Cristiano Ronaldo Jr vs Thiago Messi - Who Is Next?????
Cristiano Ronaldo Jr is the son of Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal striker and Thiago Messi
is the son of lionel messi argentina Striker both are upcoming star in football.
11 Steps I Took To Simplify My Life | SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE - Duration: 19:18.Hey guys I'm Natalie welcome to my youtube channel. I am super excited to
talk with you today. And before we get started with ways to simplify your life
I just want to take a moment and announce to you that I got literally my
first real real hater email from a Youtube subscriber and I'm so thankful
for that. So if you don't know YouTube is like known in the internet world as
literally being the worst for trolls it's like the worst for commenters and
just people on there just like I don't know what it is like people who watch
youtube videos or just really really mean and I always felt like on the
outside of this circle like I wasn't big-time enough because I
really hadn't gotten like a real nasty email like I've gotten like a little a
few little comments here and there but that was it. You guys last week's video
did it. I got this email from this guy and it was all of the reasons why I suck
so bad and he talked - like this guy was like on a mission - he talked about
like how could I sleep with myself at night like knowing what I'm putting out
there is fake and not true. Oh but the kicker was like but I must be used to
ripping people off because I'm an attorney. Like you guys it was epic and
I'm so glad that it was in an email and not a comment so that I can save this
piece of gold forever. So the wonderful world of YouTube I feel like now I'm
part of like that club - like I can finally say like YouTube haters are the
worst. Okay that is not what I'm here to talk with you about today though. Today I
want to share with you 11 steps that I took to simplify my life. So it may not
look that different to you on the outside what my life was like five years
ago compared to today but I'm telling you on the inside it is so different and a
lot of that had to do with how I simplified. So let's rewind back in time
to five years ago you know I was always super type-a and driven and ambitious
and that's just me um I love to work and I go after whatever it is I want. But at
the time I was going after everything, I had like a million different
interests I had a million different friends, I like you,
put it into any area of your life and here into any area of my life so I would
wear whatever I wanted, like I had tons of clothes, I had tons of activities on
my calendar that were basically other people's activities like like a lot of
you in a way right so I was so busy with tons of things I was basically getting
like surface-level of everything like spread so thin across a million
different things in my life and you know you could even see that in wherever I
was living at the time like my home stuff stuff everywhere like I was never
like hoarding stuff but just like the normal stuff like just stuff. And I
simplified my life very very intentionally down to my stuff down to
the people in my life down to my career and my business down to the food I eat
so at the heart of it is these 11 things that I've done and there's many more
I'll link to a blog posts that I just published actually with 31 different
ways to simplify your life but I will tell you that these 11 are kind of
at the heart of what I've done and what have worked for me the most and I will
tell you the result is just I feel clearer I feel like I can be decisive I
feel like I can like just be happier and really go after what I want
like with 100% commitment instead of like being all over the place
and feeling overwhelmed. Like simplifying has just been such a game-changer I feel
a lot better. Okay so let's get started with number one. The first thing I do is
that I call it learn one implement one. I make it a constraint in my life a rule
in my life that I only learn from one teacher at a time I learn one and then I
have to implement everything I learned from that teacher I learn from one
teacher one book one course and then I have to implement in my life and I'm not
allowed to I put that on myself I don't allow myself to buy another course or
another book or whatever until I've implemented it from that first one so I
learn one and then I implement one this alone will change your life like how
many courses are out there how many amazing books and stuff you can just sit
and passive action and never actually take massive action where
you're implementing so easily so learn one implement one total game changer.
