Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily game Jun 27 2018

oh hey guys it's hecho bomb here and today I'm gonna be doing something a bit

different for you guys I'm gonna be unboxing quite a rare collectible Elder

Scrolls game from many many years back and I just wanna state that before we

start this I'm sure there's gonna be some people out there mainly sort of

hardcore video game collectors that are probably gonna find this not offensive

but um you know yeah I can see upsetting some people in in some way and I just

want to say that I've always been a video gamer over a video game collector

so I mean I love collecting video games but I don't see any point in having them

if you're not gonna use them I mean it's nice to have a nice pristine clean

collection but if you never get to experience those games what's the point

in owning them you know what why would you why would you buy them if you're

never gonna use them and and that's kind of my mindset so it's not for everyone

and I get that some people like to have their things nice and sealed in their

pristine packaging but yeah it's not for me I want to experience all my games

that I own so that's what today is all about unboxing and enjoying a piece of

gaming history so without further ado let's get stuck in and here it is the

Elder Scrolls travel shadow key and as you can see it's only on the Nokia ngage

which is quite special really because that means that this game's nearly 15

years old and they have never had a way of playing on any other system no ports

no emulators or roms nothing like that so as it stands the elder scrolls travel

shadow key you can only play it physically on a Nokia ngage I think part

of the reason that this game is quite rare is because the n-gage flopped

pretty badly and they obviously didn't make that many copies of this game like

you would see nowadays with current platforms but for me I'll take any

excuse to delve back into the Elder Scrolls universe even if it is a 14-year

old mobile game but even for a mobile game it seems pretty substantial I mean

the back cover claims to have 65 different types of monsters 18 different

levels and even co-op multiplayer via Bluetooth which up until the Elder

Scrolls online was completely unheard of and I mean I wonder how many people

actually know that this could potentially have been the very first

to play Elder Scrolls game like over a decade before the old scrolls online

came out when we were all asking for a multiplayer version of oblivion back in

the day I wonder who actually knew about this

game and I think that's what makes it really cool to have in a collection is

not a lot of people know anything about this game myself included then there's a

huge Elder Scrolls fan I'm just excited to open up and see what's inside and

find out how it plays so let's crack it open and see what we find

yes at this point all the hardcore video game collectors are hissing at the

screen reeling back in horror aside devalue this by taking out of its

plastic but as I said before I want to experience this game not a lot people

have had the chance to do that and I'm a huge Elder Scrolls fan and I feel like I

owe it to myself to give this a go so just gotta take this security tab off

here and this crack open

just like that there's no going back now but let's open it up and see what's


Wow I mean I wasn't expecting to see that

stuff in here I've got a few other engage games but they are literally just

the game cartridge themselves and nothing like this just need a moment

here to really take it all in I mean we've got quite a nice-looking map here

and well I guess this is the instruction manual that the Health and Safety guide

you know how to put the cartridge in and to do all of that looks like we've got a

cartridge holder here some kind of it's almost like a 3ds cartridge holder

really I guess that holds four games and on it maybe two I guess yeah this slots

together and holds two games there she's yeah that's cool something different I

wonder if all engage games came with this it's bizarre there we go we got the

cartridge here which is pretty secure how to get out actually but um it just

looks like an SD card really weird it's you know I wonder how they fought piracy

with these things because it is just an SD card but the looks of it but yeah

it's nice it's nice and thin and yeah I can easily see this getting lost however

which is a problem but let's take a look at the map here and see what's on there

take a closer look because it is a nice map it's yeah it's just paper it's

nothing like the cloth when you got with the original Skyrim but you know it's

nice quite an expensive map there's a lot of familiar names on there that

you'd expect to see and certainly some off scene from Elder Scrolls online and

you've got Skyrim at the top there but you know this is a really nice map and

so shame games didn't come with things like this anymore

because yeah it's a really nice thing to own I'm not actually too sure how the

map will work in game because the game case did say that there was 18 levels so

I don't know if this is gonna be a traditional open-world Elder Scrolls

experience or if this is gonna be you know individual levels and this map is

here as just a player reference so you can see how close various things are to

each other now it would be really really cool if this was a proper open-world

exploration heavy Elder Scrolls title you know much like Morrowind oblivion

Skyrim and all of those because I mean this came out years and years like over

a decade before Skyrim was ported to the Nintendo switch recently so I mean

that's that's something crazy to think that you could have a portable Elder

Scrolls experience all the way back then and also if that is the case why haven't

they attempted it since you know it's been 10 15 years since this game why has

there not been another portable Elder Scrolls experience until now

let's take a look at the manual here and this is again something that you just

don't see anymore in modern video games is printed manual was especially color

ones like this I mean this is really really nice and jam-packed full of

information and just details about the game that you need to know back in the

day these would be a treasure trove of useful information that nowadays that I

guess they just assume that you have the internet you can just look this stuff up

I guess there's a cost factor to that developers just you know it's cheaper

not to have manuals but I'm a fan of the manual and I'd like to see a comeback of

these where I'm gonna pop all this stuff back in the case now and I'll be back

with you guys in just a second with my final thoughts and conclusion on this

and there we have it the elderscrolls travels shadow key for the nokia n-gage

a cracking unboxing with some cool little secrets inside and you know I was

pleasantly surprised with this and I really can't wait to play this through

and just see what it's like I imagine it's probably gonna be rubbish but I

think you know as an Elder Scrolls fan I owe it to myself to at least give it

going and see what it's all about and I'll definitely be posting up a review

and some Let's Plays just to show you guys there what about what it's like and

so keep your eyes peeled for that make sure you like subscribe to the channel

and I'll catch you guys soon


For more infomation >> THE ELDER SCROLLS SHADOWKEY Unboxing | Super Rare Elder Scrolls Game That You'e Never Heard Of!!! - Duration: 7:22.


PC & Game Streaming Setup (Time-lapse) - Duration: 1:31.

[Dance & Electronica Background Music]

For more infomation >> PC & Game Streaming Setup (Time-lapse) - Duration: 1:31.


