Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily to make Jan 1 2018

MATERIALS Pretzel Damla Chocolate Color Dragee Colored Candies

MATERIALS Pretzel Damla Chocolate Color Dragee Colored Candies

MATERIALS Pretzel Damla Chocolate Color Dragee Colored Candies

MATERIALS Pretzel Damla Chocolate Color Dragee Colored Candies

MATERIALS Pretzel Damla Chocolate Color Dragee Colored Candies

Melt the chocolate with benmari

Melt the chocolate with benmari

Keep in the fridge for 10 minutes

Keep in the fridge for 10 minutes

For more infomation >> ÇİKOLATALI YILBAŞI SÜSÜ - HOW TO MAKE CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT WITH CHOCOLATE -Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:12.



Hello in my next video today, I am going to show you my goals for

2018 with my personal brand for those of you, who are here knew my name is Adam bags

And I'm going to show you how easy it is to make money online?

So I want to say that beginning than my previous video

ranked on the third place in youtube search between much bigger channels

I used only three ways to wrap my video

And you can see even my small channel can do big things and stay tuned because I'm going to tell you

How I do this in my next videos, but it's really nice to see that my methods works

And it really helped me to run my video on the 3rd place so if you didn't see my previous video

You can do this after watching this video

Okay, before we start it would mean a lot to me if you subscribe to my channel you can do this right now clicking this

red button that says subscribe

Ok so what are my girls for?

2018 with my personal blog on YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and installed

but mostly on YouTube I found creating videos for you really enjoying, so I'm going to upload everyday I

really, enjoy talking with you on my Facebook and answering your questions, so

2018 is going to be really good, but what numbers I want to hit in 2018

I want to hit 5,000 subscribers and

5,000 divided by


Equals 14 average a day to subscribe to my channel

I think 14 is a doable number now

I have 3 2 to 3 subscribers a day, but at the beginning so I

Was expecting huge numbers?

So if I continue adding videos with huge values for you, I think it's doable to hit 5,000 subscribers

in one year, and it would be great if you share my videos or

Tell everyone in your facebook that I that I here on YouTube and helping you make money online

Also, my goal is to make

$5,000 per month with my personal blog, and I'm going to update you what I do

And how I do is so you'll be able to do the same if I succeed you succeed as well

But you would have easier way than I do because I will test everything for you

So you can just use my tactics so I want to hit

5,000 twice with subscribers and money per month

And I'm going to do this no matter what but if I want you can judge me at the end of

2018 I want to help as much as I can but to do this I need to know

What kind of problems with making money with affiliate marketing?

You have are making money online at all

I'm not only full-time affiliate marketer, but I have also my own products

I'm also helping other online marketers, and they pay me for my pad

So I know what kind of problems they have so I will share those problems with you also

I keep testing many methods and many techniques, so I will also share with you

What works and what not and also I will not forget about Facebook ads and other types of ads

I will show you what works for me at my friends, and how to create them to not waste your money

But actually make money with Facebook ads

But I go much more in depth right now to my car that will large in January so if you want now

50% discount you can do this by clicking the first link in the description

Not many spots are left because I don't want it to be huge

I want to help as many people as I can I can't have 1,000 people at one time

But I can have 30 people

So not many spots are left, so use knows you lose that find out price for my course will be

$1000 because I know the information that contains course is worked as money, but I will start with

$500 price and for those of you that will now to my newsletter

Now will get 50% discount ask yourself if it's worthy to invest and make 10 times more

After using my first many people ask me every day if I can lunch

Earlier because they want to start and I don't know why are waiting now just sign up to my newsletter and get

50% discount because this price will never appear again after when I launched my curse my 31st

Students are already making more when they invested in my course

So it will be just on your fault if you want take action right now

But at the end a one quick tip for you

Take action today

With affiliate marketing because so many people doing it wrong and there is plenty room for you

to grow fast and easy that's what watch my previous videos I

Showed you step back step make money with Facebook and how to make money with Instagram. It's easy and

After you are uploaded those videos. I got so many messages that people are making money with those tactics. I just show them

Those tactics are not well known so there is plenty of room for you to grow so that's it for this short video

Subscribe to see how to grow your online business in 2018 and have fun with the money you earned

Thanks for watching and see you in the next video


For more infomation >> HOW I WILL MAKE $5000 WITH YOUTUBE IN 2018 VIDEO - GOALS SETTING FOR 2018 - Duration: 6:00.