The second thing I've done to simplify my life is I only were neutrals say
black white Navy whatever anything that looks like - I love it my cousin was like
yeah because you only wear sad colors I'm like yes I only wear sad colors - and
my life is so much simpler the best part is that neutral colors really all go
together and they can be dressed up pretty easily and it takes the
decision-making out of it so you can put this into your life
however you want. For me I really like to look nice like I care a lot about it and
what I was noticing was I was using so much energy in the morning trying to
like come up with an outfit like what am I doing I just felt like this conflict
like I want to look nice and take time to pick out my stuff but then on the
other hand I'm like this doesn't matter in the life and like the big picture my
big picture values are not about like clothes you know so it's like how can I
reconcile both of these things and what I came up with was like a neutral
wardrobe where I only buy neutrals. So if I'm in a store and I want something or
whatever it is like I love it it's this huge bright pink floral pattern no it's
beautiful but it's not part of my wardrobe so you don't have to deal with
neutrals. I'm telling you if you simplify your life through what you wear your
decisions like you don't get decision fatigue in that way everything is
simpler it's easier you put that constraint in your life and you're free
to do whatever it is that matters most to you so I do it with neutrals you can
do it with whatever you want. The next thing I do is that I manage my
gcalendar and my planners and my journals like a serious ninja. I am so serious
about my planning it's nuts and it seems like this is a lot of rules in place but
I'm telling you it is total freedom. So I plan down to the hour. I time a block so
like I know I do all of my content on let's say Sundays when I'm like the
employee in my business and maybe I am doing my entrepreneur stuff during the
week whatever but I make sure I'm doing it on specific days. I have it blocked
out so I know that I'm going to be prepared to
create that video create that blog post whatever it is I'm working on in a
certain time and day of the week so I do it Sunday afternoons now I used to do it
Monday afternoons but time blocking is a game changer in the same way I also
schedule my time that is not for blogging I schedule my downtime I told
one of my good friends how to do this and she is such a free spirit but she
was kind of feeling like Saturday would come and she'd want to do something
awesome but she wouldn't know what to do and she would kind of be like spinning almost
like I want to do something fun like what should I what should I use this
time for I don't want to waste it, so I suggested that she planned that
downtime that free time out ahead of time, and she said it has seriously been
such a game changer. She doesn't plan on like work and mundane tasks. She plans
like the super fun stuff during her downtime and this makes her so much more
intentional about how she's spending her time making sure that she's using it
wisely for herself so scheduling my downtime and time blocking has been such
a way to simplify my life and clear up that headspace. It is amazing. Okay the
sixth thing that I've done to simplify my life is I've decluttered. I literally
live what I call a minimalist life. Now compared to some real
minimalist - they're gonna be like no you bring a full suitcase when you
travel that's not minimalist no! But it's minimalist for me and the way that
I've done this is that you know you already heard about the neutrals but
also I don't really keep extra things like I don't I don't just collect things
I am very intentional about only having things that I either use or that I love
and if you kind of have those two rules like only to keep things that you use or
love all of the extra stuff is - like you could just get rid of it and
you know decluttering you can kind of go about it two ways. You can go all-in and
like I'm going to declutter this week and like it's happening garbage bags
full and like you put that time on your calendar you're in a declutter and like
go all in and I love that method do that if it works for you. Another way though
is you can just get rid of one item a day. I actually love this one because
over time it is amazing like in a year you'll have gotten rid of 365
things! Like how cool is that?! So I really love the idea of
getting rid of one item of day. I just started to do this even though like
there's not that much stuff for me to get rid of right now but I highly
recommend decluttering you will be amazed at how your environment will
really affect your mind and how much simpler you'll feel like your life is if
you create that simple living space around you. A book that I really
recommend in terms of decluttering it's kind of more about organizing but it's
called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up if you have not read it I
highly highly recommend this one it is a game changer for organizing and
tidying up your home. Okay the next thing I've done to simplify my life is
that I have a value in my life that I value experiences over things. Now you
guys know that experiences long term mean so much more to us than
spending money on things. Like it's research science all that stuff everyone
says it. It is true and you might know this if you pay attention to how
you feel you might get that boost of dopamine that dopamine hit when you buy
something like you really want but that goes away and you're immediately
taken down to neutral like in a day or two, whereas the experience that you go
on if you spend money on experiences you will have that feeling and that
appreciation for what you did for so much longer. So in my life instead of
focusing on things I started to shift to focus on experiences and it's been so
much more rewarding in my life it's almost hard to put in words how much
better this is but I'm telling you it really really works so if you haven't
tried this do it intentionally say like for the next six months you are gonna
value experiences over things so instead of buying something put that budget
towards spending money on experiences. Okay the eighth way that I've simplified
my life is through relationships. You guys I am telling you you have so many
people in your life that are just like acquaintances that you're not even
really appreciating and you're spread so thin you have like 100, 200 people that
you're constantly spreading like this much of your life with and it just it's
not as meaningful as if you go all-in with a few people now this doesn't mean
talk to and communicate with and spend time with other people it just means
like where are you spending the most time with like who are your core people.