A NEW SERIES?? Moonlighter Awesome Dungeon Crawler Game Part 1 - Duration: 15:09.

Rahi Moonlighter Awesome Dungeon Crawler Game Part 1 Rahi Raft what's a great thing for some bar you can write and welcome to one of my most

anticipated games of 2018 I'm a potential new series on the channel this

game is called moonlighter and I have been in love with it ever since I saw

early early gameplay of it over a year ago and the reason I love this so much

is because there is too many aspects to this and also he can do some pretty sick

roles by day you are a mythical item merchant which is pretty fucking cool

and by night you are a badass look hungry

dungeon Slayer which is even more pretty freakin cool

so right here we are in our little shop where we get to sell items I did the

tutorial before doing this intro so I have a whole bunch of resources that I

got don't worry you guys didn't really miss on anything but yeah now we can

just put some stuff in our shop and then open it up so we don't want to sell sub

that's too important just in case we need it for crafting better items and

better upgrades so let me just put these at fire since I have a lot of them which

probably means that they're not worth lot and yes alright it's the third of

January my first shop opening day come on old lady like those tweaks yeah she

loves those weights dude okay so there is a pricing system in this game so

people's reactions means yes oh you see that person's reaction it means that the

price was way too high for them so that's how you regulate your prices in

this game my shop is freakin booming right now but I from people's reactions

are probably selling these things way too freaking cheap we need to adjust

that come on what do you think what do you think we think we think yes it's

good alright this I think I'm done with

selling shit right now because I want to explore some dungeons baby there we go

alright guy here all day here we go it's night time

we made 500 gold that was a pretty good business day all right there we go now

let's go to the dungeon which is this way and I believe that they are randomly

generated so every single time gonna be different and these things are

really freaking big so we can pretty much go until we die but we don't really

want to do that because if you die you lose all the resources that you have and

you're back alright still these plebs real quick pretty easy

just stationary turrets but they give you a lot of resource come here boy okay

there we go one more more all right we're done

no all these resources give you well these rocks don't give you a lot but I

remember from the early gameplay that I saw that those flames and that glass

give you a crap ton of money yo 50 damage to that guy well I am way too

frickin strong and we are gonna get even stronger because there is new weapons

and new weapon upgrades and my favorite thing in this game is this spirit

because you can hit enemies from really far away where they can't even reach you

yet so you barely take any damage okay there's one chest you know I forgot to

put the other stuff in my chest at home alright so we got a lot of resources on

us I do definitely do not want to die alright Wow alright there you go

kill these guys real quick over the edge over the edge stay here we go one for

all killing it right now seems really friggin awesome I love it did I did I

say that enough you're like people are getting sick of hearing that and I just

cleared that gap like a champ baby let's keep going

alright this guy he's not very hard but oh okay nevermind but he does a lot of

damage yeah that's right then you're gonna say oh my god alright taking way

too much damage right now what Bob and all away oh come on

I have no range that's why I need to speed know what I'm using I'm using a

portion dude there we go okay starting to get the hang of it

bah and bah you know that's why I said I needed dispute because you need range

some of these creatures you don't want to take any damage alright I think we

cleared the whole left side well supposed to the right I'm feeling great

I still need to go walk just screw it there we go that was a perfect choice

alright oh my god dude okay one more potion I don't like that I'm wasting

these early on but come on so need to get used to these controls oh fuck dude

but you can still hear me alright there we go

what's in the box alright more resources oh there we go we are starting to run

out of space let's go keep going I am NOT gonna have space for all these

resources kill you kill you okay come here boy oh

no no he's swallowing me he swallow me what what what was that freeing blobs on

my ass I don't like it okay what is this this room looks weird as shit

come on there we go there we go look at these skills these guys are nothing to

me bro I bet there is something down here I'm doing it nope no mine no mine I

was a big mistake it was all fucking shit there has to have been something

down there now we're like gonna shed go keep going right yeah there's no the

boss right here come on yes give me those resources and eat them

alright he's dead he's gone is this the last this might be the last

room what's this today marks my first step into the these mysterious dungeons

oh I've already read this before it basically says that the dungeon is

different every single time procedurally generated that is and every single time

you go into it it's a different experience which is pretty cool now let

me skip all this where you read this there are any items out here I could

take oh there's a crack in the wall no no going here god damnit I thought I

found the secret alright yes these are fountains that you fill your

health their briefing is sick but they're not permanent this is a letter

that pretty much says that you can find loot in this place basically what it

says there we go let's go all right need to be very careful

against these guys stop there ha ha Wow do you see these dungeon skills right

now all the items is awesome oh no oh no no no no no I remember that guy from the

previews I'm out I know I know I know I know that dude one shots you all right

he is not a a guy to mess with okay I had way too many resources to die

right there oh my god that was so pretty close what I used right there was just a

pendant you saw you can pay some gold to just get back to your house and keep the

items that you got but we can't spam it because it gets more and more expensive

every single time you use it all right there we go open up shop and I'm

actually gonna go into my room and store all the stuff that I got look at this

holy crap dude I came back with a full stack for the first dungeon freakin

Klein's thank you come again come on the last thing I need to sell is

his crystal take it take it take it sir sir you look like you're in the market

for some crystals are you are you are you bro the price for this is still too

high alright this guy the guy's gonna take it guys gonna take it 110 110 ok

he's happy with it he's just a happy little fella okay so this bad boy and

everybody I have my freaking house alright get out okay I think now we have

enough money to buy dispute which I'm really excited for so let's go to sleep

and tomorrow we'll go to the shops and get our spear all right good morning

people now let's go outside okay so this is where you unlock shops so here we

have a blacksmith and also a potion Brewer

thing so I'm gonna unlock the blacksmith first

dude because I need my spear and after that we're gonna unlock the potion girl

cuz da that's one we've got our health to be able to go further to the dungeons

alright let's go let's go my boy mean that spear yes yes hello how are you oh

we can unlock we can the craft armor as well but that needs a lot of resources

hey we can actually crap this one no we can't we can't we need for 4,000 gold we

have the resources for it but not the dammit dude fuck we need two more iron

bars to crap the spear alright so guess that means another run

of the dungeon how's it going do it these things should give me iron bars

right that's why I need for speed thank you let's go go come here boy come here

boy come here boy alright go my resources going on right now this is

Scott so deep in all that that big block guy is annoying because he swallows you

and traps you oh you did it he did it again there we go he escapes one more

one more hit oh no no stop stop sir sir thank you I can go left so let's do whoa

holy okay that is I think that's another level I don't believe that we are nearly