HOW TO MAKE DOREMI ! DIY Easy Toohee GIFTS for Friends and Family ! #13 - DOREMI - Duration: 6:26.


For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE DOREMI ! DIY Easy Toohee GIFTS for Friends and Family ! #13 - DOREMI - Duration: 6:26.


How to make a Allan Walker type sound in Serum! - Duration: 5:37.

You can boost the cutoff to get the powerful sound that i used!

For more infomation >> How to make a Allan Walker type sound in Serum! - Duration: 5:37.


How to make Caricature in Photoshop | click3d - Duration: 8:23.

Open your image in photoshop

extract the background

filter - liquify

now add new adjustment layer "gradient"

color #fdfffe, #f8cb8a

take a new layer above and rename it as "glow"

take a soft brush, color white

and paint as shown

now add "color balance" to overall scene

selective color

color balance

now press (ctrl + shift + alt + e)

blending mode "linear light"

filter - other - high pass

dont forget to comment !!!!

For more infomation >> How to make Caricature in Photoshop | click3d - Duration: 8:23.


chicken biryani in village style / chicken recipe/how to make chicken briyani in home - Duration: 11:26.


biryani spice

green chill


ginger garlic paste





red chill power

briyani masala

mint leave

water for chicken cooking

rice 1 cup means water 2 cups





For more infomation >> chicken biryani in village style / chicken recipe/how to make chicken briyani in home - Duration: 11:26.


HOW TO MAKE AN OREO MILKSHAKE | Dessert Ideas | DIY FOOD HACKS - Duration: 4:21.

hey guys Salam alaikum today I'm gonna be making Oreo milkshake even though

it's winter I'm still wanted to make it I begged my mom then she said okay you

can make it so I wanted to share how I make and it's really nice and wonderful

so I wanted to show you guys so first of all you're gonna need 250 ml off semi

skimmed milk that you're gonna pour into here

you're also gonna need your for here's that you're gonna make four scoops of

vanilla I'm gonna put this inside that and

so now

so now I'm gonna put some ice cream so as you guys can see I have already it's

perfectly ready so now I merely get a scoop of ice cream I get to the top this

is very easy you can add another scoop

of these be creative guys be really creative because you wanna be adding


this have it guys you have the amazing Oreo milkshake and hip you guys like it

and try it for yourselves because this is actually wonderful and I can't wait

to taste them

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE AN OREO MILKSHAKE | Dessert Ideas | DIY FOOD HACKS - Duration: 4:21.


How to make Crochet Knit Shell Beanie Hat Left Hand Hair Accessory English Subtitles Translations - Duration: 24:19.

