Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily which Nov 30 2017

Something more important:

you live in a world of pollution now.

You are living in a broken world,

but you got used to it.

Like China. Brown sky.

You cannot even imagine a world which is not broken.

What does it mean, broken world?

It means you try to make money,

you start a business,

you get a new job,

and something goes wrong.

You don't know if you will be successful.

Would you like to start a new company?


Will it be successful?

Will you make 100 million dollars?

Then now you have to say, "I don't know."

Would you like it?


"Can you do it?"

"I don't know."

Will you try?

"I'm trying my whole life!"

But you don't know if it will work.

Next year,

will you be healthy?

Or will you have cancer?

Will you be dead?

If I ask you, "What will you be next year?"

Then you say, "I don't know.

I want to be healthy.

I want to be young.

I want to have lots of energy."

Will you have it?

"I mean, honestly, I don't know."

Do you have a partner?

"Yeah, I have one."

Will they stay with you next year?

Will you be happy next year?

Then you're like, "We try. We're trying."

But you cannot say you will or you won't—you don't know.

Will you have your partner next week?

You don't know. If you're honest, you have to say, "I don't know."

Everything in your life can change in one day.

Everything we do

—you can lose it in one day.

Will you get in a car accident on the way back to Moscow?

We almost got in like three of them, ha ha!

Then you have to say, "I don't know."

And you don't think that's strange.

You think the whole world has to be like that.

Like, you are like Chinese people with the brown sky.

You got used to it.

You live in a world which doesn't work all the time.

And you got used to it.

And if I try to say, "You don't have to live like that.

You can have blue sky,

you can have stars,

you can have dolphins swim with you."

Then you… you don't think it's possible; really, you don't think so.

And it's very difficult for me to teach people, very difficult.

It's very frustrating.

You can have... Everything can work.

What you want—you can have everything.

But first you have to want it.

Then, you have to believe it's possible.

To try to talk to Chinese people—"You don't have to live with brown sky"—they don't understand.

We bring them to our university.

We always bring them in the car at night.

Open the door,

"Look, you see, this is stars."

Then they are like "Wow!"

Then we take them, you know, show them beautiful things.

And then they understand.

But tonight,

try to understand:

your world got worse and worse every year,

and you got used to it.

You are living in a brown sky,

gray ocean,

you never saw the stars,

and you live like that.

And now we want to show you something different.

But it's very difficult.

For more infomation >> A World Which Is Not Broken - Duration: 6:21.


Which Ranged Champion Can Do 500 Damage Fastest With Just Left Click in Battlerite? - Duration: 4:19.

Hey Brawlers, Berthen here.

In this video, I put all the current ranged champions, Destiny being the newest one, into

the practice mode and just recorded them holding down left click on the 500 hp dummy, using

a mouse feature that automatically holds down left click.

Then I timed it starting from when they begin casting the first attack and ending right

as the dummy's health bar disapears.

It's in alphabetical order.

Keep in mind though that just because a champion's left click does more damage doesn't mean that

it's strictly better.

Some left clicks interact with other abilities in the toolkit and there's also range and

such to keep in mind.

But nontheless, I thought it would be cool to see who can kill the 500 hp dummy the fastest.

I'll also be doing some damage per second estimates at the end of the video based on

what I find.

So see you in a bit.

Hi again, as you can see from the footage, there is quite a bit of difference in the


Taya can apparently kill the dummy 20% quicker than Varesh.

But Varesh heals 2 health per left click and inflicts corruption which reduces the target's

healing and damage by 15% for 5 seconds, so his left click is by no means 20% weaker,

but it's not as good at killing the dummy quickly as quick as Taya's is.

If they all dealt exactly 500 damage to kill the dummy, then you would just divide 500

by these numbers to find the damage per second but that's not the case.

None of them did that so we have to do a little bit of extra work.

I went ahead and found the time just before their last reload or boomerang catch for taya,

this let's us divide the damage by the time to get a more accurate damage per second number.

I also found the time before the last bullet that killed the dummy to find the dps according

to that.

But as I thought, it came out a bit less consistent as you can see in this table, which shows

the dps if you stop at the last bullet instead of the last reload in yellow.