Can you dedicate a whole evening to them or are you just like boom boom boom have
like 500 things on your calendar with all these people that you don't want to
do things with and at the heart of that is being able to say no to people's
requests of you - you know that your inbox all that stuff
say no to those things and know that the reason you're saying no is because you
don't want to be busy you don't want to be committed and if you feel guilty with
saying no you have to work on yourself that's an internal problem that's not
about them people are going to always ask you you have to be willing to say no
put up those boundaries and spend time on the relationships that matter most. I
cannot tell you how rewarding this has been for me I have this handful of
people who I just love so much and spend so much more time with and my life feels
so much simpler like other people are kind of like in chaos and overwhelm
around me and I don't feel that way at all I really really don't. And from the
outside you might look and say oh but you're so busy your calendar is all
booked but it's booked with things that I've booked intentionally that I want to
do whether it's work whether it's downtime whether it's spending time with
people I love you know what I mean it's all stuff that I want to be doing and so
I've created the simple life for myself and what that means to me
it doesn't mean doing nothing and just sitting around it means living my life
intentionally based on the values and priorities that I've preset not that
someone else has set for me. So think about your relationships intentionally
spend more time with the people who mean the most to you and spend less time with
the people who don't. Okay the ninth way that I've simplified
my life is that I'm very clear about priorities and this includes my goals
this includes my health this includes every area of my life I talked about the
eight life categories in Dream Year: How To Achieve Your #1 Goal This Year And Feel Good Doing It
- that's my goal setting workbook so what I teach in
there and what I've done in my life is I set my goals in whatever areas I'm
focused on in this season of life and I rank them - no two goals are the same
this is what drives me nuts about other people who teach
goal-setting and stuff, they're like oh set seven or eight goals like how many of
you have ever set and achieved seven or eight goals at once? Like no. I have yet
to hear of it. Like no um so set one goal to goal three goals that's seven if you
want but rank them in order of priority and then follow that priority list. So I
am very clear about the priority of things so when two things come up I just
look at my list of priorities oh this is what I'm focusing on right now this is
my top priority I know my why I know why it's a top
priority and I stick to that no matter what so this helps me simplify because I
don't get caught up in all the chatter in my head I'm not so worried about you
know balancing things and juggling things like I am simplifying I have a
list I pay attention to it the end. Okay the tenth way that I've simplified my
life is I become very intentional about what I eat now you can simplify in any
area, right? We talked about home we talked too about clothes you know all
that stuff your goals people you can really take every area of your life and
simplify it most people think about clutter and that sort of thing or your
calendar but you can really do in any area. I've done it in food and I'm
telling you it's a game changer. So I don't eat meat and I don't eat anything
that contains dairy, now you might think I'm crazy but it works for me I've done
it for a year now this month it's been amazing. I also cut out most sweets and
that I'm a little bit more liberal on but I don't eat like things I used to
eat like M&Ms or Snickers or candy or Twizzlers like I don't eat the candy
stuff. The reason that this helps simplify is because when you put a
constraint in your life when you say it's a hard no I am not going to eat any
meat anymore like it's just done all of the chatter in your head all of this
should I eat this should I da da da - it's all gone okay. So it's actually a lot easier
to just cut it out as a hard no and say you're never going to eat it then it
is to say you sometimes eat it. So when you sometimes eat it you still have the
chatter and you still to make the decision so I cut out meat and dairy.
My next phase of this is I really want to get on a
structured schedule where I only eat at certain times of day I know that like
the pro foodie people this is what they do and it works wonders I've heard but
just think about how you can simplify your life through food and set those
hard rules in your life that work for you. And you actually already do this so
is there a food you really don't like that you just don't eat like would you
just never eat anchovies? Whatever it - drugs! Drugs is a great example. You
probably are never gonna go do cocaine or you're never gonna smoke a cigarette
or whatever is that you're never gonna do that is just like a hard no and
that's a constraint. So in the same way that you constrain that you don't have
to think about it you just don't do that you can do that for food as well and I'm
telling you it's so much easier when you have the constraint in your life
everything's simpler oh no I just don't eat that like there's no conversation
there's no like maybe like yeah. Get out of that. Okay and that brings me to the
last way that I've simplified my life. I don't allow myself to sit and I don't
know so I teach this in the Design Your Dream Life training. I will link to it
below but what it basically means is that I don't believe that you need like
a longer time to make a decision right so the Tony Robbins theory that your
destiny is shaped in your moments of decision - so with you make a decision in
a moment so you need all of the considerations right you need like the
factors what make the decision good or bad like the pros and the cons but you
can get those usually pretty quickly what we tend to do is we sit and I don't
know and we give ourselves a lot more time to make decisions thinking that it
means the decisions going to be better but that's actually not true I really
don't know why we've all decided that that's true so what I do is that I
practice and notice I'm saying the word practice because decision making and
commitment and all these other skills are actually skill sets if you're not
good at decision-making it's probably making your life very complicated and
overwhelming you're sitting and I don't know I don't know if I should go out
with him I don't know if I should marry him I don't know if I should do this I
don't know if I should move I don't know if I should sit in this apartment I
don't know I don't know I don't know it is exhausting and it complicates our
life for literally no reason so you don't have to do
anymore you can practice being decisive start small and overtime don't allow
yourself to sit and I don't know give yourself a specific deadline to make the
decision and then make it there are tactics you can do for getting better at
decision-making one of my favorites is to kind of ask yourself what your future
self in five years would want have what I wanted you to do that usually is a
telltale there's lots of other ways but the end thing is that you need to be
making your decisions quickly and with confidence
you make a decision you marry him you go forward and then if you don't want to be
married to him down the road don't be married to him but you make a new
decision and you move forward and when you move forward with intentionality
whether it's marrying the right person moving out of your apartment or whatever
it is like wearing neutrals not eating meat you know you make the decision and
you can always make a new decision down the road but you make it like with
conviction and with commitment and you don't change it until you've already
acted on it so you don't live in this like I don't know and this is like crazy
because no one talks about this really and I'm telling you it will make your
life so much simpler it's made my life so much simpler I have tons of things
going on and I actually feel really at peace and like I've simplified my life
to the bare bones of what I want it to look like for myself so I'm constantly
tweaking and improving it and it's a never-ending process. I will link to the
free training I have design your dream life training below you guys can kind of
see what that's about and I will see you next week I'd love it if you subscribe
and leave me a nice comment not a mean one! Okay thanks so much I'll see you
next week bye bye!