enough equipped to go in there I don't think we are we need one we don't even

have like a spear or extra armor I don't think we're ready for that well let's

just gonna explore the rest these parts also hold a potion sometimes I'll

destroy them and looking for it never mind did the fountain is really freaking

close alright now we're full how want sir sir

no no there we go he's dead oh okay now we can go actually lower into the

dungeon which might be harder but let's freakin do it it means more resources

and more loot that's what I'm all about oh this thing

right here means that you can if you need money for like the pendants to go

home for example you can just come here and

sell the stuff that you have but of course you'll sell it for a lower price

alright let's go let's go up Wow okay I thought there were like five of

the big dude oh he's doing a lot of damage things do more damage in this

place go you know I'm taking I'm taking a lot of heads right now no die dude one

asshole I hate that guy the the jelly that we get from them I

think we use it to craft potions so it's not that freakin useless bro I'm taking

a lot of unnecessary hiss right now okay okay I don't think I should mess oh my

god dude I just got rekt yo that was bullshit right there that spider just

jumped at me you know what you know what I'm trying

it again I am risking it one more freakin time let's do this cuz I'm not

afraid okay dungeon gone number two this isn't easy room I can deal with okay

okay there there there sponges at me I cannot deal with this yes okay

these dudes are hard let's use a potion actually here's another one

there we go if I get my ass case in this room I know I'm not saying any more okay

let's take these out one by one oh my one there you go no no you're not

you're not touching me touch me don't do any damage boom there we go alright got

him okay y'all no further now I'm not getting our ass kicked

that's some mystery items okay we have to get out of the dungeon to find out

what those are okay this is pretty easy not too hard okay head doll don't don't

get hit what'd I tell you what'd I tell you about now you're hit yes get out of

here okay come back ba it's one oh don't take

that guy's such an asshole I hate him taking my loop I'm like in one bit yeah

oh my god he has a lot health as well yeah okay so we are definitely not going

into that that is way too freaking hard just one

room yo that's a golden chest all right so I'm talking about what you want what

do you want what do you want way too fast feet you see these moves can't do

anything about it that's what I'm talking about

all right I get something good well actually I think I'm gonna bail right

now because okay we have a lot of items I'm gonna get rid of these twigs right

little quick because they're not valuable here either these frog legs or

whatever they are all right I we are just stacked on resources right now I'm

gonna leave I'm out bro we're gonna get so much money from this boy do you have

a lot all right I'm back baby is do I have enough for this few right now I

know I have enough money bro finally yes of course I want it there we go now

we're gonna be able to do damage at range that means we're not gonna get hit

a lot anymore replace that with my useless

frickin broom now let's go home sell some other shit all right sold

everything now it is time to get the hell in my shop no no go I need to sleep

mm 280 gold okay our business is definitely booming right now let's go to

sleep and I want to go in town to check for all those to check for more upgrades

see what we can do for you sure we don't have the money to get armor yet but

let's see at least if we have the resources for it what we do actually we

do huh we really freaking do so yeah I'm actually gonna leave this video here

this game is just an absolute treat for me so if you guys do want to see more of

this then please let me know and I would love nothing more than to make it

serious but if you made this for please concerning observant anonymous I mean

uploads' i hope to see you all in the next one have a great miss your day


For more infomation >> A NEW SERIES?? Moonlighter Awesome Dungeon Crawler Game Part 1 - Duration: 15:09.


Colorful Game - Ninja Fish - Insane 27 Frag Duos Gameplay - Learning Video - Android Gameplay - Duration: 10:20.

Colorful Game - Ninja Fish - Insane 27 Frag Duos Gameplay - Learning Video - Android Gameplay

For more infomation >> Colorful Game - Ninja Fish - Insane 27 Frag Duos Gameplay - Learning Video - Android Gameplay - Duration: 10:20.


Hướng dẫn làm event xong lạc trôi lun chóng mặt :) Game : Gravity Shift [Universe Event] - Duration: 14:30.

For more infomation >> Hướng dẫn làm event xong lạc trôi lun chóng mặt :) Game : Gravity Shift [Universe Event] - Duration: 14:30.


Liên Quân Troll | Kahlli Lên Full Dame Troll Game Bá Đạo - Duration: 16:42.

For more infomation >> Liên Quân Troll | Kahlli Lên Full Dame Troll Game Bá Đạo - Duration: 16:42.


Vẽ tướng Marja game liện quân mobile - Vẽ nhân vật game - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Vẽ tướng Marja game liện quân mobile - Vẽ nhân vật game - Duration: 5:07.


[40 MB] Iron Man 2 Android Game Download || Iron Man 2 PPSSPP Game Download 2018 - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> [40 MB] Iron Man 2 Android Game Download || Iron Man 2 PPSSPP Game Download 2018 - Duration: 4:53.


Tặng Quy Luật Công Thức Game Xóc Đĩa Mới Nhất 2018+2019+Game Xóc Đĩa Hưng Nguyễn Trên Điện Thoại - Duration: 11:57.

For more infomation >> Tặng Quy Luật Công Thức Game Xóc Đĩa Mới Nhất 2018+2019+Game Xóc Đĩa Hưng Nguyễn Trên Điện Thoại - Duration: 11:57.


Nigeria fans celebrate World Cup goal in amazing video from Iceland game - Duration: 1:21.