this is going to be a shell hat I'm using AG crochet hook and four ply yarn

we'll be starting off with the Magic Circle this is how you do the Magic

Circle you grab a hold of it with your thumb and finger wrap it around and then

wrap it over the back of your hand put your hook under the Strand of yarn and

pull it through and then chain one now I'm going to start off with one single

crochet now I'm going to do a shell a shell in this project is going to be

five double crochet so I'm going to do five double crochet in the loop


another single crochet and now I'm going to do another shell in this beginning

round we'll be doing four shells all together so I'm doing another five

double crochet

single crochet and you can see it's taking on a scalloped shape here now

five more double crochet

single crochet and five more double crochet which is the last shell

now slip stitch in the beginning single crochet this completes round one

now we can go ahead and pull our Magic Circle we can pull it nice and tight

there and you can see four scallops and this is what round one looks like now we

want to slip stitch over to the third double crochet of the shell this is what

we do to slip stitch put the hook underneath the next stitch wrap the yarn

over and pull it through move on up to the next stitch put the hook underneath

that stitch wrap the yarn over pull it through and now I need to slip stitch

into the third stitch put the hook through the stitch wrap the yarn over

pull it through and you can see here how the slip stitches take on the

appearances of the top of the double crochet a slip stitch is just a

technique to get you to another stitch and so you're not really doing anything

with it it just keeps you from breaking the yarn

but it's taking you over to a different place


now in this first stitch I'm going to chain one and do a single crochet and

now down here in the single crochet this next stitch is going to be a shell

increase and it's going to be three double crochet and we're doing this all

in the single crochet down here chain one

3 more double-crochet


and so what I'm doing is actually these shells are smaller versions of a regular

size shell but if I did five it would be too full

so I'm actually doing three instead so each one of these three sets of stitches

is counting as a individual shell and so it really takes two rows to do an

increase for the shells but once you do it it'll all make sense and now we do a

single crochet in the top of the next stitch now in the center of the next

single crochet we're doing another shell increase which is three double crochet

chain 1 3 more double-crochet

single crochet in the top center up in previous shell now we're doing another

increase of three double crochet chain one three double crochet

single crochet in the center of the next Shell and our last set of increases

which is three double crochet chain 1 3 double-crochet now we slip stitch in our

beginning single crochet and as you can see the hat is taking on the appearance

of a square but that is correct now here at the beginning of round 3 I'm going to

slip stitch over to the center so what I want to do now is chain 1 and do a

single crochet in the second stitch over and now in the chain 1 space I want to

do 5 double crochet

and when all this is done we'll wind up with eight shells now a single crochet

in the center of the next increased shell and now down here in the single

crochet we'll do five double crochet

now a single crochet in the second stitch over in the increase shelf now

five double crochet in the chain one in these first few rounds I know I these

first few rounds the hat is taking on a square shape and that is right but it

will work itself out into a circle now a single crochet in the second double

crochet over the center of the shell of the increased shell now five double

crochet in the single crochet

you know a single crochet in the center of the increased shell five double

crochet in the chain one space

and continue on around to the beginning I've completed round three and I'm going

to slip stitch in the single crochet and now slip stitch up to the third double

crochet that's how we will start each round by slip stitching to the center of

the shell now chain 1 and single crochet and round 4 will just be a regular row

of shells no increases and we'll do 5 double crochet in the next single

crochet single crochet in the center of the shell 5 double crochet in the next

single crochet


a single crochet in the center of the next Shell and continue that on around

I've completed the last shell of round 4 and I'm slip stitching in the beginning

single crochet this is what round 4 looks like and I'm going to slip stitch

up to the third double crochet chain 1 and single crochet rounds 5 and 6 are

going to be increased rounds again so we set up with round 5 doing the

abbreviated smaller shell and then we complete it with round 6 or in round 5

and 6 will be the last increases then that we do now in the next single

crochet I'm going to do my increase shell which is 3 double crochet chain 1

3 double-crochet

now single crochet in the top of the next shell and now I'm just going to do

five double crochet so this is just the regular shell so when we're done with

this round we'll have four shells that are three double crochet chain 1 3

double-crochet and we'll have 4 regular shells with 5 double crochet in them now

single crochet in the center of the next Shell

now this next single crochet will be an increase show


single crochet in the top center of the next show now do a railer shell with

just five double crochet

single crochet in the top center of the next Shell now the next Shell will be an

increased show which will be three double crochet chain one three double


single crochet in the top center of the next Shell now do a shell of five double

crochet which is the regular show that's done in the next single crochet

single crochet in the top center of the next shelf now we're doing another

increase of three double crochet chain one three double crochet

single crochet in the top center of the next show now do a shell of five double

crochet which is the regular show

now we're back around to the beginning slip stitch in the beginning chain you

can see here we still have a little square going on but right here is the

increase shell and so we're actually making two more shells with the three

double crochet then we have the standard shell of just five double crochet and

the next Shell is two more shells and then just a regular shell what you will

have is four shells with five double crochet each and four shells with three

double crochet chain 1 3 double-crochet and there is what round 5 looks like now

with round 6 will slip stitch over to the center of the three double crochet

shell which is an increase chain one single crochet in the center and now we

do five double crochet in the chain one space

single crochet in the center of the next increased shell now do five double

crochet in the next single crochet

single crochet in the center of the next Shell five double crochet in the next

single crochet

now single crochet in the next increase shell which will be in the second double

crochet over now five double crochet in the chain one space now single crochet

in the center the second double crochet over and continue on around to the

beginning and you will end up with twelve shells on round six now I'm

joining in the beginning single crochet

and I've completed round six and it still looks like a square but that's how

it should look and now round seven through seventeen are all going to be

done the same way there's no more increases so you'll be working with

twelve shells the beginning of each round will slip stitch up to the center

of the shell which is the third double crochet over chain one and then do a

single crochet and five double crochet in each of the previous single crochet

so you'll have five double crochet in each shell twelve shells each round

I've completed round 17 and I'm joining in the beginning single crochet now we

want to secure and tie a knot in the beginning with the magic loop if you

don't secure it well since it's just a loop it's going to come apart

now hide in the tail

and cut it off and we want to go ahead and hide the tail on the edge

For more infomation >> How to make Crochet Knit Shell Beanie Hat Left Hand Hair Accessory English Subtitles Translations - Duration: 24:19.