It's not accurate because characters who need to reload or taya who's boomerang comes back

is much weaker if they don't finish their entire magazine or boomerang swing.

And unlike the order of fastest ranged champion to kill the dummy, Ashka's dps is higher than


This doesn't match likely because Ashka did 10 more extra damage than needed on the

last hit whereas Taya only went over 4 damage.

Same case with Ezmo and Iva, Ezmo went over only by 4 damage, whereas Iva went over by

12 damage.

So the highest dps order goes like this according to my experiment.

This isn't really helpful to know in actual gameplay but there's no harm in knowing and

maybe you found it interesting.

If you liked it then please like and subscribe.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Which Ranged Champion Can Do 500 Damage Fastest With Just Left Click in Battlerite? - Duration: 4:19.


Which Auto Rifle is the Best Based on TTK in Call of Duty WW2 - Duration: 9:24.

hello and welcome to jgod gaming in today's video I wanted to focus on the

auto rifles and Call of Duty World War two and specifically talking about the

time to kill and how their ranges affect each of the weapons for all these first

examples what we'll be doing is looking at the base gun without any attachments

and see what the time to kill is and go based off of that on the screen you'll

be able to see the m1941 stg44 the fg42 and the bar so what you're looking at

here is the rate of fire shots to kill range and overall time to kill in

milliseconds the numbers in red are indicated as the best in that category

and the ones in blue are indicating the worst in those categories so I've seen a

few videos where people talk about these specific categories and they give maybe

some vague examples but they don't really go into it with attachments or

rate of fire and how all these different things will influence which gun is

actually the best all-around gun in the game the general consensus is the bar

but based off my testing the data will show me that that is not the case in my

opinion now what you're looking at on the screen is four different lines so

I'll start off with the red line that's the barge 3 shot kill range the next

line up is the green line and that is the fg42 3 shot kill range and then the

orange line right next to it is the the m1941 and the stg44

4 shot kill range getting back to the blue line on the left that is the bar

with the extended range using advanced rifling it gets a 30% increase to its

range which still leaves it lacking in the range Department when compared to

its other auto rifles ok now I know at this point you're probably asking

yourself I've already seen this type of stuff before well you probably have

there's a few different youtubers that have put out information regarding this

particular information but what I wanted to focus on is what these actually mean

in a real-world sense so what I'm gonna do is for this map I'm gonna break down

the different angles and how those actually look in real life when you're

actually playing what I also be looking at is how the numbers change drastically

when you have different attachments on the gun and what makes certain guns

better than others for the 1941 and the stg44 the

you kill them in the four shot range instead of the five shot range you cut

down the time to kill by 25% with the FG 42 in the bar you're gonna have a

reduction of approximately 33% so as you can imagine cutting down the time to

kill can help you significantly in gunfights so this first example we'll be

looking at is the bar versus the FG 42 on the map of London ducks you can see

in this particular spot this is a good head glitch against a normal spawn zone

so when they're coming off the spawn who do you think should win the gunfight

based purely off of range and time to kill so as you saw in the first example

they were just a little bit out of that 18 meter range even right now coming out

of the doorway they're still within the 18 meter range but you can see moves

just a couple inches forward and then just as they're about to get to full

health take another three shots right inside the 3 shot kill potential and

kills them so when you're inside this range the bar is the best gun in the

game at the moment when you're outside of this range well

now you got a lot of competition for who is the better gun and which gun should

you be using so anytime your enemy is beyond this 18 meters the time to kill

for the bar without any attachments is 315 milliseconds take another look at

this time to kill spreadsheet you can see the 315 milliseconds I was talking

about now let's look at the time to kill for all three of the other weapons in

their shortest time to kill range so beyond 18 metres but less than 38 metres

the FG 42 is gonna win beyond the 18 meters and below 50 meters you can

clearly see that the STG 44 and the m1941 both have a faster time to kill at

225 milliseconds and 270 milliseconds based off of what the data is telling me

the bar clearly can't be the best gun in the game but what happens when you dig a

