free time right but if
you want to make a full-time income now what is sweet let's say $1,000 extra
thousand dollars MA all right let's just go here you want to
purchase this many of these products as you possibly can you want position
yourself to make the most money because all you're focusing on is this get
people to your funnel free paid traffic get them to your sales page which we'll
go to right after they go here and then follow up but that's all you're really
focusing on that's all I do I don't do anything else I just focus on this wow
this to happen and then just follow up educate show results prove progress
results and plug them into our group we have a fantastic group with all kinds of
training and I'll just break that down real quick so if you're a brand new
person if you've been struggling to make money online even if you're a veteran we
have this this can really do some great things for you but I really want to
focus on those that are new and struggling my recommendation my
recommendation is this you want to first become an affiliate of course but you
definitely want to at least minimum do whatever you can to get to Diamond so
that is 53 97 plus the free ID secrets for 147 $100 so that's what that's going
to do is pay you $100 Commission's over and over positioning to earn more mana
more money and it's gonna unlock so our team has some different bonuses we do a
90 day blitz where we teach you exactly what to do
hold you by the hand basically walk you through step-by-step exactly what to do
to build your business how to market this is taught by a six-figure earner so
this this is uh it's free it's free you're just purchasing the products in
power lead system and you get access to it as a bonus with our team okay when
you join click the link right below and get started with me I'll get you plugged
into that if you're at the diamond level now we are gonna increase that to the
social profit Academy level because of the value being offered is really worth
way way way more than just this level okay now I also have a private group
myself where I do training I give you all my resources it's my baby it's what
I do I don't hold anything back I tell you exactly what I do to build my
business I share with you the routine I follow on a daily basis in there I do
live training I answer questions I mean it's it's everything you could ever need
so you get that you get the blitz and you get access to my group as well and
again that's just a bonus has nothing to do with power lead system just a bonus
you get would you join with me and work with me partner with me that's just a
bonus you get because for one thing my background is teaching I like to teach I
like to I like to take people from basically zero and help them reach their
goal this is what I like to do before I was a personal trainer st. my idea
I take people from being completely out of shape to being in great shape you
know feeling great looking great that's what I like to do online as well
I do the same exact thing I love teaching I love coaching helping
mentoring you know all that stuff that's what I'd like to do that's what makes my
day so when I get people that are teachable
that are ready to run it's just a great thing for me I really love helping and
seeing people succeed I personally think way too many people are struggling
online a lot of it is self-inflicted unfortunately but that is how it is you
know anyway that's all I'm going to say for today I hope you got value be sure
to click the link right below elites are flowing calm check it out get that seven
day free trial get in there get plugged into our trade like I said
free ad secrets gold and free ad secrets is where you wanted me to get our
training you know make the decision to make this as a success
okay there's no try there's only do make it happen
focus that's really where it has to be but yeah and also be sure to watch I'm
gonna put it right right after this video stay tuned and there's gonna be a
little video it pops up that's gonna say seven steps to success online just like
that right in your home business watch that video because I go over the seven
steps and I think that's really gonna be a great value to you those are the steps
those are the keys that I have followed to create a full time income online
those are the keys okay so with that thanks for watching be sure to subscribe
and I will see you on the next one
How To Make Spinach Ravioli || Cara Di Falco || Cara's Cucina - Duration: 6:42.hey everyone welcome to Cara's Cucina I'm Cara Di Falco today I am gonna be
showing you how to make spinach ravioli
great food isn't just about good ingredients and knowing how to cook it's
about telling the story of the food this is another incredible recipe that we
learned on our trip to Italy and I want to thank the chefs and the staff over at
Certosa di Pontignano for sharing this with us this was one of the classes that
they did for us we had a great time and really easy dish for everybody to learn
how to make at home so I'm really excited to be sharing this with you very
simply we have some fresh pasta dough and you can find my recipe for fresh
pasta dough at or you can get it at the card above I've got
about 2 cups of ricotta cheese 1 one and a quarter cups of cooked spinach that we
then drained I'll tell you how to do that at as well we're
gonna be putting an egg some salt pepper a little nutmeg in here and then making
our ravioli so again we're just gonna season our filling with a little salt
some black pepper
we'll get our spinach added in so I just cooked this spinach with a little bit of