 Nigeria headed to the World Cup with high hopes of progressing to the knockout stages in Russia

 And if they beat Argentina this evening then a play in the last-16 is theirs. And a video has emerged of just how delirious the fans back home have got during this World Cup

 As the amazing footage reportedly shows, Nigeria school children in a residency block ran around celebrating after the 2-0 win over Iceland

 The enthusiasm from the fans is clear to see as they secured a vital victory in Group D

 Nigeria head into today's game second in their group. It means a win and they will qualify for the knockout stages, while a draw and Iceland failing to beat Croatia would also see them progress


For more infomation >> Nigeria fans celebrate World Cup goal in amazing video from Iceland game - Duration: 1:21.


Sok Tahu Bukan Tempe. Ngebahas Game di Indonesia - Duration: 9:07.

Hello guys! Back with me again, Rizki on Republik Sultan for RGCI.

This time it will be sharing session.

We've just had a family gathering.

Because we're still on Lebaran spirit here. So i got my friends gather here to hang-out and play some games...

...and babysitting my kids

Today, these two guys will joining me. Maybe you still remember this guy here...

...because He always beat the s#*% outta me on fighting games.

And this one here is Irfan.

Ok. I can safely say that these two guys here is not a gamer.


Gamers, but I rather say they're casual gamers.

So, we will have a casual chit-chat on this beautiful still-on Lebaran spirit's gathering day.

So, today we will have a short discussion. Start from...

...what's your favourite genre on games, Oki?


What's yours, Fan?


My favourite game is SOLITAIRE.

Why do you love fighting games? I know that you're good at it.

But why do you love it in the beginning?


It doesn't took a long time to finish it.

Its get me bored (long-time playing games)

What's yours, Fan?

I love F.P.S because...

Your genre is F.P.S

Yes it is.

I love almost every F.P.S games.

One in particular that now i'm playing is Titanfall.

For more infomation >> Sok Tahu Bukan Tempe. Ngebahas Game di Indonesia - Duration: 9:07.


[GM] Game Masters Beginner Guide to Scenic Tabletop Roleplaying - Duration: 31:26.

hello and welcome everybody to my very first episode of Fumbling Forward

name is Maurizio and I feel truly blessed that you joined me for my very

first pilot episode here on YouTube! So, fumbling Forward is a channel about

role-playing games - specifically tabletop role-playing games. You know the strange

hobby where you sit around a table with your pals telling each other stories and

using rules that need 20 sided dice or a 12 sided dice or 10-sided dice and you

got like rule-books that are so heavy that you could kill your grandmother

with it? Yes! That's tabletop role-playing in a

nutshell. We're not only gonna talk about role-playing games in general but

specifically about the job as a game master. So, the game master is the one guy

normally the one guy at the table who is kind of the director for the narrative

you're all gonna play and - yeah - create together and he also is the one who has

all the rules in his head - and if he doesn't have them in his head, he has them - you know - the big book with wich he could kill his grandmother...

What's up with this grandmother thing? ... Strange...

The other part of Fumbling Forward is talking about ya creating your own

role-playing games developing your own role-playing games and how you can come

up with interesting rules, interesting setting ideas and - yeah - how to match both whith each other. So, for my very

first episode I want to talk about my style of game mastering and it's called

"Scenic game mastering". Yeah, because it's based on scenic narration. I think that's

a very good starting point for this channel because we're gonna talk about

quite a lot of stuff that scenic game mastering is the basis to. So, before we

dive right into the topic I would like to take one minute to talk about myself

and to introduce myself to you. My name is Maurizio and I'm from Germany. I am

a hobbyist game master and game developer for tabletop role-playing

games and as you maybe can imagine I have quite a lot of experience in game

mastering and my unique play style. So, everything I'm gonna talk about is my

personal view on how game mastering works best - not necessarily the "best game

mastering" period. So as always with game mastering game developing and gaming in

general there are several different styles and ways to go about it and I

only will cover the one I am familiar with and I think is best. I'm a game

master for I think like 12 years now. I play in regular groups each week and I

develop my own role-playing game for approximately seven years now. As you can

imagine there were quite a few drawbacks during this seven years. Nobody should

actually take seven years for developing their own role playing game - to be honest.

But I'm here to try to help you avoid making the same mistakes as I did and

yeah coming about your game idea a lot faster than I have because I started

over like 20 times. So, if you are from Germany and interested in more stuff I'm

doing I'm also part of a podcasting group about role-playing games

it's called "Pen & Podcast". You will find the link to this podcast here below

and yeah I also am a host of my own podcast called "Hinterm Schirm". It's also a

German podcast - as you maybe heart... and it's about game mastering and game developing

so much of the stuff you will be hearing in "Fumbling Forward" is also part of

"Hinterm Schirm" and if you are interested in further analysis of game mastering

styles and how to develop your own game -??? So, with no further ado let's dive right

into the juicy bits of this episode: we're talking about "scenic role-playing"

and scenic roleplaying, as I said before, is a specific kind of structuring your

narration and a specific kind of game mastering style. in my opinion there are

two big branches of how you can structure your campaign or your sessions

and those are called narration driven style and simulation driven style. Okay

as you see I'm quite interested in the theoretical part of role-playing. So many

of the topics on this channel are gonna be quite theoretical... yeah... I hope you're

okay with that and stay with me. I'm gonna explain to you in detail what I

mean and it's not so complicated as it may

seem now from the get-go... So, you've got these two styles and they are quite easy

to distinguish: The narrationist-style or the narration driven style is more of a

cinematic approach to structuring your narration, whereas the simulationist style

is more naturalistic. So, imagine you as a game master are not only the narrator

but also the "camera man". So you decide which specific aspects of your story are

shown to the players and are played by your players. Okay, let's give you an

example: let's say your players or your group - the characters of your

players just entered a new metropolis, a city, and the first thing they want to do

is go to the tavern - Every character always wants at some point in the story

go to the tavern... And now you have several different options: You could like

start with them entering the gates of the of the specific city, let them walk

through the streets, narrate each street by itself and at some point they manage

to actually find the tavern. Maybe they have to ask around where the tavern is

and some friendly NPC is gonna help them but at some point they will find the

tavern and then yeah we can move on from there. That's the one way. The other way