SHE'S JUST A CLOWN ON KETO - A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TRUCKING COUPLE - Duration: you be strong to hold the powers of the Sun
to dream believe in strength now I'm the only one
Krispy Kreme I remember you fondly you tried to kill
oh my God look at that oh I'm salivating
what are you doing
yeah I had a momentary moment of weakness
well greetings and salutations made a wrong turn and you couldn't see that
like I said you show a coma but anyway we're okay it fell through we assumed it
was gonna fall through so we went shopping and all kinds of stuff good and
now we're gonna load for Washington in a couple of hours so we got restarts we
can hammer down on my off that way camera down slowly that's right we're
gonna have you down slowly no Wade rush 60 miles an hour
I'm not gonna go in Dart no more
cannot be a superhero
the girl is a clown I've discovered she is a clown you're a funny clown
and he hasn't clouded
you might be crazy some people scared
I don't like some clowns I really don't like
they're supposed to be fun unless you've seen Stephen King's it have you seen
anyway I haven't seen anyway
and you should read it I have no imagination but we do books on tape and
you know listen oh gee he made me listen what was it the unabridged version of
Moby Dick wait am i right picture as the farm well I was rust how long did he I
was gonna buy Winston eight hours a day for like what ten days or something so
you can tell you I would take us further apart good for and everything else I
gave her a complete education on sperm whales
once I start I cannot stop TV books whatever even it's horrible he makes fun
of me so we're show ever did i watch it wouldn't start
you know I've gotten how did we get from clowns - I don't like clowns
all right oh yeah I read the book I don't think the book is oh here comes
the food all right the tilapia has arrived
yeah I can see well you can have some people to have problems with this diet
if they wasn't healthy so it's definitely diet is not for everyone but
it's good enough for me let's go back to Moby Dick that's her
pet name for me not anyway Bobby keeps a great book if you ain't ready or cute
st. you rent it by the time they're eight get it for them but give them the
abridged version the unabridged ones is not for adults it's not for kids either
it's not for nothing I mean it's not for anyone that's my man it's just it takes
forever it's so big and I was listening and it took effort and I couldn't get
her to turn it off it's like she was going whatever if it's very bad you can
imagine you don't get to make up the rules for me I can even make up my own
word it's like when I had that with a sitcom because they go one direction
another I cancel episode obvious I cannot Hansel you can't say oh look they
killed off so and so and shuts PVH that episode I think canceling for an expert
I will hexohm I'll give him the hex sign right you know give me blah and then
I'll say you're cancelled and within six months they're out of business
because we watch so much television back if I have much to tell there's no motion
and that's how you can do the same thing to a youtuber you don't like you can't
lean put the hex on the next thing you know he's on business just say I haven't
tracked that yeah I'm gonna trap
your superhero
Our Au-some Life Vlog 9 - Duration: 4:06.Watch Oliver receiving honor roll by clicking the video on the left.
Patek Philippe Nautilus 5976 Review vs Rolls Royce Dawn – Miami Lifestyle - Duration: 8:13.[opening music]
This is Watch Your Style.
Today I'm gonna be doing a review on probably one of the heaviest hitters right now in the
Watch Game.
That is the Patek Philippe 5976 40th Anniversary in white gold.
So this watch was released in the fall of 2016 and I remember when I saw it in pictures,
I just couldn't believe it.