little bit deeper you can actually find out why it's so popular because no one

runs a gun without attachments unless you just prestige it so we got a factor

in all the different attachments in the account and how that effects it so what

I'm gonna do is look at three different things what happens to the guns when you

attach rapid fire how does that affect the time to kill how does high caliber

affect the time to kill and what happens when you put both on once I've gathered

all of that data what I'm gonna do is kind of give recommendations based off

what the best loadouts for each gun are also the other thing

that I plan to do in a future video is actually talk about each individual map

and which gun is best based off the different sight lines if that's

something you're interested in make sure you leave a comment of a recommendation

of a map you'd like to me to cover and see kind of the different sight lines I

didn't cover thoroughly in this particular map just because I plan to

maybe do that in the future if that's something you're interested in but just

let me know in the comment section go ahead and like the video and remember to

subscribe if you want to stay up to date with those types of things so let's get

into the different data the first attachment was taking a look at is high

caliber and pretty much what high caliber does is it multiplies your

headshot damage to 1.5 the damage of the weapon instead of the typical 1.1 that

most guns receive as a result you are able to cut your number of shots down

from 4 to 3 or 5 to 4 or even 3 to 2 the advantage of this is it drastically cuts

down the time to kill so if we look at the fastest time to kill for each of the

weapons the m1941 and the stg44 see an improvement in time to kill by

approximately 33% for the FG 42 in the bar it cuts this time in half so there's

one of the reasons I think that high caliber is a must-have attachment for

all of these weapons on the screen when looking at rapid fire there's

approximately a six point four percent increase to rate of fire so it affects

each gun slightly differently but time to kill is a flat 6 percent

across-the-board of reduction so as you can see on the screen doesn't change it

by much so if you had to choose between high caliber and rapid fire I'd probably

choose high caliber just because it can cut the the difference by a significant

percentage the only difference in this case is that high caliber only works

when you get headshots rapid fire works all the time so if you're only gonna

shoot the body rapid fire is a better attachment for you than high caliber and

now here comes the part that breaks the game attaching both is just ridiculous

especially with the FG 42 in the bar by having both attached you're gonna bring

down your time to kill significantly just looking at this number look at look

at the bar 99 milliseconds that's that's just ridiculous 109 for the FG 42 so

when you compare that to the standard 1941 225 you're gonna

kill them in less than half the time so that's part of the games has just not

balanced right now as you can see that why I would prefer the FG 42 over the

bar is just because of the range difference and a lot of these examples

you're seeing in the background I am right at the range of the bar but the FG

42 would instantly kill in these ranges if you were just a little bit beyond the

bars range so with that being the case it dominates at the different ranges so

I'm gonna put a little slide on the screen so you can see now what ranges

each weapon is at their best surprisingly enough with the first

little slide on the show is that the bar is obviously the dominant one within 18

meters but once you go beyond 18 meters the m1941 dominates the only reason you

don't really see it dominate in game typically is just because as the range

increases it's a little bit harder to be accurate with that gun since there's a

little bit more recoil the rate of fire is a little bit harder control but

overall it is the best gun time to kill wise now let's look at the time to kill

when you actually have attachments so you can see right here no idea changes

the fg42 took that little niche between 18 meters and 38 meters because

statistically it is faster time to kill since it only takes two shots instead of

three for the m1941 so it gets beat out in the time to kill versus just the

stock gun but the m1941 still takes the cake for the fastest time to kill our

range but again those shots are a little hard to get so overall the FG 42

dominates with attachments and with probably map and m1941 just because the

accuracy is so much better even a bar could probably map in 1941 but at the

end of the day FG 42 gives you a little bit more consistency and most gunfights

will probably range anywhere between about 10 to 12 meters all the way up to

about 40 meters anyways and that's the video if you did enjoy the video at all

go ahead and make sure you leave a like down at the bottom if you did want to

leave a comment that's very appreciated if you want to have a suggestion how

about me making some other videos related to the maps and show you

specifically which maps are dominated by which guns based off the ranges of the

maps I can do that as well if you want me to test a little bit more

for the submachine guns or the semi-autos or even snipers I can do some

testing on that as well it just all depends on what you guys want to see if

you can leave a comment down below and make sure that you are responding so

that I can know exactly what you guys want if you haven't done so already make

sure you subscribe to the channel so you can stay up to date with the future

videos thank you for watching as always have a great day

For more infomation >> Which Auto Rifle is the Best Based on TTK in Call of Duty WW2 - Duration: 9:24.


