SuperHero Go To Fishing Learn Colors with Little Bus and Car Kids Toy Song Nursery Rhymes
5 HEALTH BENEFITS OF GARDENING as a Hobby - Go Green Stay Healthy! Start Planting Now - Duration: 3:04.Hello Friends!
Today we shall quickly look into the Top 5 health benefits of home gardening as a hobby.
And am sure after watching this video and my previous video on the environmental benefits
of gardening and plants, you will certainly fall in love with gardening and plants.
Coming up..
Prevent Cancer: � Do you know that
chemical pesticides and herbicides have been linked to the development of certain cancers
like Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, leukemias, lymphomas, Damaged brain functions like parkisons
disease, Infertility, Miscarriages, birth defects, autism, depression and many other
So probably one of the biggest health benefits of organic gardening of all, is just simply
skipping all these risks.
It's a pretty simple as that.
Increases Our Vitamin D levels: It only takes 20 minutes a day of sunshine to get the optimal
amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to Type 1 diabetes, bone
density disorders like osteporosis, joint and muscle pain, heart attacks, multiple types
of cancer, and much more.
Its an Enjoyable Exercise: Most people go to the gym to stay healthy and most often
with moods of laziness and boredom.
And I don't think I need to tell you more on this.
Gardening can be an enjoyable way to increase your exercise in a purposeful, "really doing
something meaningful" kind of way.
Reducing Stress: Chronic stress is a serious issue and leads to a suppressed immune system,
heart disease, weight gain, and more.
Being outdoors, connecting with Nature, fresh air and's one of the healthiest
solutions to one of the biggest killers.
Good Soil Bacteria Makes You Happy: Did you know scientists have isolated a bacteria that�s
found in soil that acts as a natural antidepressant and mood elevator?
Its proved to release the neurotransmitter serotonin.
So there we have it folks, those were the top 5 benefits of gardening and plants.
So what are you waiting for?
Start gardening now!
By atleast keep one or two plants at home and enjoy the benefits of gardening.
And if you have any other points, please mention them in comments section below the video.
Also if you like the video, please give a thumbs up and write something in the comments
Also consider subscribing to the channel if you are new to the channel.
Happy Gardening!
[ENGSUB] Wanna One Karaoke | Wanna One Go Season 2 - Zero Base E03 - Duration: 1:52.If you are given free time, what do you want to do?
I want to karaoke
Want to karaoke
Seem, this is the first time we as Wanna One enjot the time with the karaoke machine.
I really miss the effect of the echo in the karaoke
[Just as expected our main vocal hyung]
[Entire of his body are singing - Music's Child]
[His emotion start from beginning - Love]
[Woojin will sing a cute song]
[Cute song doesn't fit with bunssodan]
[Next, what will be selected with Rapper Woojin]
[Kim Jaehwan @*~^!#%(!*&#]
[The lyrics is unknown]
Paladins Global Series e CS:GO - HyperX Minute ep. 92 - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Aj Keno Mor Pran Sojoni Go Amar Mon Kore Utola | আজ কেন মোর প্রান সজনীগো আমার মন করে উতলা - Duration: 4:58.
Aj Keno Mor Pran Sojoni Go
Amar Mon Kore Utola
Aj Keno Mor Pran Sojoni Go Amar Mon Kore Utola
আজ কেন মোর প্রান সজনীগো, আমার মন করে উতলা
Aj Keno Mor Pran Sojoni Go Amar Mon Kore Utola | আজ কেন মোর প্রান সজনীগো আমার মন করে উতলা
Should Gay People Go To Homophobic Countries? - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
🏥 COMPLICATIONS: WHY WE CAN'T GO HOME | HOSPITAL DAY 15 🏥 (11.27.17) - Duration: 15:06.Blow all the way out. Good. Keep going, keep going.
Blood counts are dropping so...
basically that means the Imipenem is
suppressing my bone marrow.
♬ Don't you think we're better together ♬
♬ Oh Honey ♬
♬ I think we are ♬
You do a very good exhale.
(Mary coughing)
That's the best exhale I've seen from someone ever! Ready?
(Mary coughing)
♬ peaceful music ♬
(Both) Good morning!
(Peter) Womp womp.