Initially when I saw it, I thought it was gonna be just like a 5980 or something of
that nature, you know, 40.5 mm case just with a nice fancy blue dial.
Then I started seeing like a bunch of memes and a bunch of like flutter in the whole industry
about that the watch was too large.
They were cracking these jokes saying that Patek had partnered up with Invicta and made
it like a huge watch, so it kind of caught me off guard because Patek being such a conservative
brand, I really didn't think that they would make such a large case to this Nautilus, but
when I saw it, I couldn't believe it.
At first they were saying it was like 48mm and I thought to myself, impossible!
Patek won't do nothing ever, anything that's so gaudy and over the top.
They wouldn't ruin themselves like that, but let me tell you, the sheer size of it is bad-ass.
It's like they're riding that wave right before they wipe out and make the watch too big,
but definitely I feel like it needed a little bit of more size.
I can't tell you how many people I had showed the 5980 to and when they kind of try it on,
they kind of just have this like disappointent.
They're just kind of like sad-face, mostly because they're probably used to wearing watches
like AP in 42 millimeters or 44.
So when I first saw the watch and the size, I was just like DAMN!
Anything that has to do with boating, it just goes hand in hand, you know?
Crazy though, because it's called the Nautilus and it sounds like very like marine, but I
would probably like never put a watch like this inside the water, not even the 5980,
not even the 5980 in steel.
It's just really not for the water.
Even though it's called the Nautilus, don't let it fool you.
I don't know.
It's not a Submariner, pretty much that's all I got to say.
One of the things that I really like about this watch the most is that the dial has baguettes
stick indicators.
Now, the way that it's laid out it's so classy that, believe it or not, I've had a couple
of people not even notice that it had diamonds on it.
I've had a couple Patek collectors that have not seen it yet at the moment or didn't do
too much research because of whatever reason, they were caught up on business trips.
They didn't notice that it had diamonds on the dial.
That's how subtle the diamond baguettes are.
So, I really like that.
I love the blue tone of the dial and one thing that I wasn't too sure of when I saw it initially
released was I didn't think I was gonna like the whole 40th anniversary thing that they
put on the dial for the Nautilus.
You know, at first it was something I saw and I thought, man that's a little bit too
Let me tell you, when you see the watch in person, it's out of hand.
It is so bad-ass.
The dial is beautiful and I was wrong to judge it without seeing it in person.
So one of the things that's really unbelievable about this watch is the price right now.
This is a limited edition.
They only made 1300 pieces of this watch, which is pretty remarkable considering the
fact of how hot the market is right for the Nautilus.
I mean, the timing was impeccable for them to release this watch.
With a retail price of $93,000, which they kind of undervalued it in my opinion, but
I think that was all just part of the plan, you know?
Ninety-three thousand dollars is a lot of bang for your buck if you were able to grab
one of these at that moment at retail price.
Chances are you probably didn't, but if you did, God bless you!
Right now these watches at the market today in 2018 probably going for around $210,000.
I mean, talk about a mark-up.
There just isn't enough of these watches.
Right now the Nautilus is super hot.
Then you got the whole bling industry where they're flooding these watches with diamonds
and stuff like that.
There's only 1300 of these pieces in the whole world and I would say a good 25 of them have
already been flooded with diamonds, so that alone would raise the prices of the factory
looking ones.
So if you can get your hands on one, it's something you might want to jump on.
I almost say it's like you're gonna miss the bus.
They were selling for $150k and people were holding off.
Then the price went to $175k and people held off.
Then they went to $190k, I mean at some point you gotta get on the bus.
I project personally in my opinion, that the ceiling for this watch might be $250k.
We're at $210k right now, but I wouldn't doubt it that somebody would pay $250,000 to have
one just to have it because you just simply can't get it.
One of the interesting things about this watch that I like is the box that it comes in.
They kind of did a throw-back to the original Nautilus box, which is like a little small
box with a cork material on the outside.
I thought that was pretty cool.
They kind of threw-back the whole box from the past and it's small.
So it was a good touch.
I could only imagine what a box like that is gonna be worth in 15 to 20 years when some
of these like these organized collectors lose these boxes, but we'll have to sit back and
wait and see what just happens with that.
So when it comes to the Patek 5975, I mean guys, I don't wanna be just stressing that
it's size, size, size.
Look, I don't like huge watches, but I think everybody can agree that the Nautilus could
have been a little bit bigger.
I was absolutely stunned and surprised that they actually went for a bigger size case.
I mean, I couldn't believe it.
I just could not believe it.
And when you try it on, it's massive.