How To Make 2018 Happy New Year Red Velvet Cake - Duration: 13:43.

Thanks for watching for more videos subscribe our channel

Thanks for watching for more videos subscribe our channel

Thanks for watching for more videos subscribe our channel

For more infomation >> How To Make 2018 Happy New Year Red Velvet Cake - Duration: 13:43.


How to make your pen drive work as RAM | Star Tutorial | S2 • E1 - Duration: 2:53.


Hello friends I'm Sam Shervin and welcome to star tutorials and today I'm

gonna show you how to make a pen drive work as RAM. You can also use the pen

drive which has files but I do not recommend it .So, let's start.Open "This PC"

Insert your pen drive or any other storage device.

Right click the pen drive's volume

Select properties. Go to ReadyBoost tab. There you can see three options. You can

change it according to your usage. If you select "Dedicate this device to

ReadyBoost, then it will use the full storage

for RAM.

As you can see now, it occupies the whole pen drive.

And now the 3rd option is "use this device".

It is used for allotting some particular storage for the usage of RAM.

For example, I am using 20678 MB for the usage of RAM.

And you can use the remaining space for storing your personal data. If you want

to eject your pen drive, then you have to go to the properties, go to readyboost

tab and select "do not use this device".

Now you can eject your device. Thank you for watching this video.

Consider subscribing this channel and hit the thumbs up button below the video.


For more infomation >> How to make your pen drive work as RAM | Star Tutorial | S2 • E1 - Duration: 2:53.


how to make your own goal step by step - Duration: 2:23.

how to make your own goal

For more infomation >> how to make your own goal step by step - Duration: 2:23.


How to Make Smartphone Case in 5 Minute | Smartphone Life Hacks - Duration: 3:17.

Smartphone Life Hacks

For more infomation >> How to Make Smartphone Case in 5 Minute | Smartphone Life Hacks - Duration: 3:17.


HOW TO MAKE A VECTOR PATTERN | Vector Pattern Adobe Illustrator Tutorial - Duration: 5:27.

in today's graphic design tutorial I'm gonna show you how to make vector patterns

just like this one in Adobe Illustrator that's coming right up here at Satori


a quick Happy New Year from me here story graphics and I really do hope that

2018 is gonna be a great year for you all let's kick things off this year with

a simple yet very cool vector pattern design in Adobe Illustrator make sure

you've got the stroke selected only and then press P on your keyboard to

activate the pen tool click once and hold down shift into a perfectly

straight line we're going to use various different stroke styles for today's

vector parttern design and for this line here we're going to use this one

with the line highlighted press shift and W to access the width tool and then

go in and edit your line in any way you want for your vector pattern design

once happy take the star tool and hold down the alt/option key and shift at the

same time to create a star like so flick the stroke over to a fill and then press