So, the team came in, so 6:30 this morning I had blood work and
that was to check my vancomycin level, which is therapeutic, whoop whoop,
but unfortunately
my whites and my platelets and my other like blood counts are dropping faster than we anticipated.
Okay, we're about to go to PFTs, But um...
blood counts are dropping so basically that means the imipenem that I've been on for one week is
suppressing my bone marrow.
So not ideal, but it does mean we were hoping to go home today
but that's not gonna happen because of my blood counts so we at least are staying one more day...
(Peter) See what happens, but let's go get PFTs.
Yeah, ok.
(PFT tech) Blow all the way out. Good. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, as much as you can, all the way, all
the way, all the way, all the way, all the way, keep going, keep going, little more, little more, little more, little more, all the
way, all the way.
(Mary coughing)
(PFT tech) Ok, ready, huge breath in.
All the way, blast, all the way out, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, as much as you
can, all the way out, all the way out, all the way.
Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, little bit more, little bit more, little bit more, little bit more.
First set done. I just did my
inhaler. My pre and post, okay, so I should probably explain this.
So um there are a few different
components to CF airways.
Of course there's the infection side of things where your lungs are battling this infection that's in the, in your lungs.
So that can cause scarring which can decrease lung function because your lungs aren't working as efficiently,
but another
component to some people with CF is like a reactive airway situation.
This is my understanding,
it's kind of like more of an asthmatic type of reactionary thing like a
bronchospasm type of thing.
Basically like a closing up of the airways.
Like constrictive?
So she's not getting...that's like due to infection and the CF side of things but
so like not as much air is able to get like out into the
places of the lungs.
The outer places. So...
So you might hear people talk about pre and post PFTs.
So pulmonary function test pre, before bronchodilator,
and post, after bronchodilator.
Now in my recent past like in the last five to ten years,
my pre and post don't show marked improvement, so that means that I'm probably not having very much
reactive airway component, it's more just like infection
If I do my pre, which I just did and then I do my
bronchodilator, which you can either do the puffer like this or the neb, the neb makes my heart race too much
so I have to do just this one which is atrovent.
And bronchodilator is a medication that helps open up those kind of...
Restrictive airways, yeah.
I'm assuming it's bronchioles.
The broccoli in your lungs.
Um bronchial dilator.
Dilate your bronchioles.
Anyways, you were saying.
So um it hasn't shown, actually my PFTs have come down in the past when I've done the neb
version, so we're like okay, don't do that but um
last week for PFTs I did my atrovent before I came to PFTs and they were a little bit better.
Which they're actually down four percent from five days ago or whatever.
So we're interested to see what they are after I do my atrovent.
Yeah, so if they were to come up
on her post it would indicate maybe a more like
chronic like
regular bronchodilator would be helpful because right now Mary just uses it when she like, as needed, right?
So, like
If she's having some of these restrictive airways, maybe something that she does every day.
Yeah, which I've done in the past.
I've done spiriva in the past which is like a long-acting
Which is probably what you'd go on again.
Yeah, that's what my team was talking about a few days ago, but
yeah, so basically we kind of got cut off because we ran to PFTs, but
we're basically in a tricky spot with my blood work because
Imipenem is treating both the achromobacter,
which I'm growing, and Pseudomonas, which the Pseudomonas is resistant to it, but we still try to treat it.
And then the vancomycin is treating the MRSA, which is in my lungs.
So right now we are on a, on paper we're on a really good
but if my whites go too low then it puts my whole body at risk for even more serious,
potentially serious stuff.
So then there's the talk about do we try a neupogen shot which is a shot that
it's a, it's an injection which tells your bone marrow
make more white blood cells, so it's, it's kind of an option,
it's a potential option that we've talked about. There's definitely pros and cons.
It's a little outside of the box of like what...
something you'd traditionally do like so.
And then you decide are the pros
worth it versus the cons and
I've only been on Imipenem for one week so at the rate my blood cells are dropping
I might have a couple more days until they drop to like too dangerous.
But we're not sure so like we could wait and just see if they drop too far and then treat.
It's just there are so many layers.
So right now...
I will pause my packing even though I packed most of our stuff up last night.
We will pause, we will put a pause on that for now.
I thought last night was our last night.