And when I mean massive, I don't mean massive like an AP 44.
I'm just saying, it's gotta a lot of oomph behind it.
It's a perfect size watch.
The bracelet is thicker all the way around.
The proportions are amazing and perfect.
Overall, it's probably the hardest hitting Nautilus at the moment.
I think the only thing they could have done to make this watch better, would have been
to make it in rose gold, but then again, that's kind of like far-off from Patek's MO and that
would have been just giving the consumers too much.
They would have made this in rose gold and it probably would have annihilate the sales
of all the other ones.
Rose gold would have almost been taking it too far and it almost would have been too
Could you imagine this watch in rose gold with a blue dial?
It's already game over.
You know what, the retail is $93,000, but I see it as a $200,00 watch right off the
gate, from the minute it came out.
Besides the fact it's got value, price and exclusivity, I mean pretty much if you got
one of these 40th anniversary Nautiluses, you're obviously not an amateur.
You're obviously deep and heavy in the Watch Game and you pulling major moves.
I mean, it's probably one of those grail watches for almost any collector at the moment.
I mean, I just don't see how there's gonna be enough to go around.
I don't know how somebody could buy this watch and end up selling.
I mean, I get it.
It's not for everybody.
Sometimes you buy it and you realize that it's a little bit too big, but one thing I
realize off the back is the sheer weight of it.
I mean, it's got some weight to it, man.
I would say it weighs more than an AP 41 millimeter rose gold.
It's a heavy watch and it's definitely a heavy player.
So if you liked this video, please like and share.
Also, subscribe to our channel.
My name is Eric.
Watch Your Style!
[ending music]
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Good Life Athens County Feedback2 - Duration: 2:15.I really appreciate the Good Life training my co-workers and I have recently received.
I feel like it's already making a difference around our office, also in team meeting and
staff meetings.
I feel like we're doing more to offer good quality customer service to those we serve.
Nothing can happen without the staff, and I think they're forgotten a lot of the time.
Getting their point of view and making sure that things work for them so that they can
do their job the best they can.
I've been an SSA for five years and this seems like the first time.that I've been able to
take these types of perspectives on the job.
And I can use my personality and my strengths in my own way to have a better life.
Not only at work but at home.
Good life can be channeled through everything.
Think positive, let go of the negative, and just be yourself.
Why would you want to be a Debbie Downer?
Why wouldn't you want to put on a green hat instead?
What if there are Debbies in the crowd?
We've been showing each other more appreciation - focusing on the gifts we can give to others,
and so many of the gifts they give back to us.
Sometimes around our office, we remind each other - are you wearing your green hat today?
Put yourself into their shoes and everyone can move forward, and have a better attitude
and a better time and a better day.
And it's important for us to use that tool to help someone out.
if they're having a rough day instead of letting it feed into you
The threshold of work is where it all starts!
So I'm very thankful for Good Life and what it does in our office, for the positivity.
And I just want to cheer you guys on.
Keep up the good work!
Lemonade by Bile Style - Duration: 2:45.Wel lemonade is one of my favorite summer treats.
Bile Style has created a stellar summer lemonade recipe that I think you're going to love.
We even called the lemonade society of America
who let us in on some insider secrets. They told us "Milk, milk, lemonade, around the corner, fudge is made."
We made this diagram to help you.
Today, we're making lemonade.
with strawberry ice cubes. When they melt,
they'll turn it into strawberry lemonade.
I came up with that idea all by myself.
Start by mashing one pound of really ripe strawberries.
We're going to take this mixture to the stove, add
half a cup of water, and a good pinch of sugar
and simmer it until the strawberries become liquified.
Cool it, and then we're going to put it in the ice tray and freeze.
See I hate when melting ice waters down a drink,
but with these bad boys, that ain't goin happen.
That's why it's a smart idea.
Juice about ten lemons, and
strain into your mixture.
Now personally, I like it a little more pulpy,
So I'm going to add a little pulp back into the mixture.
Then to this mixture, add one and a half cups sugar.
Now, I like it relatively sweet, but if you wanted it
less sweet or more sweet, you can adjust the sugar.
And stir in until dissolved.
Bring over your beautiful crystal punch bowl.
Add your lemon juice
And the beautiful thing now is you can just
add your water cup by cup, if you like it more sweet
or more bitter, you can just adjust by how much
water you add. Until you like the consistency of this amalgamation.
Those are big words.
(counting) Two.
I count out loud so I won't forget. I'm a nut.
(counting) Five.
Serve in beautiful glasses, and garnish everything
with an abundance of lemon slices and strawberries.
Add your strawberry ice cubes right before serving.