is a more cinematic way. If we decide that the the journey from the city gates

to the tavern is actually quite boring and there's nothing

really happening in there we can just skip this. We can just say okay you want

to go to the tavern. BAM! You're at the tavern! Opening the

door to the tavern: Now what do you do? You see we're skipping certain parts of the

narration to move the story forward and to drive the story to

get to the juicy bits of the evening. That's a more cinematic approach and we

call that approach narration driven or I would say scenic

game mastering style. For those of you who are really into roleplaying theory there is a specific term there is a specific term that is

normally associated with really bad game mastering and it's called

"railroading". The term means that your story is like a train on Rails and your

characters can't branch out to the left or to the right. They can only go one way

and that's the way the rails gonna lead them. And in this specific analogy you as

a GM are the rails. You decide where the characters go and if the characters want

to do something else that's not in your story you as a GM try to get

them back on the tracks. So normally the big advantage of tabletop role-playing

games in contrast to maybe PC role-playing games or console

role-playing games is that your characters are able to do whatever they

want. Your players can say "okay I don't want to go to the tavern" or "I wouldn't want

to fight a dragon" "I want don't want to talk to this very

important NPC. I would rather kill him and eat his flesh" - .. okay maybe... maybe not

eating his... okay you can... but you shouldn't... and.. -never mind. So, you get the

general the gist and we're gonna talk about railroading in detail in a future

episode. So, normally one could argue that scenic role-playing is a kind of of

railroading. Why is that? Scenic role-playing takes away some of

the agency of the players because you don't have this naturalistic approach.

Going back to our example: players are at the city gates

and they want to journey to the local tavern. Now how they do that is up to

them and you as a GM could give them the opportunity to explore the city by

themselves. So, you're at the city gates and there's this main road or this main

Street right in front of you. There are several dozen citizens walking

about doing their day-to-day business there are merchants there, they're city

guards, they're different alleyways you could use and you could

explore. What do you want to do? So, this approach by asking the players how they

want to go about finding the local tavern is a very naturalistic approach

because you as a GM don't decide what's happening. You don't take away the agency

from the players. The players decide by themselves: "Okay I wanna

ask one of the guards." Okay good. Go to the guards - the players

go to the guards - and ask: "A good day dear sir! I want to go to the tavern! Do you know the

way around?" And the guard answers: "Yes of course I know way around! Who are you?..." and so on and so on

Yeah you could argue that's kind of boring and everybody is like falling

asleep but that's a naturalistic approach and you don't take away any

agency from the players and you show everything. Like I said, when you imagine

you as a GM are a camera man: The camera in the simulationist-approach is never

off. You show everything! Of course there are gray

areas. I'm talking about the extreme on the one side and in the extreme-

simulationist approach the camera is never off. So you would actually show that

character is taking a dump. - Maybe not taking a dump - but you know what I mean. By

skipping all that, that's taking away agency from the players. In some way I

think every GM is doing that. We all do not show each and every path of the

life of our characters. We all like to narrate specific scenes which have

conflict because conflict drives our story. Of course sometimes it can be very

nice to give the characters some room for themselves to decide where they

wanna go next, what they want to explore. But in the end we decide which aspects

of the journey or which aspects of the life of our characters - as a GM - we're

gonna show a players. In our example - I think it's a very good example for

showing the general idea of scenic role playing - but we can take this whole

approach a little bit further: By deciding which scenes we're gonna show

our players we can - to a certain extent - help ourselves coming up with

great story ideas. So, for example maybe I come up with a specific scene in my head

where some bandits are gonna lay a trap for the characters on the road so I

wouldn't skip the road obviously. Because I want the the players to encounter

those bandits on the road. So you see there is a specific idea

behind which scene I gonna show and which scene I gonna skip. And the aspect

that is most important for me to decide if I gonna show something or not is if

there conflict - and if this conflict interesting for my storyline. So, as I

said when I start a game session I'm normally sitting in my bathtub and writing

down some notes and those notes are all about different scenes

and the conflict in those scenes. For example I know that the party is gonna

journey from city A to city B. And when I'm sitting there in the bathtub I'm

thinking about "okay is there something on the way from city A to city B that's

pretty interesting is there something I can come up with it's gonna make a great

story and it's gonna introduce a great conflict to the story. If not I'm gonna

skip that. So for me the most important thing is is there something to narrate or

is it just like "okay I'm showing it because yeah the characters have to walk

all those miles to get to the city." Journeys can be quite

problematic in a way that if you always skip the journey - because you find them

boring or you don't like this "road movie" style events on the side road, players

can easily lose their sense for distance. So specifically in a medieval setting

distances are quite a heavy burden for characters. So moving from one city to

another can take several weeks or even months. To not lose this sense of distance

I sometimes find it very important to give to come up with some ideas for the

journey and to maybe spend an evening or two on a journey and developing

ideas and plot-hooks specifically for the way from point A to point B. So as you

can imagine scenic role playing is all about "pacing". And pacing is a term coming from

narration and constructing stories in general. You will find it in books, you

will find it in movies and it's about how things progress inside a greater

narrational construct and how fast they progress. It's like the heartbeat of

a story. If you want to take this analogy, each beat is a conflict that

drives the story ahead and gives the story some kind of momentum. And the

space between each beat can be longer or can be shorter. And this

this rhythm is called "pacing". And sometimes it's very important to slow

down the pacing to give the characters space. Because if a character is always

only confronted with conflict and doesn't have time to to maybe just sit

around the campfire and talking and reflecting about the things that happened

to them... yeah it's gonna get too stressful.