We're just
gonna wait out, wait it out and see what happens. We're gonna recheck blood work tomorrow and see where her blood counts are, see how
it's trending, and then come up with a plan from there, but why don't you stop vlogging
so you can rest and do post here in a few minutes.
I don't know if we ended up saying kind of the end result at PFTs.
So my first set of PFTs was before the bronchodilator
and they were down a few percent from last, from like five days ago.
And then the second set was still down slightly from last week,
but it's in the same range and as we've always said they are just numbers. They can be helpful, but
ultimately we are treating the infection not the numbers.
So we're just gonna keep on doing what we're doing as far as we can with the blood counts in mind and all of that.
But it is later in the evening right now, but here's what happened earlier.
I tried to capture it on camera so what I was able to capture, here you go.
I went to the gym and had a ball.
♬ upbeat music ♬
And then the camera died, but the rest of that workout was I stood on that half ball thingy
that was wobbly and
we threw this like oblong ball from one person to the other.
Peter hasn't heard this yet.
No, yeah.
So we threw it. I stood on the wobbly thing so it was more work for like my core and everything and
it was a workout for both of us, but it was really fun and like I said before they clean everything.
Every speck of everything that I touch and other patients to keep me healthy or safer and keep other people safe as well.
But yeah, it was a really fun day in the gym, and I guess there's one benefit to staying another day.
I'll get to go to the gym another day.
And Ollie and I took a little nap in the windowsill this afternoon which was good.
I think I needed a nap to kind of catch up from yesterday.
But, I wanted to say Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat and
where was I going with that? Oh, yeah,
shipping deadlines. If you want to order any of our t-shirts
or sweatshirts before Christmas...
Sorry, nurse came in. So what I was saying was shipping deadlines for the holidays. If you want to get
shirts or sweatshirts by Christmas
and you live outside of the United States the deadline to order is today.
I know this is like last-minute notice, but because of our fulfillment centers that we use
we have to leave plenty of time for
production and then shipment, and so if you want to get something by Christmas place your order today
November 28th, and then the last day for in the U.S. to get t-shirts and sweatshirts
by Christmas is December 7th.
So there's actually a shipping tab on our online store where you can see these deadlines,
but I just want to put that out there in case you were like wanting to order something by Christmas
and you've been putting it off. Those are the deadlines and then
there's also a deadline for the rest the stuff on our store.
I think it's December 15th, but I don't actually know off the top of my head, it's on the online store.
Hey guys, I just got, oh look at the Christmas festivities in here!
It always brightens the healthcare workers day when they walk in and that's, that's pretty fun.
Do computers still do that?
I don't think computers still do that. Like back on Windows 95 you had to do this thing called...
(Mary) I don't know though. I did it through college.
You did it through college?
Okay, so back on Windows computers back in the day that you had to do this disk
defragmenting thing and
you had to like, I don't know it like
cleaned up files on your computer. I don't really know but
because your computer would start getting slower
and you'd do this defragment your disk, so anyways Mary's like "why don't you go out and get a bite to eat and
defragment your disk" and
so I just went and got some Clover and just sat.
(Mary) That shirt will be available on the online store!
(Mary) Don't bother me, or...
"Don't bother me, my disk is defragmenting."
(Mary) Or, I'm sorry I didn't see you there, I was just defragmenting my disk.
And we can have like the little like windows pop up for a disk defragmenter. Didn't it show like a pie of your like disk?
But I remember like...
(both) all the lines!
Insert picture here. But anyways, everybody needs to defragment their disk every once in a while.
(Mary) So explain what that means if they have no clue what you're saying.
If you don't know what that means, Mary was using it as a reference to just kind of chilling out and
decompressing from life, taking a little break and
(Mary) Basically...
(Mary) Yes!
Basically, Peter's just been
amazing as always and go, go, go, the last two weeks
and I just wanted him to know
that he is appreciated and he can take some time!
We're just hanging out tonight and
not too much to report, but it was kind of a
change of plans kinda day, but
you know, you just go with the flow and say
(Both) As always, we will see you tomorrow.
(Both) Good night!
And, afterparty time with the Ollie boy!
Afterparty afterparty, hey hey hey!
Sorry I think I, I think I tied his leash like,
subconsciously while I was talking to the vlog.
Sorry, buddy. We'll see you tomorrow!