This lemonade is a good idea. I only have good ideas.
Jamie Hyneman Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Car ★ Income ★ Wife ★ Family - Duration: 4:19.Jamie Hyneman Lifestyle 2018
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Summer's Brightest Styles from J&J Fashions - Duration: 3:24. For more infomation >> Summer's Brightest Styles from J&J Fashions - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Neymar Lifestyle | School | Girlfriend | House | Cars | Net Worth | Salary | Family | Biography 2018 - Duration: 8:49. For more infomation >> Neymar Lifestyle | School | Girlfriend | House | Cars | Net Worth | Salary | Family | Biography 2018 - Duration: 8:49.-------------------------------------------
Esami di maturità, 10 infallibili tecniche di memoria per gli studenti - Lifestyle - Duration: 8:37.Esami di maturità, tra tre prove scritte e orali da preparare, la vita dello studente è tutta un ripasso
Ma quali sono gli accorgimenti "tattici" e le tecniche di memoria per fare davvero la differenza nello studio? Lo svela in una Top 10 di consigli Matteo Salvo, International Master of Memory, detentore del Guinness World Record e autore del libro "Studiare è un gioco da ragazzi" (edito da Gribaudo IF - Idee editoriali Feltrinelli)
1. Scrivania "anti-stress": studiare, come lavorare, richiede attenzione, concentrazione e organizzazione
Per farlo al meglio occorre preparare la postazione di lavoro: blocchi di appunti, matite, penne, computer e tutti gli strumenti necessari devono essere predisposti e pronti all'utilizzo
Tieni la scrivania ben in ordine e se lo desideri, personalizzala. 2. Studia per spiegare: invece di studiare per imparare, pensa di dover trasferire a qualcun'altro le informazioni che stai memorizzando
Cambia la prospettiva adottando un approccio attivo e inizia a studiare per spiegare
In questo modo potrai renderti conto se sei riuscito a interiorizzare i contenuti e a farli tuoi
3. Ripassa partendo dall'indice: l'indice dà un'idea generale di tutto il libro e delle informazioni in esso contenute
Avendo ben presente la struttura e la gerarchia dei capitoli, potrai creare un progetto di studio che sia davvero efficace
Altrettanto importante è la fine del libro: sintesi o esercitazioni aiutano ad avere una visione d'insieme molto chiara
4. Sessioni di studio da 40', pause di 5', ripasso da 15': per ottenere risultati soddisfacenti è fondamentale suddividere e organizzare il tempo dedicato allo studio, alle pause e al ripasso
Studia per non più di 40 minuti, poi fa una pausa di 15 e, infine, riserva 5 minuti ad un veloce ripasso di quanto hai appreso
Dedicare il giusto tempo a ogni attività ti aiuterà ad aumentare la produttività
"Se fosse una gara in bici i quaranta minuti rappresenterebbero la salita e i minuti successivi, di scarico mentale, la discesa", precisa Matteo Salvo
5. Usa immagini paradossali per ricordare meglio: per memorizzare qualsiasi tipo di informazione associa tra loro delle immagini in modo creativo, verificando che rispondano all'acronimo P
A.V. (Paradosso Azione Vivido). Tanto più l'associazione utilizzerà immagini paradossali, in movimento e che coinvolgano i cinque sensi in modo chiaro, nitido e "colorato", tanto più costruirai un ricordo efficace, anche nel medio e lungo termine
Un esempio? La trasformazione con P.A.V. di un concetto astratto come AMMORTAMENTO: per trasformarlo in immagini ci basta visualizzare la MORTe su un MENTO
6. Associa i concetti a posti familiari (regola dei loci ciceroniani): per favorire la memorizzazione associa i concetti a un percorso a te familiare, individuando dei punti di riferimento ben definiti, proprio come faceva Cicerone, l'oratore passato alla storia per la sua dialettica brillante
Le parole più complesse e astratte andranno divise in immagini concrete, che verranno associate nell'ordine in cui compaiono
Ad esempio, per la parola determinazione, potrò pensare al DETERsivo che si è rovesciato in cucina e che ora MINA e lo ZIONE stanno pulendo
Il consiglio in più? Non utilizzare mai lo stesso percorso per memorizzare argomenti diversi
7. Disegna una mappa "mentale" dei contenuti chiave: potrai rappresentare contenuti complessi e articolati disegnando delle mappe mentali, ovvero delle rappresentazioni ad albero che, partendo da un concetto centrale, si svilupperanno in diversi rami secondari attraverso una struttura radiale