For example, I talked with a good friend of mine: He told me: "Okay if you gonna

construct a horror game for example. If there's constant fear and constant

terror inside your campaign or your evening, your session, then it's not gonna

work the same way as if you have some downtime. Some feeling of

relief, some comic relief and then going back to this straight forward hammering

in terror into the characters. So you need this "up and down" and that's a good

pacing. Coming up with conflict after conflict after conflict... it's

getting dull at a certain point. So it's important to find the right

rhythm for your story. And that's something we're gonna talk about

specifically in another episode. But scenic role-playing can do other things

as well. If you take examples that are.... yeah.... that are more

problematic I would say - in the eye of some game masters with different play

styles. So let's imagine we have a group of three people: Yeah we have CARL

he's a dwar,f we have OTTO, he's a human and we have RICHARD, he's an elf

so Carl, Otto and Richard each wanna do a different thing. So maybe Carl decides

he wanna visit the blacksmith now. "So I'm gonna visit blacksmith now!" and

Otto decides "Okay I'm a human I need I need money. We all need money." So he's

visiting the local bank. And the last one is Richard the elf. He maybe

decides: Okay he wanted to smoke some fantasy weed in a bar. So each of them is

going off to some different locations. So now something interesting is happening

with scenic roleplaying. okay now we got our three characters and one of them as

you know is Otto. And as we said Otto is going to the bank and maybe we decide as

a GM "Okay when Otto is going to visit the bank

there will be like robbery taking place" So actually Otto is

waltzing in to a robbery. So as Otto enters the place from the front door

maybe the robbery already took place and the bandits turn around with sacks full

of money and coins and they see Otto waltzing in through the front door. And

Otto - being Otto and a hero - he's unsheathing his sword and calls them to

surrender. So now we got a conflict in the scene and that was the reason why we

actually decided to show this scene. As you remember in scenic role-playing we

could've just said "Okay we skipping this part of the story because there's

nothing interesting happening at the bank. So there's no need for us to

actually show what Otto is doing there." But since we decided "Okay there will be

a robbery taking place" it's maybe more interesting and let's show that. Okay so

far so good. Now what we could do is taking one of the other characters for

example Carl, who was at the blacksmith, and putting him in the scene. Pulling him to

this scene - to Ottos scene. Okay and now things get interesting!

Tthe the player of Carl never decided to - never decided by himself to move to the

bank after he visited the blacksmith. Maybe he only wanted to get a new axe or

to sharpen his weapons and then maybe moving to the tavern to his friend

Richard the elf. But you as a GM decided it would be more interesting for the

dwarf Carl to have a scene with the human Otto in the bank while there's a

robbery taking place. Because there are several different reasons for this: The

first reason could be maybe it's an interesting dynamic between Otto and

Carl going on and you wanted a scene with both of them alone - without

Richard. So they can yeah maybe resolve some conflicts between them. Maybe it's

interesting because Otto is normally not the quite aggressive guy and Carl is

very aggressive - being a dwarf. So there could be a conflict of interests

between them if they are both confronted with the conflict of the robbers. But

whatever reasons they are, you decided that the dwarf Carl is introduced to the

scene of Otto being at the bank. So you took away agency from Carls

player. It's totally ok to do that in my opinion. Some of the GMs will now say "Oh

my god! Okay, that's totally railroading. Carl never decided to visit

the bank and that's totally railroading! And never do that!" But I think unless you

are doing something that is totally against the motivations of a character...

For example let's say the dwarf Carl swore an oath to never visit any bank then

it would be a very bad idea to come up with this way of introducing Carl

to the scene. But unless there's a real good reason for Carl

not to to help out his friend Otto at the bank.. Why not?

Obviously Carl could have said "Okay I want to visit Richard because I have

some stuff I want to go over with Richard concerning our next adventures

and so I will never decide to go to the bank!" And it's totally fine. If the

player of Carl decides: "Okay excuse me GM,

I don't want to go to the bank after the the blacksmith. I clearly decided to go

to Richard." That's okay! So you go with that and you say "Okay

sorry! You're not in the scene. Otto, you play the scene by yourself." That's

totally fine. But in my experience most players are quite okay with them

being pushed to certain scenes. Because they then get interesting and new

opportunities for them to act. Because they - you as GM in scenic role playing -

it's your job to come up with interesting conflicts. You actively

decide which scenes you're gonna show. And therefore you should have a very

good idea or a very good selection mechanism which scene is interesting and

which is not. And so in generally players can trust you and come to trust

you in your decision whether a scene is interesting for them or not. So if I

decide that would be a great scene for Carl to help Otto at the bank

normally my players trust me that it's a real good decision. If I - for some reason -

did not calculate that - for example, Otto does not have any motivation

to do that or to be there, whatsoever, then as I said that's totally okay and

that's totally fine and we can skip that part and leave Otto there alone and

maybe even decide that Richard - totally baked - enters the bank

instead. You can create certain constellations in scenes without asking

the de players to do so. And it's a specific style

of narrating and the players should know that this is your style but it helps you

a lot especially in scenes where characters are separated from each other

and you can get them back together again. As you probably noticed this format and

Fumbling Forward in general is not railroaded. I tend to digress from the

path and touch certain side-topics all the time. But I think for a first

overview of what scenic role-playing can do - for the first episode that's enough.

The term scenic road playing is a little bit clearer now, I think. There are some

aspects that are quite confusing still, but we're gonna clear them up in future

episodes. Especially how to create your own scenes how to pick the right

ingrediences and what the right ingrediences are for creating really

great scenes. Obviously there are many many more aspects about what scenic

role-playing can do and can't do and there are quite a few question marks still

there and we gonna try to reduce them to zero in future episodes. So if you got

some comments, critique, praise or just want to contact me or give some warm

words to me and support me please hit the comments section below!

I will comment you back on those as soon as I see them and also: If you liked this

first video of mine please consider also to give me a thumbs up or even subscribe

to my channel! That would be really really awesome because - as you already

know - this is my very first episode and my very first channel here on YouTube

and I would really appreciate to create a whole community here! Last but not

least I want to give a big shout out to those youtubers who inspired me to move

on with this endeavor and to create my own YouTube channel. Surprisingly, they are

not tabletop role-playing channels but they

are "Dark Souls lore hunters" so maybe you know the game "Dark Souls" and "Bloodborne".