ТРУ СТОРИ ОТ ZEUS [RU/EN] - Duration: 13:07.parwWhat skills does esports help to develop?
Communication firstly, you have to compromise and adapt, it's one of the most important components of teamplay,
not only in esports, just like in relationship with a girlfriend you can have a crisis or piss each other off.
It's important to be able to control your emotions, there is a thin edge, you can build relationship for years, but break it in a second.
Of course analytical skills are important, you constantly think, analyze what happens with the team in games.
Strategies, ways to defeat opponent, you constantly think about it, also communicative skills constantly improve.
Very important ability is to control your emotions, when I am bursting with emotions, I learned to control myself for years.
There are exercise, I've attended some trainings, we do it even now, we have a dedicated psychologist.
Really, when you play some important game on the stage at the world championship,
during some key rounds, especially as a captain, you understand the responsibility, you're nervous and your heart is racing.
At this moment you have to abstract from it, to have a cool mind, and to make the right decision, without emotions.
You shouldn't rush, you should calm down the team, it comes with the experience, or you have to be born with it.
Now I watch the youngsters and understand that they adapt to everything more quickly.
Just like my parents would tell me and my brother, that they can't keep with our understanding of tendencies and our way of looking at life.
I see the same in young players, they think and communicate differently.
Yes, they lack knowledge and experience, but they learn way faster.
I had a long journey in esports before I won my first tournament, it was some local tournament first, then Ukraine, Europe championships.
Only after10 years I won the world championship, I didn't have teachers, I learned the hard way.
There were some at the beginning, but I learned the majority myself.
I made a lot of mistakes, now I use my experience to prevent mistakes, to get better faster.
Can you compete with young players?
Right now it's possible, but the older I get the harder it becomes, sometimes I have to force myself to do it as a job.
It's not like when I was 20, I could play all day and night long in PC clubs, we would just buy some fast-food and play for the whole day.
Now I have an adult, responsible life, you have personal life, you have to do your job plan,
practice individually, practice teamplay, prepare set-pieces, study the opponent...
And now the tempo is very high, the team that wins a tournament can struggle in the next one, it happens all the time.
You don't have enough time to prepare for everything, you don't even have enough time
to understand what the opponent team prepares against you, while you're playing some tournament.
Teams prepare well for the strong opponents.
There is a lot of work to do, but the difference is that young players don't have much personal life, they just play and enjoy it.
However, they lack experience, but if a young player acquires experience,
if he becomes familiar with the world CS, in most cases he becomes better than older players.
Older players must work hard to stay competitive, your reaction gets worse and stuff.
Young players don't think about the consequences, they just go and make plays, and they succeed.
While we, older players, can overthink ourselves sometimes, sometimes I wonder why did I even think about some plays.
But when you are in good form, when you maintain it and prepare for tournaments, you can compete and play better.
Do you want to become a coach after you retire as a player?
A coach? To be honest, I try to do it. Honestly, in Gambit I think I was both the captain and the coach,
Because I was very motivated, I coached, I practiced, I implemented new ideas, and I enjoyed it.
I am grateful that the guys followed and supported me, we were always improving.
In NAVI it's important to gain trust from the guys, they have to follow, and I have to focus on the game.
I won't lie, the previous year was full of events, it was difficult, I was worn out mentally.
And right now I'm kind of recovering.
If we take a look at traditional sports, like football or something else...
Yes, it's a physical activity, but they have the regular and off season.
And since it's more about mental activity in what we do, at some point your brain just starts to melt.
That's what probably happened to me.
After I joined NAVI and had to bring the team into the top 3-5 of the world right away,
which is actually very difficult given the current level of competition.
When I joined Gambit, they were top 25 and it was obviously easier to gradually get the team into the top 10-15.
We took things slowly and eventually got there.
Although it is the opposite when you join the team that has some issues,
and you have to rapidly get them into the top,
and it's not really working, other teams destroy you...
Plus I felt that I was giving it all I had left but still that wasn't enough.
Probaby this reset was really necessary.
I think... I'm gesturing too much.
I think everything's going to be fine.
What upsets you about CS:GO? What would you like to change?
What bothers me is when tournaments are being run unprofessionally.
If you attend such a tournament, there might be some small issues, like bad PCs for example.