V to access the selection tool so you can then arrange the star in any

position you want below the star use the pen tool to make another line and use

the same method as we did before editing the thickness and the stroke style

you can hold down the spacebar key to navigate around the screen and they

really straight there he always helps activate the smart guides when designing

vector patterns or we need sign for that matter when you're using a day beuliss

rater the magenta line will help you to see when your shapes and objects are

aligned perfectly select everything and then group it together with command or

control G then press R on your keyboard to access the rotate tool and interact

the blue tag icon down to the bottom point of your design click once and then

hold down the alt/option key and click again type in 18 degrees and you can

then preview the change here but we want to copy it instead of pressing ok once

you duplicate today press command or control D to repeat the process over and

over that's the first segment of our vector pattern design in today's adobe

illustrator tutorial select everything and they retain the entire design by 9


access the pencil we'll make another line like so you're going to notice the

smart guys and form you that you lined up with the center of the design

increase the stroke way in and edit the stroke stylus who did before

press alt access the ellipse tool and they make a perfect circle with the line

group the circle and a new line together and they repeat the process for at 8 in

the group around 18 degrees make sure you place the target in the middle of

the vector pattern design before repeating the process over and over

and they have it one vector pattern design tutorial in Adobe Illustrator I'm

making finishing touches to my online store I have two Satori graphics designs

but it going on t-shirts at the moment and they're in two colors of grey and

black I do plan to add more designs and more colors as time goes on and the

stores not published yet on the site but I'm just adding the finishing touches

like I said as you can see on screen the t-shirt is 100% cotton and the designs

are completely original meet by myself so when the I published on the website

make sure to pick one out for yourself so you can support the channel the

t-shirt behind me is just a sample of the material and the print job that the

printing company has to offer so of course I wanted to sample what it was

like before I go ahead and use them as a printing company so if you enjoyed

today's tutorial go ahead and give it a thumbs up as well as leave a comment in

the description below remember to subscribe and to share my content if you

do find it useful and until next time design your future today peace

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE A VECTOR PATTERN | Vector Pattern Adobe Illustrator Tutorial - Duration: 5:27.


How To Make Target Shooting Game Win a Prize from Cardboard - Duration: 3:26.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> How To Make Target Shooting Game Win a Prize from Cardboard - Duration: 3:26.


How To Make A Wordpress Website 2018 - Duration: 3:35:35.

Hi guys, my name is Ferdy and in this video

we are going to create a beatiful Wordpress website

using the premium theme Enfold.

In my opinion one of the best themes out there.

Let me show you what we are going to make.

We will make a beautiful website using the Enfold Theme.

With a call to action over here.

We can have our social media links in the top bar.

We can remove this top bar with one click.

Then we have a logo.

If you scroll down the logo becomes a color.

Right now the logo is white.

We have a nice menu.

Really clean with a submenu.

Then we have the text of our company.

What we offer.

2 call to actions.

And if you click on it you go there immidiately.

In the slider you also can have a link on the whole slide.

If I click overhere I co immidiatly to the page 'Services' Photography.

Then we scroll down.

I will show my 3 services I offer.

Photography, film and webdesign.

Here I show some pictures.

Here I show a video.

And here I show some websites I have made.

Since we can not view autoplay video's on a smartphone I decided when it is viewed on

a smartphone, you will see a link like this, instead of the video.

So everything will still look okay.

So if I make it bigger again you will see the video.

Here I showcase my latest work.

Our latest blogposts.

And here we have some footer widgets.

A facebook likebox.

And Instagram overview.


latest blogpost.

For more infomation >> How To Make A Wordpress Website 2018 - Duration: 3:35:35.


Learn to make a Memory Quilt With Jenny! - Duration: 11:02.

Hi everybody, it's Jenny from the MSQC.

And I've got a fun project for you today.

A lot of people ask me how do I make quilts from my loved one's clothing.

Memory quilts, memory projects.

And so we're going to talk a little bit about that today.

First of all there is a lot of fabric in a shirt.

So you're going to be able to do several different things or maybe things for several

different people.

But the first thing I want to talk about today is this little lap quilt right here.

This is a little comfort quilt.

And it's just made with ten squares, so ten inch blocks.

And we've got four across and five down.

And it's just enough to cover you and kind of give you that comfort.

And so let's talk about that with these shirts.

I'm just going to grab one of these shirts.

What you have to remember is a shirt is just fabric and it's just sewn together.

And we can cut it up.

Now I've already cut, I've used a lot of the back out of this one so here's my

front is in tact.

But I've already used the back.

But it's handy to have a guide when you're going to cut.

So what I did with the quilt that's behind me is I just took a ten square ruler like


And I just laid it on.

And I cut out my squares with a rotary cutter.

And that's just, it's exactly what you need to make those squares because you want

them the same size and you just want 20 of them.

And you're going to go through shirts.

Now if run out of fabric, big, on the big areas you can open up a sleeve.

Like we'll take the sleeve right here and we can just open this up.

And if I just put my scissor right along where the seam is right here I ought to be able

to pretty fast slide down there, just like this.

And then again you have a great big wide open space to cut your square out of.

So you can get squares out of lots of the parts of these shirts.