They are the lore hunters, they dissect the game and look for clues about the

hidden storyline in those games and I really enjoy watching their

channels and through they're very very very good content they inspired me

to come up with my own channel so a big shout-out to "JSF", "Sinclair Lore" and Aegon

of Astora! And I linked your channels in the comment section below. So if you are

like me and do not only enjoy talking extensively about tabletop role-playing

games but also enjoy lore-hunting in the worlds of Dark Souls and Bloodborne

please consider taking a look at the aforementioned great creators of lore

hunting videos and if you enjoyed my video please also consider visiting me again I think I will upload the next video or

next week if you want to stay tuned to what I'm doing in my free time and to

when I will upload the next video - maybe also consider visiting my Twitter page. I

also put it in the video description! Until then thanks for watching guys and

have a very great week!

For more infomation >> [GM] Game Masters Beginner Guide to Scenic Tabletop Roleplaying - Duration: 31:26.


Test gaming on Intel C N3060, CS GO Gameplay - Duration: 1:12.

Hello everyone here i will show you the gameplay of intel n3060 how much fps you get?

I am sorry so, can't speak, cause i don't have a mic :v.

okay if you want maximum performance while playing follow these steps

okay so this way you set it all in intel hd graphics control panel

go into power, then plugged In> graphics power plans and you set to max performance

And then, on battery graphics power plans you set to max performance,for extended battery life for gaming you set to enable.

And yes that's it

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Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe, Like or Dislike and, comment

I am HXLEN see the next video video


Byee bye

Noob translator xixi XD

For more infomation >> Test gaming on Intel C N3060, CS GO Gameplay - Duration: 1:12.


Do Games Cause Violence? - Gaming & Society - Duration: 8:20.

This Video is rated M for mature, featuring game play with violence and blood.

View DIscretion is advised, not really though, i mean, most games are only 64 bit or less.

The idea that video games cause violence isn't something new.

It has been around since the 70's, when gaming systems started entering the household.

Today, we'll open up a can of worms and talk about if video games cause violence.

This topic is really an interesting read and depending on what sources you look at, will

have different results.

If you look into it on your own, you need to look at what kind of source your reading

and more importantly who's paying for the research.

Not all research is created equal, and most researchers aren't out there doing it for


In this video we'll look at what moral panics are, the history of the video games cause

violence panic, what the studies are looking for to show a correlation or not, and finally

what the experts actually say.

When ever we do a video like this, Sources will be in the comments down below and I fully

encourage you to do some research on your own.

Everyone has biases, and as a gamer who has played violent, and i say that in air quotes,

video games since i was 4 when I got my first NES, i'm sure you know where I stand on

this topic.

I will, however do my best, to keep my bias out of this, but i'm sure it'll come through

at some point.

As we go through this, let me know what you think, and i know its hard to ask the internet

to do, but keep it civil.

We'll start with the board scope of just what moral panics are and my favorites throughout

history.So what is moral panic, well in short, a moral panic is striking fear into society

about the actions, or more importantly the perceived actions, of an individual or group.

The term itself was coined by Stanley Cohen, a sociologist, in his 1972 book Folk Devils

and Moral Panics.

In it, he has 5 stages of the moral panic process.

So let's apply this to 5 stages of moral panic from Cohen,

Something or someone is perceived and defined as a threat to social norms:

News media and members of the community depict the threat in simplistic symbolic ways that

quickly become recognizable to the great public;

Widespread public concern is aroused by the way news media portrays the symbolic representation

of the threat;

Authorities and policy makers respond to the threat, real or perceived, with new laws or


Moral panics and actions by those in power results in social change within the community.

Its understandable that through moral panics, goverments or authorities gain more power,

since they are normally able to pass new laws that otherwise wouldn't of made the cut,

and that news networks, who spread the panic also gain.

Since everyone is scared of something they use to not know alot about, they watch more

and more news stories on it.

And anyone on youtube will tell you, views is money.

So besides video gaming, what other moral panics have we seen?

My absolute favorite is the push on Dungeons and Dragons in the 80's and 90's, which

gets revived in different names anytime a new fantasy IP takes off, like Harry Potter

in the 2000's.

This moral panic has to do with the belief that Dungeons and Dragons, and 10 years or

so later Harry Potter, push Satanism and witchcraft on the youth.

This again is another important point, and that's that it will affect the youth.

The 'What about the children' argument is a hallmark when it comes to identifying

a moral panic in the making.

Speaking of the children, let's move on over to what's making them all so violent,

video games.

This has been around since games came into existence and has roped in some of the classics

in gaming.

Everything from Doom, Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, and the very first

one Death Race in 1976.

Death Race is the game you see on your screen now and was the first large campaign to say

video games cause violence.

The whole point is to drive your little truck over gremlins and since they turn into grave

stones, the fear is that people would drive over others in the road, because they did

it in a game.

Fast forward to 1999, games are starting to look at little better, humans look like humans,

but boxy, and the Columbine School Shooting happens.

In this, the shooters played Doom , I'm using Golden Eye on the N64 as an example

here since it came out in 1997 and is the closest game i still own around that time

thats a shooter.

Now the argument wasn't that people will run over others in the street, but that games

like this reward points for getting kills or hurting people, so people will think they'll

get points in life for killing others.

So now that brings us to the research and what is being tested for to see if there is

a correlation to violence and video games.

The majority of tests all hinge along the same lines and that's of priming players

to be more open to using things they do in video games to real life.

The idea of priming is that if you kill people in the digital world it wouldn't be so out

of the question to do it in real life, or that you would be more num to the idea than

fully against it.

If we take this into the more mass marking world, you see a commercial for a Big Mac

3 times a day, usually you don't eat mcdonalds, because wendy's is better, but today you

drove past a mcdonalds and you thought, a big mac doesn't sound so bad.

In this instance the commercial for a big mac was the priming act, making you more open

to the idea of ordering a big mac.

Seeing the commercial would be like playing a match of call of duty.