I think that esports has evolved to the point when tournaments are being held at packed stadiums,
tickets get sold out very quickly.
Also, there can be issues about the venue.
It happens rarely though, but it might be very cold inside,
or other small issues that can distract you or make it harder to play.
Also when games are scheduled late at night and sometimes you have to play at 1:00 a.m,
but what if you have a sleeping pattern?
For instance, I go to sleep at 3:00 a.m, while Edward tries to hit the sack before midnight.
He feels uncomfortable and doesn't like playing late into the night.
Sometimes this happens.
Ideally, I'd prefer if there were less tournaments,
only the ones that have gained a reputation in the pro scene and know all the nuances and details.
And they would simply have higher prize pools.
It would be... I think it's heading in that direction.
Because small tournaments are slowly waning away.
Nowadays, pro teams are unlikely to attend an unknown tournament with unknown organizers.
The only way to attract them is to throw a giant prize pool into the mix.
Teams choose to attend well established tournaments mostly.
I can't help but mention ESL and ELEAGUE's level of production.
Also Starladder, they're taking things to a professional level.
EPICENTER. To be honest, the second iteration of EPICENTER took place recently and I missed both of them.
NAVI attended the first EPICENTER without me, and we didn't manage to qualify for the second one.
Everyone's praising this tournament.
Do you follow other disciplines NAVI are competing in?
Frankly, I've always been following our FIFA player, Yozhyk, he's a great guy.
I remember us going a long way together.
Yes, we already were the world champions when he joined the organization, he wasn't though.
I remember how I was encouraging him and how we cheered for him.
It's been amazing following him all the way and seeing him win.
As for Dota, I haven't been watching it much lately.
I used to, especially when NAVI had an all-star roster with Puppey,
I watched how they won The International, and came up short in the next two TI finals.
I try to watch TI every year,
usually it's in July when we don't have much tournaments,
so my teammates and I watch and discuss games, and cheer for the guys.
It's a truly spectacular and amazing tournament.
I want CS:GO to have its own version of the International.
I believe it'd be a huge deal as everyone has been waiting it for a long time.
Mainly because of its prize pool.
▸▸ Tips To Manage Your Time // Rachmat Ramdan💡 GO-LEARN - Duration: 3:48.Hi! I'm Ramdan, I'm Head of Driver Care Unit. Right at this moment, I've been working at GO-JEK approximately for 2 years.
Currently, the products that I hold now are GO-RIDE, GO-CAR, GO-BLUEBIRD, GO-BOX, GO-KILAT,
then Outbound Calls Unit that helps drivers when we need to contact them, also Problem Escalation, and Email and App Team.
What we do is delivering the best service, to help the drivers when they face problems
or need answers from various questions that come from our team and we have to make sure that it works smoothly.
Okay, here are a few tips that I apply in life when there are various tasks that come in and also when I have to get in and out of meetings.
At the same time, when my team need me for various things that they have not been able to complete. Here are the tips.
First tip, focus on all of your tasks or tasks that assign to you. We know the goals that we are about to achieve.
Because of that, we are able to finish all the task well enough and correctly.
Example: Like a soccer player, when the striker is in front of the goal post but he doesn't know the purpose to be in front of the goal post.
Just like us as workers or employees, we cannot accomplish the task if we don't know how to tackle it.
Next is, we must have project plan in any kind of tasks that we do.
Aside from having the first plan, we must have plan B and plan C that can backup the first plan when it doesn't run smoothly.
So when the first plan doesn't work. Therefore plan B and plan C become the backup plans and able to bring the tasks to its goal properly.
That is what I always do in my daily work.
Next, for me, I always do what I think the easiest first and then carry on to the hardest task. Why?
Because when we work on the easiest first, at least we have one task that is done.
Compared with the opposite, when you do the hardest tasks first, the easiest one will be delayed, and that is not good for you.
When we face with difficulties, do not hesitate to ask anyone.
It could be to your leaders, peers, your team, or anyone in your area. What I like in GO-JEK is you can ask anyone who is around us.
Furthermore, get used to set yourself as a PMO. What is PMO?
PMO stands for Project Management Officer, which tasks that we can control,
which one is still delayed, which one is not corresponded or has not reached the target.
We can control all of those things even though, in our own unit, there is already a PMO that always checks what is being delayed.