Now if you end up where you have a seam in the middle, you can have a seam in there.

That's alright.

It doesn't matter.

What we're doing is we're trying to cut ten inch squares from these, from these fat

pieces of fabric.

And that being said you can cut any size square that you want actually and just sew them together

and make a quilt.

I'm just using tens because that's easy and that's what I did.

Alright the next project I want to talk about is this little pillow right here.

And this is really an easy project because this is the front placket where the buttons


And this is something that's nice, you know, just to hug and snuggle.

If you need a hug and somebody isn't there for you anymore and you just need to hug them.

This is a great little project for that.

So what I did was I took the front of my shirt.

And like this one right here.

And I left the buttons buttoned and in tact.

And I just trimmed it up to the size pillow that I wanted and cut the front and the back

at the same time and sewed them together.

Then I sewed it all the way around the outside edge.

Then when you're ready to stuff it, you just open this part and stuff your stuffing


So it makes it very, very quick and easy.

And a really, you know just a quick project because all you're basically doing is just

sewing all the way around this.

Then you're going to open this up and push your stuffing in until it's nice and fluffy.

The other thing I did was one of these great, this is a fun table runner.

And if you have a loved one who wore a lot of ties, take a look at this.

This is really fun.

This is also a fun father's day project.

If you want to, you know, pull in your loved one's ties.

My husband has a bunch of ties so I thought this would be a fun thing to do.

So basically what I did on this was I cut a piece from my shirt.

And the piece is, the piece was seven by, how big is this?

By 14.

Seven by 14.

Then I took a tie and I have some ties here.

And I'll show you how I did this.

So here's a little tie.

And this is all, you know, this is one of those things where you can make it any size

you want.

Let me go ahead and take this little sleeve right here.

And I'm going to cut a seven by 14 inch piece out of here.

Just so you can see how I'm, how I'm cutting this.

I'm going to straighten this up right here where I know I have a nice big area and take

off that little piece.

And I'm going to come over here and I'm going to cut this piece here.

Now what I'm doing right now is I'm just cutting off this part so that I can now lay

this nice and flat.

When you cut up a shirt, what's interesting, you know in our minds, it's like, it's

a shirt but really when you open it up like this it's just fabric.

So I'm going to straighten off this edge here.

And of course when you do it you're going to want to get as much use out of it as possible.

So I'm going to straighten this.

This gives me a flat edge to go on.

And I'm going to come over and I'm going to count.

And again this is up to you.

However wide you want it you can do it that way.

So I'm going to count, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

We're going to come over 15.

And then I'm going to cut this down to seven.

So I'm going to get one straight edge on here.

And I've got to come in a little bit to get a straight edge.

And then I'm going to count over seven.

And that's going to give me my piece.

And see here's this one right here.

It's the same fabric.

And I'm going to give this a little bit of a press so it lays nice and flat.

Let me move this out of the way so you can see this.

And then I'm going to decide how long I want my tie.

Now I cut them all the same, once I decided that length, I cut them all the same.

And so I'm going to lay this on here like this.

And I'm just going to cut it right here.

And just cut that off like that.

Then what I did is I took some of this easy seam, this fusible.

This is such a great little product.

And it makes it stick on.

So I'm going to put this fusible on either side like this and some right down here on

the tip, here and here.

Then you have to iron it to make sure that it sticks on there.

And so I'm just going to really easily come across here and give that a press.

And then we're going to peel away this paper like that.

And it should leave your little sticky seam.

Mine is lifting so I must have peeled it too fast.

That's alright.

I'll just kind of arrange it on there because I'm going to iron it to stick down anyway.

It keeps sticking to my fingers.

See if I can get that off.

There we go.

That's one of those comedy of errors, isn't it?

Alright let me pull this one off on this side.

Hopefully this one will adhere.

I probably didn't let it cool long enough.

There we go.

See that one is nice on there.

Let me get this little end right here.

And then we're going to take off this little points right here.

And then this one over here.

There we go.

Alright so now I'm going to place my tie on here.

I'm going to keep the edge of the tie right here so it will be enclosed in the seam.

Center it up.

Make sure it's nice and centered.

And then I'm going to go over to the ironing board and I'm going to press it so that

that little sticky strip now glues it on there.