Shoyu Ramen Eggs...Which Cooking Method is Better? - Duration: 4:38.

If you've made soft-boiled eggs before, you know how tricky it is to cook the eggs perfectly.

Today I am going to share with you how I make a perfect ramen egg every time. Hi, this is Jessie

Since we made the shoyu and miso ramen videos,

people have asked us how to make the ramen eggs. This recipe is based on the tare sauce

that we used for shoyu ramen. The most basic tare sauce consists of soy sauce, mirin,

and sake. For this recipe, we added bonito flakes and other spices. With these ingredients,

it gives the eggs tons of umami flavors and goes very well with any noodle soups.

Unlike the typical soft-boiled egg, a perfect ramen egg should have a fully set and tender

white. The egg yolk is slightly runny, almost a fudge-like texture in the center, deep orange

and translucent. After marinating, the egg is savory and sweet with a rich umami flavor.

That's my favorite kind of ramen egg. Let's make the sauce first. In a medium

saucepan, add all the seasonings and bring it to a boil. Switch to lowest heat and gently

simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the sauce through a fine-mesh sieve. Let it cool and set aside.

Next, let's prepare the eggs before cooking. Here's one thing you need to know about

eggs. When an egg is newly laid, it has no air cell or a tiny one. As the egg ages, the

air cell grows larger. And the air pocket is usually at the larger end of the egg. When

the egg is cold, it cracks more easily because of too much pressure within the shell. So

you can either use a push pin to pierce a hole at the large end of the egg, or just

soak it in warm water for a few minutes before cooking.

The key to making the perfect ramen egg is time

and temperature. I've tested cooking the egg in a pressure cooker and a regular pot.

so far I had no luck with my Instant Pot. The challenge with Instant Pot is I couldn't

set the timer down to seconds, for example, 5 1/2 minutes. I cook the eggs separately

in the Instant Pot on Manual with low pressure, then quick release and put them in ice-water.

for the 5 minute egg, the yolk is about 95% liquid, and the white is not completely firm.

For the 6 minute egg, the white was slightly rubbery. The yolk is too firm for me. So I

have to give up on this method. . To cook the egg in a regular pot, bring

the water to a boil in a large pot. Make sure you have enough water to fully submerge all

the eggs. . if you take the eggs straight out of the

refrigerator, place them in a bowl of warm water (104 F / 40 C) for 1 minute. The water

should be a little warmer than body temperature. . Use a slotted spoon to lower the eggs into

the boiling water gently. If the eggs are taken out of the refrigerator and cooked immediately,

warm up the egg with warm water (104F / 40 C) for 1 minute and cook for exactly 7 1/2

minutes. . If the eggs have been brought to room temperature,

the cooking time is 6 1/2 minutes. . Drain the hot water and Transfer the eggs

to a bowl of iced water immediately. .

. Peel the eggs under running water. . Transfer the eggs to a zip top bag and pour

the tare sauce over them. Squeeze out the air from the bag

. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours and up to 24 hours.

Lastly, do remember that the cooking time may vary depending on the size of the egg,

the egg's temperature, and even altitude. So do a few test runs and adjusta the cooking

time. So there you have it! If you are interested

in making homemade ramen, please check out other ramen broth recipes. We'll be making

more ramen videos in the future. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, and subscribe to

our YouTube channel. Until we eat again!

For more infomation >> Shoyu Ramen Eggs...Which Cooking Method is Better? - Duration: 4:38.


Parents Quiz! Which Twin Knows Their Parents the Best?! | The Nolan Twins - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Parents Quiz! Which Twin Knows Their Parents the Best?! | The Nolan Twins - Duration: 5:55.


Which settings will be inspected? - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Which settings will be inspected? - Duration: 0:57.


Which Interface for Embedded Vision? – Vision Campus - Duration: 7:08.

Welcome to our Vision Campus!

Let's assume you want to create an autonomous self-driving lawn mower.

The spatial orientation of the mower should be directed by cameras that scan the environment.

As you learned from our previous video "What is Embedded Vision",

a classic machine vision setup wouldn't be an option.

However, this is a perfect example for an embedded vision application.


The mower's power supply comes from batteries.

The power consumption of the system must be as low as possible.

We want the mower to be small.