But with that, we can do better, we can quickly achieve the target that we want.
Last one is do not forget to maintain your life balance, your work life, you personal life, and your spiritual life.
All of those must be balanced. Because all of the previous points will not work if you don't do this last point.
Lastly, I have a reference book that we can use to manage our time and also we can apply in the work and daily life.
This book is a work of the nation's children, by Aribowo Prijosaksono and Roy Sembel.
They wrote Self Management book series and I've read it about two or three years ago and it was really helpful for your everyday life.
So, no more stress, no more migrants, always happy, and work-life balance. Good luck, guys!
SHROUD LOST HIS CS:GO SKILL? (Funny Moments!) - Duration:
Eisprinzessin-"Let it go" geklaut? Künstler verklagt Disney - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
ポケモンGO!ホウオウって強いの⁉砂使うべき⁉答えます!【Pokemon GO】 - Duration: 5:52.Hey! It's JASH!
It was kind of unexpected, but
Ho-Oh is appearing around the world since yesterday!
And so today's video is about whether it's worth it investing Stardust into Ho-Oh!
So basically, if it's strong enough and worth powering up!
If I start with the conclusion,
Moltres is STRONGER! (Looks like I'm the strongest!)
There's 3 stats in Pokemon Go,
HP, Attack and Defense.
These 3 are used to determine a Pokemon's strength.
But in the main series' Pokemon Games,
you have HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed.
You don't
really have to think too much about those, but
in the main games, stats such as speed
affect the Pokemon's strenght and Flying types are usually fast and all
and I've talked about this already in my previous videos...
Anyways, since there's no such thing as speed,
what matters most in Pokemon Go are
mainly ATTACK and HP.
Especially when it comes to Legendary Pokemon,
they are basically just bound to these two,
since you can dodge attacks when you're attacking
and you can't put them in gyms as defenders.
So you have
to think of the stats of Legendaries without their defense basically.
And those of you who managed to fight Ho-Oh yesterday,
know that Ho-Oh can have Solar Beam or Steel Wing as its attacks
and therefore your precious Golems or Tyranitars
that you've powered up and all
were KOed in one hit....
And one thing is for sure, Ho-Oh is a great defender
with many interesting movesets.
So if you could leave it in gyms,
it would definitely be worth powering up.
Ho-Oh's Quick moves are Steel Wing and Extrasensory...?
Extrasensory, which is a Psychic type move,
so it's good against
Fighting and Poison type Pokemon...
And its other Quick move,
that is not Psychic type,
is Steel Wing,
which is good against Ice types,
and what else...
Rock and Fairy type!
looking at it from that perspective,
Tyranitar and Golem are a Rock types
but there's no good Fairy type defenders...
So it's kinda meh...
When it comes to Ho-Oh's moves hitting super effectively,
with Extrasensory, you can hit Poison types, which aren't really common defenders,
maybe besides Venusaur...
And you also have Fire Blast... against Venusaur...
Though it's not like Venusaur is that common of a defender either....
So if you want to power up a Pokemon
as a good Fire type attacker,
you can look at Silphroad's webpage,
which lists the stats of all Pokemon,
HP, Attack and Defense respectively,
and you can also find out
what the highest CP of a Pokemon with perfect IVs is,
and in here, you can see that Ho-Oh's
highest attack is 239.
And if you look at a Fire type Pokemon
that has higher attack than that, it's Moltres,
with 251 attack. (So I am the strongest afterall?)
And on top of that, Moltres' Quick move is a stab Fire type move...
So no matter how you look at it,
Moltres is just better in my opinion...
(Conclusion: Ho-Oh is pretty strong, but Moltres has a better moveset and therefore it wins)
I'm also playing some game footage here
and both fights are against a Scizor,
and even though the second time, the Scizor was already a bit weaker,
since I'd already beaten it once, but
as you can see, the Scizor was OHKOed.
The first Ho-Oh has Extrasensory and Brave Bird,
so its moves are not very effective...
And when it comes to raw power, Ho-Oh is definitely amongst the Top 10 attackers,
from the Pokemon that are currently available.
So as one of the Top 10, its attack is really high.
But still...
In the main games, there's a stat called Special Denfense,
so defense against special type moves like Fire Blast...