Ad ogni ramo associa immagini e parole chiave, in modo che a colpo d'occhio le informazioni e la loro sequenza concettuale appaiano subito chiare
8. Le tre "s" amiche della memoria sana alimentazione, sport e sonno di qualità sono importantissimi per mantenere il cervello attivo e funzionante
Per una dieta a prova di memoria, è preferibile consumare alimenti non raffinati e poco lavorati, come il riso integrale rispetto alla pasta, e privilegiare un frutto di stagione o una centrifuga di verdure rispetto ad uno snack quando ci si concede uno spuntino fuori pasto
"Quando mi chiedono se ci sono dei cibi particolari per aiutare la memoria, mi limito a raccontare la mia esperienza, perché non sono né un nutrizionista né un medico", ci tiene a precisare Matteo Salvo
"La cosa che ho notato, ad esempio, è che mangiando vegetariano ho bisogno di dormire meno, mi sveglio più riposato e ho la mente molto lucida per tutta la giornata e anche di più"
9. Memorizza i vocaboli stranieri usando le immagini: Per memorizzare facilmente parole nuove in una lingua straniera: - crea un'immagine per la parola italiana (se la parola è concreta avrà già un'immagine, se è astratta creane una tu) - individua la pronuncia della parola in lingua straniera - costruisci un'immagine per il suono della pronuncia in lingua straniera - adesso avrai due immagini che assocerai attraverso il PAV partendo dall'immagine del vocabolo italiano Ad esempio, se in spagnolo vuoi memorizzare che "tavolo" si dice "mesa" potrai immaginare che mentre stai apparecchiando per il pranzo un prete decida di officiare la messa proprio sul tuo tavolo 10
Fissa obiettivi raggiungibili: pianifica quante pagine dovrai studiare ogni giorno: ti aiuterà a rimanere concentrato e a ottenere il risultato desiderato
È necessario però essere onesti con se stessi e porsi degli obiettivi raggiungibili
Per una programmazione efficace tieni conto anche dei giorni in cui non potrai studiare, come festività o weekend
Smemoranda 2019, un #ciao! simbolo anche di accoglienza - Lifestyle - Duration: 3:14.Ha superato la boa dei 40 anni, la Smemoranda, il più cult tra tutti i diari scolastici, oggi multiforme oggetto un po' libro, un po' notebook, ma ancora molto trendy nonostante sia passata attraverso generazioni di studenti
Da sempre connotata, nelle sue campagne, anche con tematiche sociali, quest'anno s'impernia su un saluto - #Ciao! - declinato in tutti i modi possibili e simbolo di comunicazione, ma anche di disponibilità all'altro, di accoglienza
Questo - non a caso - in giorni in cui l'Italia si interroga se lasciare al largo, sulle barche che le hanno raccolti, i migranti che tentano di fuggire per mare nell'incapacità dell'Europa di risposte efficaci
"Serve un altro principio guida, alternativo alla logica di guerra verso i migranti, all'idea di pagare qualcuno per tenerli lontani
Se non si capisce questo, non c'è la base per nessun ragionamento e per sfruttare i vantaggi di questa situazione migratoria", ha commentato Gino Strada, amico e sostenitore dell'iniziativa editoriale, a margine della presentazione per la 'Smemo 2019' che si è tenuta a Milano, proprio a Casa Emergency
Molte cose insomma sono cambiate, da quel 1978 in cui vide la luce la prima edizione
E non solo nel mondo e nella società, ma anche per la Smemoranda: nata con un'anima di protesta, con molto entusiasmo e poco marketing, oggi il diario diretto da Nico Colonna e Gino&Michele si è però trasformato in un fenomeno anche commerciale e raggruppa intorno a sé testimonial d'eccezione, e campagne pubblicitarie sostenute oltre che da spot nazionali anche da web, social e influencer internazionali
Quest'anno il tema è 'E allora… Ciao!, le "quattro lettere che compongono un saluto universale, semplice, inequivocabile
L'esordio tra due persone, timido o spavaldo, che forse si trasformerà in qualcosa di più", che porta a nuove amicizie ma anche ad accoglienza e disponibilità all'altro: tra i testimonial Antonio Albanese, Roberto Saviano, Bebe Vio, Jovanotti, Emis Killa, Mika, Francesca Michielin, Checco Zalone e molti altri
E poi "Ciao. It's me" una serie di video, realizzati per la tv e per Instagram, che mostrano i tanti modi di presentarsi dei ragazzi di oggi
Un feeling che la Smemo ha mantenuto immutato grazie anche ai suoi 736mila fan su Facebook, 16mila su Twitter e 37mila su Instagram
Neymar Vs Ronaldo Who Has The Better LifeStyle In 2018 ? - Duration: 13:20.
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