water in the bottom of the pan then let it drain and chopped it and we'll just
finish off just a little bit of fresh nutmeg you can also put a little
Parmesan cheese in here if you'd really like okay so our filling is ready we're
gonna set this aside and roll out our pasta dough so I just have a individual
portion of pasta dough here and again you can get the recipe for the fresh
pasta dough and you can also get my recipe for my mushroom ravioli where you
can kind of get a better idea of where to go with that and then that one I
showed you guys how to roll the dough using the pasta machine in this case
we're gonna roll it by hand which is actually what we did we did this a
couple times when we were in Italy so in one place we rolled it out by hand which
was cool to know how to do because then you don't have to need any additional
special equipment so you just start using your hands and flattening it out
and from here we're gonna actually just use a rolling pin and a really cool
trick I didn't even know this about rolling pins how often do we use rolling
pins but the width of the rolling pin is basically where you want the width of
your dough and at that point it'll be the right thickness for pretty much what
you're trying to do so we are going to just use our rolling pin to roll out our
once you've got your dough rolled out and you're aiming for a rectangular
shape we're gonna cut off any excess or any wonky pieces but at this point we're
gonna take our filling and we just want a little teaspoon full and we're gonna
kind of put it down you know eyeball where the middle of your dough is cuz
you're gonna fold it in half so we're just gonna make a little row a little
closer to ourselves and leave space in between
we're just going to fold our dough over
so we want to seal so one of the cool things that we learned too is when you
kind of take your thumbs in this direction you know you make like
parenthesis it kind of gets you the shape of the ravioli so you just want to
take your thumbs on either side and press down just make sure you're just
outside of the filling you don't want to be on top of it because then it won't
get a nice seal and then I'm just gonna use a knife you can use they actually
have ravioli cutters I have my grandmother's great-grandmother's ones
of those but a knife will work just fine and we're gonna cut in between each one
leave some excess between now the chef and Florence said that you can take all
these pasta scraps you stash them in a bag to use them for soup and then of
course we're just going to cut off from the front as well
and just to make sure that these stay nice and closed we're going to just go
around the edges with a fork and seal them up
we are going to serve our spinach ravioli in what is the easiest sauce you
will ever make it is butter and sage and it is just that butter and sage so I've
got two sticks of butter that I've melted off in the pan here for low heat
one of the other chefs that we were with actually you showed us a little trick he
just took the pot set it on top of the pot with the boiling water and he's like
you don't even need more than one burner you can do this in a small apartment and
you could so but just to show you guys we're gonna do this separately so I've
got the stick of butter and we're just gonna add in the fresh sage leaves
I love sage so I am probably gonna wind up putting in more than they would
necessarily recommend but I just absolutely love the flavor of this and I
like to throw them in whole you can chop them if you prefer and these just cook
we're not even gonna let just need the butter melted like that and then as soon
as our ravioli are ready we're gonna toss them in as always with fresh pasta
as soon as they float to the top they're ready so we can just spoon them out of
here and we're gonna get them right into our butter and sage sauce
and then we'll just give these a quick stir to make sure everything's coated
and that's it we're ready to plate these surfy ravioli topped with a sprinkle of
Parmesan cheese once again we want to thank the staff of the Certosa di
Pontignano so much for their time their skill their talent and for sharing this
recipe with us we really do appreciate it
you guys want to definitely check them out I'll link you up in the description
below and of course you can get this recipe at if you
like this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe on youtube if you haven't
already and you can follow me on facebook and instagram @caradifalco
that's it for this week in the Cucina i'll see you guys next time
buon appetito
How To Make Chocolate Cake 2018 #74! 15+ Simple Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas 2018 - Duration: 10:55.
Why your ex won't text you back (and what to do about it!) - Duration: 10:26.You recently went through a breakup and while you didn't have the time of your life, nobody
You're still on okay terms with your ex but you miss them, a lot.
Now you're trying to get back in contact and you're being left on read.
Why won't your ex text you back?
Hi Youtube, I'm Jessica Boss, a relationship counsellor and dating expert.
I've made breakups my specialty because I love helping people get back together.
Maybe I'm just a romantic but I think that people these days are too quick to call it
It's hard to build a connection with someone and if you're really in love, it's a shame
to let it get away.
If you agree, hit that subscribe button and I'll keep giving you tips to build a stronger,
longer lasting relationship.