Then when you saw the mcdonalds you were like 'you know a big mac doesn't sound all

that bad', even if you didn't stop and get one, and why would you, there's a wendy's

down the road, you were still more open to the idea than before, this would be equivalent

to being more aggressive from playing that match of call of duty, even if you don't

act on it, the idea is, you were more aggressive because gaming, or in this example the commercial,

has primed you to be that way.

The other thing that has been looked at is exposure, which is game type and time played.

Most of these studies take 3 groups and over a set period of time, depending if they are

looking for long term effects or short term, have them play either a violent game, or a

social non violent game, your variables, or no game at all, your control, and then do

a battery of tests including questionnaires, interviews and observation.

These may last just a weekend or may last a few months or more.

Now it's no surprise that at this time, almost 30 years after the first debate in

1976, we still don't have conclusive answer to this question.

There are studies out there to support either way, some showing an extreme correlation,

others showing none at all, and even more with in the margin of error.

Of the studies i read over, all 3, each with different results, ended with more investigation

is needed, since if a study is done right, it should be able to be replicated with the

same or similar results.

So in summary, at this time, there is no conclusive or definitive proof that video games do, or

do not cause violence.

Some have said that we are not asking the right questions when we look for a correlation,

and it may not be priming or exposure at all, and that there maybe another cause that hasn't

been looked at yet.

While others say there is no correlation at all, regardless of variables being tested.

So while we weather this storm of yet another round of moral panic on video gaming, just

keep in mind that there is, at this time, no direct correlation between gaming and violence.

while we won't settle this debate anytime soon, violent crime in the US is on the decline

since 1990, and gaming is far more prevalent today than it ever has been.

The idea of gaming causing violence is normally brought up around the time there's yet another

school shooting, and is primarily a deflection argument to take the issue away from gun control,

and onto the games caused the shooting, not guns.

Let's just ignore the fact that there's 1.17 guns in America per person, not adult,

per person in 2017.

So let's open that powder keg and tell me what you think, remember we can disagree and

still be respectful.

If you made it this far, give that like button a click since i was able to keep your attention

this long, and then subscribe if you haven't already.

Thank you all for watching, and as always, I'll see you in game!

For more infomation >> Do Games Cause Violence? - Gaming & Society - Duration: 8:20.


Pokemon AshGray Episode 1 |Pokemon ash vs gray game|Pokemon game series  |natsu JAYANTA - Duration: 4:17.

Hi friend

How to download pokemon game

Pokemon ash gray episode 1

Pokemon ash gray

Pokemon series game

You enjoy this game

No see pokemon episode

This game pokemon episode

Like trainer Ash ketchum journey

For more infomation >> Pokemon AshGray Episode 1 |Pokemon ash vs gray game|Pokemon game series  |natsu JAYANTA - Duration: 4:17.


Smiling Diego Maradona makes speedy recovery after 'collapse' at Argentina game - Daily News - Duration: 2:46.

  Diego Maradona seemed to have made a speedy recovery after he appeared to collapse following Argentina's 2-1 win over Nigeria

 The 57-year-old was pictured smiling broadly with two World Cup officials as he reportedly prepared to board a flight to Moscow in the early hours of Wednesday morning

 A short time earlier, the Barcelona and Napoli legend had to be helped from his seat and into a box at full-time, moments after he was seen wildly celebrating Marcos Rojo's 86th minute winner

 Pictures emerged showing the footballing legend being treated by two paramedics in a nearby room

 An Argentine journalist reported that Maradona's blood pressure was coming down and steadying after treatment at the stadium's medical centre

 Reports emerged in Argentina that Maradona was taken hospital but a journalist at the stadium later branded the claims "lies" before sharing a picture of the ex-footballer smiling broadly

 She captioned the snap: "June 27th, 2018. 1:08 am Russia. Diego Maradona about to take flight to Moscow

"  She later shared a snap of Maradona on board his private at 1.41am, in a bid to dispel rumours that the star had been hospitalised

 The Mirror's Darren Lewis, who was at the match, confirmed: "Maradona has not gone to hospital

He was treated here at the Zenit Arena in the medical centre for a 'blood pressure-related issue'  "He is said to be fine at the moment

" Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  Maradona was the focus of much attention as Argentina booked a place in the World Cup's last-16

 Cameras regularly cut to the World Cup winner for his reactions.  His most controversial of moments came when Rojo sealed the win for Argentina

Maradona was seen screaming down at the pitch and swearing with both hands.  And his actions didn't go down well at full-time

 On BBC1, Gary Lineker said: "Maradona's in danger of becoming a laughing stock, I'm afraid

"  Rio Ferdinand added: "His career as a football player on the pitch was up there with the best, but unfortunately there are moments like this that do arrive

It is not nice to see that."  A fan from Argentina penned: "Diego Maradona does not represent me as Argentinian

I'm ashamed by him."

For more infomation >> Smiling Diego Maradona makes speedy recovery after 'collapse' at Argentina game - Daily News - Duration: 2:46.


Tickle Her Feet By Your Hand (Video Game) - Duration: 1:09.

Me: Hi, Here's the new revision of the game(1.2)

Hope you enjoy ;)

I'm taking off her shoes and sock...

(Please refer to the previous videos if you don't know how to do.)

I have added the dialogue box.

As you can see she wiggles her toes too.

By pressing T the tickle tool will be shown instead of the mouse cursor.

(Unfortunately my recording software doesn't show it)

By pressing T again you can choose another tickle tool.

By pressing C you'll be able to change the camera.

Download Link in the description.

For more infomation >> Tickle Her Feet By Your Hand (Video Game) - Duration: 1:09.


(VIETSUB) NIOH #5 Game gì nhiều gái xinh quá vậy - Duration: 45:46.

For more infomation >> (VIETSUB) NIOH #5 Game gì nhiều gái xinh quá vậy - Duration: 45:46.


WHAT THE HECK IS THIS GAME!?!? - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> WHAT THE HECK IS THIS GAME!?!? - Duration: 8:11.


Free CAR GAMES DOWNLOAD KIDS learning game School vehicle Mobile Games for Kid SMB YouTube - Duration: 1:38.

For more Smart Babies Video Subscribe our Channel

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