Not physical moves,
but moves like Hydro Pump or Psychic
that hit on the special side
and the defense against those is called Special Defense.
And Ho-Oh's Special Defense is super high,
so I think they took that into account when calculating it's defense in Pokemon Go.
So in that sense,
if only you could use it as a defender,
its moveset would be super interesting!
Since Fighting types are often used
to get rid of Blisseys, Tyrantitars (since it's also a Dark type) etc,
thinking about it like that,
Psychic type is
a very good defending type.
And so as the Raid Boss that you're fighting,
it's super strong,
but as I've said already,
when it comes to powering it up,
unless you really like it a lot or have too much extra Stardust,
I don't recommend powering it up.
That's my opinion at least...
And when it comes to the amount of Stardust you have,
you should probably keep in my that
Gen 3 is coming soon.
And in Gen 3, there's Pokemon like Blaziken
and it's the same for Ho-Oh, so even though
and I don't think,
I honestly don't think,
that Blaziken is going to be a better Fighting type than Machamp is,
but I really like Blaziken, so I wanna use him and
I would recommend powering up the Pokemon you personally like!
If you found this video interesting,
make sure to smash that like button and subscribe for more!
Have fun catching Pokemon!
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ポケモンGO!色違いは突然くる⁉【Pokemon Go】 - Duration: 4:22.Hey! It's JASH!
You can probably tell from looking at the thumbnail and the title of this video
but yesterday,
this little guy hatched
from an egg!
I didn't
even know that these hatched from eggs...
But anyways,
let's evolve it right now!
The IVs are also pretty good,
"Overall, your Pokemon looks like it can really battle with the best of them!"
"It's attack is the best I've ever seen..."
So it means it has 15 in attack.
And as I said in the previous Ho-Oh video,
I'm releasing them at the same time,
attack and HP are the most important stats
if you don't use the Pokemon as defenders.
Defense is also important, but not as much,
since you can just dodge the attacks.
Regardless, let's evolve it now!
really DIDN'T expect this!
I need to mute the sound
so that it doesn't disturb the recording of this camera...
A red mummy!
Looks a bit like sausages :D
Wait what?
Wait, wait, wait...
I didn't have a Dusclops already?
Looks like I didn't...
Wait a bit though...
Oh now I remember!
Because I want to get AR photos of all Gen 3 Pokemon,
I purposely didn't evolve my Duskull before!
If you're asking if Dusclops is strong right now,
it's more of a collection piece, BUT
when Gen 4 comes out...
Gen 3 isn't even out yet and here I am talking about Gen 4 already...
But regardless, when Gen 4 comes out,
it evolves into Dusknoir!
And Dusknoir is...
not as strong as Gengar,
but when it comes to ghost type Pokemon,
it should be like maaaaaybe good.
But it's so cute!
I'm really happy because
my only shiny until now was Pikachu and
those of you who watch my videos
probably know, but when I caught my
shiny Pikachu, I actually caught 2 right next to each other, a male and a female
and so I thought that I'd used up all my shiny luck there
but to my surprise, I hatched a shiny!
For now,
since 15 attack is pretty good,
I was thinking of powering it up, but
I want to prioritize some other Pokemon for now
and power it up right before Gen 4 comes out!
Besides, Dusknoir's shiny is super cool!
I'll put a picture up here...
When I was
playing Gen 4, Diamond & Pearl,
I really really
liked Gen 4's Dusknoir
as a ghost type and all
so I did my best to get
well, not my first shiny...
The first shiny that I caught, was a Skarmory,
except for the Red Gyarados in Gold & Silver,
I mean the first shiny that I caught in the wild.
And the second shiny after that was a Dusknoir!
It's really cool,
I posted the picture, so you know!
This became just a report video that I got a shiny,
but if you like shinies,
make sure to smash the like button
and if you
wanna see me catch a Golden Sableye or other shinies,
though the one I want the most is Golden Magikarp...
I still haven't managed to get one yet...
I really wanna use a maxed out Red Gyarados, regardless of its IVs!
But when it comes to this Dusclops,
I really wanna figure out a way to use it in battles.
I'm seriously trying to think of something,
so if you wanna find out,
make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss that video!
Thank you for watching this video and
have a good time catching Pokemon!
Subscribe here!
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