I've helped hundreds of lovestruck guys and girls go from exes to happily ever after
and texting always plays a key role in getting that contact going again.
But to make that connection, first you need to get them to text you back.
Here are some reasons your ex isn't answering your texts and what to do about it.
One, They're mad at you
We've all said something we regret when we're angry.
I once called my great aunt a "piece of garbage" after a couple of sangrias and
all she did was beat me at frolf (that's frisbee golf).
Try to think if they have any reason to be mad at you.
Maybe they found out something that you were keeping secret.
Maybe you've hurt them somehow and they finally had a chance to process it.
Whatever it is, you need to apologize.
If you think they're mad and you don't know why then do some sleuthing.
Think about talking to a mutual friend BUT BE CAREFUL.
If it's anyone you think will report back to your ex, don't do it.
You don't want them to think you're stalking them.
If you can't figure you why they're mad, either leave them alone for awhile or make
a blanket apology.
Later on in this video I'll get into more specifics about what this apology text should
look like.
Number Two: They know you want something
Even though they dumped you, exes aren't as dumb as you may think.
If things ended with you begging, pleading, and crying for them to take you back, they're
going to know that you texting them is you trying to suck them back in.
Or if you often relied on them for rides, money, or some kind of support, when you were
together, they may think you're just trying to get something out of them.
And they're probably in no mood to be helping you out.
Number Three: They're trying to move on
If they're not answering your texts it could be that they're trying to move on.
Does this mean your hopes of getting them back are doomed?
Not at all!
In fact, this is a good sign.
The key word here is "trying".
If they have to cut off all contact to try to move on with their life then that means
they are definitely still hooked on you.
If they were already over you then they wouldn't need to avoid you so hard.
Number Four: You text too much
Look at the length of their messages and then look at the length of yours.
Are you sending essays and getting back one word answers?
Does their inbox look more like an interrogation than a conversation?
How often do you text them?
Every day?
Maybe they wouldn't mind texting you, but just don't want it to take up half their
You're not in a relationship anymore (for now at least) so the amount of time you spend
together will naturally be much lower.
Texting is a reflection of that.
Take a few days off from texting them.
When you resume texting, drop the frequency way down.
I'm talking once a week, if that.
Have a short conversation and then get out.
Don't text them too late at night or early in the morning.
I'd aim for 10 am to 8 pm as your texting window.
It's important to also look at WHY you're texting them.
If it's your goal to win them back then every text you send should be a step towards
that goal.
You need to use texts to make them miss you, to make them jealous, and to make them associate
you with fun and happiness.
It has to be subtle but if you can remind them of a specific good time you had together,
pretty soon they'll be wondering why they broke up with you in the first place.
Hit that like button if you want me to make more videos about what to text your ex to
win them back.
Number Five: They've found someone new
I know you don't want to hear this but there's a chance they stopped texting because they've
gotten over you by getting under someone else.
It sucks but you knew this was a possibility when you broke up.
The good thing here is that if it hasn't been that long then it's probably a rebound
which means they're trying really hard to get over you so you must still be on their
This is a tough one to come back from, but not impossible.
CTA: If you're wondering if your relationship is beyond saving, Check out,
I'll put the link in the description.
There you'll find a comprehensive quiz that will tell you whether or not your relationship
can be saved.
It has helped a ton of my clients figure out what went wrong.
Number six: They're afraid to get hurt again
What if your breakup wasn't all that one-sided?
Maybe you had an on-again-off-again thing going on for awhile and it was tough on both
of you.
Or maybe you cheated and broke their heart.
Or you didn't take the breakup well: you yelled, you broke things, and you said some
things that hurt their feelings.
This is a big one.
There's no text you could send that would make up for hurting them.
Now it's time to apologize and break off contact.
You may still be able to save your relationship but it's going to take a lot of work.
More on that later.
Number seven: They're really over you
It could be that they're not responding to your texts because they're really over
the relationship.
This tends to follow a pattern.
Before they stopped responding, They were polite to you but seemed distant in their
They weren't willing to talk at length and they often waited a while to text you back.
The conversations slowed to a trickle and now have dried up completely.
It's hard to accept this one.
You still love them and they just don't feel the same way.
You'll need to take steps to get back into contact with them and unfortunately texting
alone won't do the job.
Number eight: You're dramatic
Do you find that you often get drawn into personal conflict and screaming matches?