And then I like to flip it over because the tie is awfully thick and this side will hit

the glue much faster.


Now what I did on these ties, what I'm going to do on here is just stitch right along the

edge, just a tiny, a tiny little stitch right along the edge and very close to the edge.

There we go.

And I'm going to just put this.

And when I do an edge stitch, what I do is I make sure my presser foot is like right

in the middle of that toe.

It's lined up right along the side.

So I'm just going to go down here along this side.

And because it's all adhesed into place, it's not moving anywhere.

Come around the side and come up this side.

There we go.

And you can see right on here that stitch line barely shows as I'm stitching along

that edge.

And of course I would have, you know, I would have probably used a darker thread like a

maroon thread so that it would really hide in there.

Then you're just going to make as many of these as you want long.

And you're just going to rotate them back and forth as you put them together.

Here let me move this one up here so you can see it better.

So see how this one goes this way.

The next one goes this way.

The next one goes this way.

There's not even a border on here.

We just laid them all out like that and put them together.

And then we just machine quilted over the top of it.

You can see our little, our little swirly designs on here.

And it machine quilts the whole thing.

So these are just a couple of ideas for you to do.

Quick and easy ideas to make some memory clothing.

If it is a female in your family who has gone, I mean this works with her clothing as well.

It's just going to be a more feminine look to it.

And just as easy.

Now if you're working with anything with knits, any type of knit, you want to stabilize

that first.

So you're going to iron that knit onto a stabilizer then it also become just like fabric.

But if you're dealing cotton shirts and things like that, just a piece of cake.

Just cut out the size you want and put them together to make the projects.

And remember that once you make a square any of the other projects that we've done with

squares will work just as well for making memory quilts out of your loved ones clothing.

So we hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make projects from your loved one's clothes

and Memory Quilts from the MSQC.

For more infomation >> Learn to make a Memory Quilt With Jenny! - Duration: 11:02.


The KEY to Making Your 2018 NEW YEAR'S Resolutions Work For You! (Law of Attraction for 2018) - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> The KEY to Making Your 2018 NEW YEAR'S Resolutions Work For You! (Law of Attraction for 2018) - Duration: 4:14.


Game CHANGER | 1 Step To Make Cologne Last ALL Day | Fragrance Glue? - Duration: 7:03.

gentlemen welcome to the channel where fashion meets fragrance my name is Kevin

Samuels and today's video we're going to talk about something that is going to

change your fragrance life forever how to make your fragrance last all day and

stay true to form if you like this kind of videos cool go ahead subscribe their

channel then turn on notifications for future video live stream updates show

you boys some love you guys know I love molecule or one molecule o2 as

fragrances individually also for what they do for fragrances I use these to

make other fragrances last longer and project but I got something even better

than this to make it lad I've used these two things in a variety of ways but this

is not what the video was about if you're anything like me and a fragrance

love it you've tried to figure out the best way

to make your favorite fragrances last and perform longer we have done

everything we've taken hot showers we drank more water we've changed our

moisturizers vitamin E molecule or one molecule to this that oh my god we've

done so many things Ravens freaks we are fanatics but what

if I told you I've found the secret to it all what if I told you I found

something that will help your fragrance lasts all day and stay true to form just

like it came out of the bottle meaning it won't change in your skin chemistry

that means when you spread it on one person it'll smell just like it did

coming out of the bottle that means if you sweat you do this it won't mix with

your body what if I told you that would happen do would you believe it's

possible yes it's possible I've often thought why couldn't somebody make

something like a fragrance glue or something like a second skin - why'd you

just put under the fragrance to keep the fragrance from your body chemistry to

keep it from your sweat and everything else and for that reason I went out

looking for something that had to be something I couldn't be the first person

I thought about this and I was not disappointed I found this it's called

canvas and concrete it is what's called a fragrance primer

a fragrance primer what does the fragrance primer do glad you asked

spray it on the spots you normally would apply your fragrance and let it sit for

one to two minutes those aren't like this

feel that

see how it dries almost like a glue then you take your great juice time for it

amber absolute you know it's all my favorites and it's discontinued every

drop counts you spray it on boom and there you have it you let that stay

there and leave the house and that's all it takes

it's glued onto the primer it's depart from your skin you spread it on your

second skin and you can go I have tried this with 20 or 30 different fragrances

in a variety of situations and this stuff works Tom Ford dude would you know

I've had a problem with that one it lasts four to five hours on my skin it

was the one of the first things that I started using molecule or one to

elongate the life and projection different kind of body oils moisturizers

such and so forth all that helped it last longer but it changed the scent

profile just a little no more of that this fragrance primer helps it stay true

just out of the bottle and lasts forever I get eight hours plus tell you how good