So we have space constraints, which do not allow integrating a relatively big PC.

We want to sell the mower in high numbers.

Low production costs are essential.

So how can we realize the setup for our mower?

Small size is achieved by a small embedded processing platform which uses a system on chip (SoC).

An SoC is an electronic component which contains the core elements of a computer.

Its built-in graphics processing unit is especially well-suited for vision tasks.

Further, there are a CPU, internal busses, interfaces etc. all on a single chip.

Although a typical SoC is not as powerful as a comparable PC processor,

the performance of an SoC is good enough for many applications.

To ensure a low-cost design, the SoC is soldered directly onto a small printed circuit board (PCB)

which contains all the electronic parts necessary for our mower.

How do you integrate vision into your embedded setup?

A boxed camera would be too big, too expensive, and also consumes too much power.

A good option would be a camera module - a board level camera.

This kind of camera is reduced to only the parts needed for your application.

For example, we don't need a housing because the camera will be directly integrated into the mower.

This saves space, power consumption and most importantly, costs.

How can the camera module be connected to our processing board?

Camera modules come with various interfaces; the most common ones are USB 2.0, USB 3.0,

proprietary parallel or serial interfaces or MIPI CSI-2.

Each has its pros and cons.

USB 2.0 is quite often already available on many SoCs.

This means that only minimal additional hardware, e.g. the USB connector,

is needed to connect the camera to the SoC.

The disadvantage of this interface is its low bandwidth of only up to 40 MB/s

which makes it impossible to run high-resolution sensors at higher speed.

With up to 360 MB/s, USB 3.0 provides much more bandwidth than USB 2.0.

If the modules support the USB3 Vision Standard, their integration is easy;

drivers and camera SDKs e.g. Linux/ARM based embedded systems are standardized

and normally run without problem on such systems.

The plug and play nature of USB makes it very easy to integrate such modules into the embedded application.

If development costs need to be under tight control, USB can be a good choice.

Both - USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 - have one thing in common: they need relatively big connectors

and less flexible cables which might conflict with the strict space constraints of some applications.

However, only a few high-end SoCs have USB 3.0 interfaces available.

Some camera modules come with proprietary parallel interfaces.

They are typically connected via flat flex cables to the processing board.

Such modules require an SoC with a parallel video input which is available on only a few SoCs.

The maximum possible cable length is typically limited to 50 cm.

Camera modules with proprietary serial interfaces are mainly designed to be connected to

a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).

If the core of an embedded setup is an FPGA already, this interface can be a good choice.

These modules are also connected via a flat flex cable to the FPGA;

some module vendors allow cable lengths of more than one meter.

Both the proprietary serial and proprietary parallel interfaces have in common the importance

of making sure that a camera driver for the targeted camera/SoC combination is actually available.

MIPI CSI-2 is a very attractive interface standardized by the Mobile Industry Processor Interface Alliance.

CSI-2 stands for "Camera Serial Interface" 2nd Generation.

It is the most common interface for mobile applications

and it is used for connecting a smartphone's camera module to an SoC.

Almost all SoCs provide up to six serial lanes which can be used to connect one or more cameras.

Each lane on its own provides a bandwidth of up to 300 MB/s;

even high-resolution camera modules can be operated at high speed.

The cable length however, is limited to less than 30 cm.

Again, it is essential that a driver for the targeted camera/SoC combination is available.

Otherwise extra development efforts must be spent for developing the driver and software stack.

This can be very time-consuming and costly.

For a good overview, see the pros and cons of the different interfaces in the table.

As no additional hardware is required and the cable length does not matter in our mower example,

CSI-2 can help to implement extremely cost-effective high-performance applications.

So for our mower, the MIPI CSI-2 interface is precisely the right interface!

Enjoy your free time while your lawn mover is cutting the grass!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Which Interface for Embedded Vision? – Vision Campus - Duration: 7:08.


USI-Tech vs. Bitconnect / Which is More Profitable?? Part 1 / Bitcoin Price, Chain Group, Mass Cryp - Duration: 17:45.

WARNING: The following programs are extremely risky. You should not invest in them unless you are prepared to sustain a total loss of your deposit.

I am not a financial adviser. I only talk about the strategies I use in programs that I personally invest in.

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