Do you have to apologize to people more than once a month?
Have you ever sent a butt pic to somebody's work email?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then there's a chance you may be a drama
queen (or king).
Your ex loved you despite your drama but they've seen how you treat people who cross you and
they're afraid if they contact you it will get messy and they'll end up on your hitlist.
Real talk: Personal conflict is inevitable and we can all be messy bitches sometimes
but you shouldn't let it rule your life.
I know, I'm not your mom, but these people really aren't worth it.
If you can avoid drama, your life will be a lot more simple.
If you get angry and feel tempted to respond with some cutting remark, or a chair to the
head, take three deep breaths before you do anything.
So What Do I Do Next?
I'm going to tell you how to get them to text you again.
This method starts with (surprise, surprise) one more text.
This text will be way different than the other texts you've sent them to this point.
This is a text to say goodbye.
Don't worry, it's not forever, but you need to be apart from them for a little while
before you can get them back.
Especially if you've hurt your ex or have been particularly needy, pushy, or pathetic
in trying to contact them, you need to wipe the slate clean.
This text will be highly personal depending on your situation but what you shouldn't
do is beg, plead, or tell them you miss them in any way.
You need to make sure this text is perfect.
It doesn't need to be beautiful language or big words but it should be natural, short,
and express these three things:
You're moving on They need to know you're moving forward
and that you are interested in creating a new life without them.
This shows that you're strong and don't need them in your life to be happy.
And you need to believe it.
Even if you're not going to stop fighting for your ex, you need to be able to build
a new life without them in it for now.
The strength and independence you find during your time apart will be crucial to winning
your ex back.
Try saying something like:
You were a really important part of my life but I want to move forward, not backwards.
I think it's best that we don't talk for awhile.
You wish them the best You may have had your ups and downs and you're
definitely in a down now, but you loved this person.
Try to remember that.
You need them to know that while you may still be upset, you don't have any hard feelings
towards them and you want them to be happy.
How about:
Saying goodbye is hard but there are no hard feelings for me.
I just want us both to be happy.
You're sorry
If you cheated, yelled, broke things, or hurt them, even if what they did was worse, you
need to apologize to them.
This doesn't mean that what they did was okay but that you regret how you reacted to
it because you didn't want to hurt them.
Try saying something like:
When we broke up, I did/said some things I regret and I want to apologize for that.
I'm sorry.
So let's see:
You were a really important part of my life but I want to move forward, not backwards.
I think it's best that we don't talk for awhile.
When we broke up I said some things I regret and I want to apologize for that.
I'm sorry.
Saying goodbye is hard but there are no hard feelings for me.
I just want us both to be happy.
Now that you've said goodbye, you need to really say goodbye.
Don't text, call, email, or contact your ex in ANY WAY for at least a month.
I know it seems like the opposite of what you should do in this situation.
How can you get them back if you're not talking to them?
Slow down.
This is just part one of this process.
This is called the No Contact Period and is a great way to begin trying to get your ex
It's like hitting the reset button on your relationship.
If they're used to being constantly bombarded with texts and you hit them with radio silence,
they're going to be wondering what's going on.
A few things will happen then, without you having to do anything at all:
They'll start to see you differently.
It's hard to respect someone who has been constantly trying to contact you even when
you don't respond.
They'll see that you've finally grown a backbone.
They'll start to wonder if you've moved on and what you're doing now that's so
much more interesting than texting them.
Their mind will run wild and they'll begin to get jealous, thinking that you may have
found someone new and better than them.
And finally, and most importantly, they'll start to miss you.
This is the most important part.
If you keep texting them, they don't have a chance to feel your absence and realize
what an important part of their life you were.
It's true that you don't know what you've got til it's gone.
Don't be surprised if after a month your ex has realized their mistake and is right
back in your arms.
So there it is.
Follow this method for your best chance to get your ex to text you back.
Thanks for watching.
If this helped you please comment below so I know what worked and what didn't.
If you want me to keep making videos, please like and subscribe to give me the motivation
to keep going.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Your question might even inspire my next video!
This is Jessica Boss, signing off.