this stuff is and how great this stuff works I'm gonna leave a link down in the

description you gotta try this and the best part

it's only 20 bucks it's less than molecule it's less than a fragrance it

is great I sponsored I bought the bottle myself I know this stuff works I'll

leave a link down in the description if you want to try it do me a favor if you

want to try it I'll leave a link down in the description where you can buy it on

Amazon it is an affiliate link so of course I get a little something back

because I recommended you but it doesn't change your price point and even if I

got no affiliate Commission I would recommend this stuff go out and try it

come back and hit us up in the comments section let us know what you used it

with and how it will work for you this is freaking incredible it's gonna change

your fragrance game it's gonna change a Franca's game help your collection so

much this is gonna revolutionize what you do yep good oh my god but as usual

don't just believe me let us know have you tried canvas and concrete if so let

us know how'd it work for you did you like it

cool if not cool keep it cool keep it classy

if you like this kit like videos go ahead and share it out to anybody that

you think can use the information thank you so much for watching and subscribing

into the next time target you later

by the way you know you want to stay connected follow me on social media

links down there is description piece two fingers and a map it's your boy

hey guys if you want to be your best look good smell great and be your best

each and every day follow a link down in the description and book your one-on-one

private Skype consultation details in the description it's up to you you only

have 7 seconds to make the great first impression you might as well make sure

you knock it out but apartment boy canvas and concrete is the truth get

this in your life game-changer this is the straight up this is a game-changer

and this is a game-changer remember who brought it to you this is going to be mm

this is going to be a game-changer remember who brought it to you show me

some love this is a game-changer this is a fragrance Hobby this is a fragrance

collectors game-changer this is going to be a must-have for everyone in the

fragrance cane get it get it get it stock up on it and you don't need a ton

of it one two three four just spray it on the place you're gonna apply your

fragrance it's like glue look at that it's not sticky it's not sticky it's not

oily you couldn't you if you want to rub it in you can see it's not sticky

it's not oily gonna have to worry about it staining your clothes anything like

this why have we not heard about this stuff but I'm always looking out for you

guys I love you you've not two boys got you I got you I got you get it and let

us know deuces

For more infomation >> Game CHANGER | 1 Step To Make Cologne Last ALL Day | Fragrance Glue? - Duration: 7:03.


How to Make Instant Pot Popcorn - Duration: 2:08.

Hello everyone.

This is Stephanie Manley with are diminishing and make popcorn here.

It's hot.

So if you haven't gotten it out of the box,

It's a great time to do that.

So we're going to begin by setting that instant pot to saute and then hitting the adjust button

just once.

This should make the pot a little bit hotter it's going to take a couple of minutes for

it to get hot but then we're going to make popcorn the old fashioned way.

So once it gets hot I'm going to add a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil in here.

Now you don't have coconut oil.

Guess what oil works are really good.

I wouldn't use butter because the butter scorch and burn so just let your oil know to make

sure it gets nice and tight flaky you like a good anything good make popcorn.

The old-fashioned way.

So I am going to add in popcorn next.

So this is a much healthier alternative the popcorn out of the microwave.

I'm adding Flavacol it is a brand of popcorn seasoning, I put the link down below,

This is what movies theaters use in popcorn and what they use in popcorn machines.

And we need to put the salt in while I'm popping the popcorn because that way spreads out a

little bit more.

You get that nice coating of salt rather than shaking it on afterward.

Hope you get this to try.

You can use regular popcorn salt.

It ends the granulated much more me.

Or is it much smaller grains than people thought.

So it's just a great alternative to yours.

Now if you notice here I'm using a glass squirt from another pot instead.

Pot does make wine like to leak down below.

You can pop popcorn like you normally would.

You're going to wait till about two-thirds of it pops.

Then you will turn off the Instant Pot.


You have popcorn.

There you go.

You enjoy this video.

Please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe.

Thanks for watching.

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