[SLIMEBOX] 🍦Let's Make Tornado Ice Cream Slime🍦 ▒ Food Slime ▒ Slime ASMR - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
The Power of Visualization Part 1, How To Make An Effective Vision Board - Duration: 6:11.Hello and welcome to this episode of "Carmen's Coaching Corner. My name is
Carmen Payne and I am the owner and creator SOAR! Transformational Life
Coaching and this week's episode is about visualization. So, how many of you
have created vision boards and then forgotten about them, or put them in a
corner somewhere, and just never looked at them once you've actually created
them? Or better yet you're looking at it and then you're frustrated by the fact
that what you're seeing when you're bored has not yet come into your reality.
Well for those of you who are new, who are new to vision boards, visuals are a
fun way to create images around what it is you want to bring into your reality.
What is you want to manifest, and you can create them on your own. There are tons
of tons of resources online showing you how to create a vision board, or better
yet if there's something locally near you who has vision board parties I
strongly recommend that you go because they're such a fun way to co-create
your vision with other people around you who are also creating their own vision
boards and you get inspired by what you see on other people's because
they'll make you think about things maybe you haven't considered for
yourself, that you're like, "yeah I want some of that in my life".
Or another way to do it is get together with your loved ones and sit together
and pick pictures of what it is you want to create as a family together and put
that on on a vision board. So I'm going to share with you today is
five suggestions on not losing track of your vision board once you've created it
and just keeping it in focus so that whatever it is you create you have more
chance of manifesting and bringing into your reality. So part one would be my
suggestion would be is to put your vision board where you can see it. I have
two vision boards I have one that's personal for my personal life, and then I
have one that I've created for my business
specifically. And the one for my business is in my office where I can see it every
day and the one that's personal to me is right by my bed side so every night
before I go to bed I see it and I look at it and I take it in and with my one
in my office I'll sit there and I'll look at it and just visualize what my
business would look like or feel like to me once what I have
on my board has actually come into my reality. So make
number one, make your vision board visible to you. Put it somewhere where
you're going to see it every day, that's gonna make you stop. look. and be inspired.
Okay step two is schedule time to sit with your board. Just spend five to ten
minutes every day looking at your board and imagining and just feeling what it's
like to have those things in your life as if they were happening right now,
right. Just feel, you know, you've got a picture of somewhere that you want to go
on holiday imagine what it would be like to be there, or if you've ever been on an
amazing vacation just sit in that emotion, sit in that energy of it and
just visualize you being in this new place that you've never been before that
you have on your vision board and just sit with that emotion and just feel into
what it would be like if you're experiencing it right now. The third step
is as you sit with your vision board think about what inspired actions are
you prepared to take as a result of what you're seeing on your vision board right.
And as you're seeing with it if anything comes into your mind like, "oh yeah I
should go do that" write that down and then take action on those inspired
thoughts that come to you that take you a step closer to where you want to be,
and what you want to achieve, and what you want to experience as a result of
what you've got on your vision board. Four is being gratitude being gratitude for
the things that you want to bring into your reality as if they're already
happening. I said that previously. If you can feel gratitude for things that are
on their way to you, you're more likely to take those
inspired actions and to be motivated to really make what you're seeing on your board
come and happen for you. And then five is just relax. Just relax
about it. Kind of just think about it like this. When you order a pizza
right to be delivered to your house you just order the pizza, and you have that
faith that somehow all the things that need to happen, all the
cooperation that needs to happen to receive your order, make your order, cook
your order, and then drive your order to your house ,it's going to happen you just
have faith that some at some point in the evening your pizza will arrive to
you. It's kind of like that with the things on your vision board. You make a
declaration that this is what I want to experience in my life and then you just
put that put it out there and you relax you just with the knowing that at some
point these things will come to you that there will be people, places,
opportunities, and events to bring you even closer to what you're manifesting
in your on your vision board. Okay, so number one place it where you can see it.
Number two schedule your time to sit with it and just take in everything that
you've got on your vision board. Number three as you sit with your vision board
notice what thoughts and inspired actions come to your mind, write them
down, and then go do them. Four being gratitude for the things that you want
to bring in, experience in your life as if they're already happening and five
just relax, let them bake, and cook, and come to you. If you found this process
useful for you please comment below the video I'd love to hear from you. If you
would like to receive coaching from me please contact me at and if you have any ideas of what you'd like to see in future
"Carmen Coaching Corners" please drop me an email or go to my website and contact
me through there at As always in love and light to your
transformation, Carmen. To get started please call or email me
or schedule an appointment on my website.
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