When someone has a spinal injury the
greatest risk is the spinal cord may be
temporarily or permanently damaged.
If a casualty suffered an abnormal force to
the neck or back and is complaining of
changes in sensation or difficulty in
moving they could have a spinal injury.
You must take care not to unnecessarily
move their head neck or spine.
Some of the following incidents could indicate a
possible spinal injury:
They could have fallen from a height
such as from a ladder.
fallen awkwardly when doing gymnastics,
from diving into a shallow pool and hitting the bottom
a collapsed rugby scrum,
falling awkwardly from a horse or motorbike.
They could have experienced sudden
deacceleration in a car, had an injury to
the head or face,
or had a heavy object fall across their back.
If you suspect someone has a spinal
injury there are several key things to
look for.
They may have pain and neck or back
where the injury occurred, have bruising
and tenderness in the skin over the spine
and irregular twist in the normal curve
of the spine, have breathing difficulties,
loss of bladder and/or bowel control.
They may lose control of their limbs
may lose sensation or have abnormal sensations,
such as tingling or burning or their limbs feel
stiff heavy or clumsy.
If you think they have a spinal injury
reassure the casualty and advise them not to move.
Call 999 or 112 for emergency help.
You should then kneel or lie behind
the casualty's head, rest your elbows on
the ground on your knees to help keep
your arm steady. Hold the side of the
head with your fingers spread so they
either not covered and they can still
hear you.
Support the head in this position so the
head, neck and spine aligned
While you support the head as a helper
place rolled up blankets, towels or
clothes on either side of the casualty's head.
Make sure you continue to hold this
position until emergency help arrives.
Do not move the casualty from the
position that you found them in unless
they are in immediate danger and it's
safe for you to do so. Monitor their
level of response until help arrives.
If they become unresponsive at any point
prepared to treat an unresponsive
So remember, if you suspected a spinal
injury reassure them and call 999 or 112.
Don't move them, support their head and
neck until help arrives. And that's how
you help someone with a spinal injury
If this video has been helpful to you
help support St John Ambulance by going
to sja.org.uk/donate.
For more infomation >> What to do if someone has a spinal injury - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Keller @ Large: What's Wrong With Our Politics? - Duration: 1:54.
What to do if someone has heat exhaustion - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance - Duration: 2:12.
Heat exhaustion is caused by loss of salt and water from the body, usually through excessive sweating.
It develops slowly and usually happens to people who aren't used to hot, humid weather.
A dangerous and common cause of heat exhaustion, is when the body produces more heat than it can cope with.
This can happen when someone takes non-prescription drugs like ecstasy,
which can stop the body from regulating its temperature properly.
There are six key things that may lead you to suspect that someone has heat exhaustion.
A headache, dizziness and confusion.
A loss of appetite and feeling sick
Sweating with pale clammy skin.
Cramps in the arms, legs and stomach.
And fast, weakening pulse and breathing.
If you think someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, help the person to a cool place and get them to lie down with their legs raised.
Give them lots of water to drink and you can also give them an isotonic drink to help replace the salt in the fluid that they have lost through sweating.
Keep checking their level of response. If their condition seems to be getting worse,
place them into the recovery position and call 999 or 112 for emergency help.
So remember, help them lie down in a cool place.
Raise their legs and give them water to drink.
And that's how you treat someone with heat exhaustion.
If this video has been helpful to you, help support St John Ambulance by going to
What Happened to Our Plants? - Duration: 3:55.
Hi everyone!
A few weeks ago, Squeaks and I set up a really cool experiment: we planted some seeds to
see how they would grow!
Do you remember how we set up the experiment?
We put seeds in four cups.
Then, we gave the seeds in one cup everything a plant needs to grow: sunlight, water, and
But the seeds in the second cup didn't get sunlight, the seeds in the third didn't
get water, and the seeds in the last cup had sand instead of soil.
Something happened after we set up our experiment: Squeaks and I found out that we made a mistake!
One of our groups of seeds wasn't supposed to get any sunlight, but we planted them in
a clear cup!
Even though we covered the top of the cup, plenty of light came in through the sides.
So to fix our mistake, we started the experiment over, and this time we put the seeds that
weren't supposed to get sunlight in a dark cabinet.
Then, we let our plants grow for three weeks.
And now let's take a closer look at what happened.
The grass that got sunlight, water, and good soil grew really well!
How does that compare to what we thought would happen?
Looking back at my plant journal, Squeaks and I thought that the plant with everything
it needed — sunlight, water, and soil — would grow the best.
And we were right!
The seeds that didn't get any water didn't grow at all, which also matches what we thought
would happen.
And the seeds we planted in sand instead of soil grew a little bit, so we were right about
that too!
But look at the grass that didn't get any sunlight.
We thought it would only grow a little bit, but it actually grew a lot, and then it died.
And if you look at the color of the grass, you can see that it was a very light yellow
instead of green.
So our results were a little different from what we thought would happen, but that's
That's what experiments are for — to test our ideas and see what happens.
We were really surprised that the grass that didn't get any sunlight grew so much.
Plants need sunlight to make their food, and we didn't think the seeds would be able
to grow very much without any food.
We wanted to know why the grass grew a lot, and why it was so yellow, so we looked it
We learned that when you put a plant in the dark, it grows a lot to try and reach the
light it needs to make its food and stay alive.
If the plant grows tall enough, it might be able to get past whatever's blocking the
light and start making food again.
So that's why the grass we kept in the dark grew so much — it was looking for light.
But since the grass was in a dark cabinet, it would never reach any light no matter how
much it grew.
Without light, the grass couldn't make more food, so it slowly died.
So even though it grew at first, the grass couldn't survive in the dark.
The dark cabinet was also the reason the grass was yellow instead of green.
Plants are green because they have a chemical called chlorophyll inside them, which captures
sunlight and helps turn it into energy.
But when there isn't any light for the chlorophyll to use, it goes away.
So the grass was light yellow because it was missing chlorophyll.
Even though our results were different than we expected, we learned a lot from our experiment!
We showed that plants need sunlight, water, and good soil to survive.
I bet we could learn even more about how plants grow by trying this experiment again, but
changing what we give each group of seeds.
For example, we could give all the plants sunlight, but give each plant a different
amount of water.
Or we could try watering one of the plants with saltwater!
There are lots of ways to learn more about how to grow a healthy plant.
So keep experimenting!
Thanks for joining us on SciShow Kids, and we'd like to give Google Making Science
a big thank you for helping us make this episode!
Did you try this experiment, and want to show us your results?
Just grab a grown-up to leave a comment down below, or send us an e-mail to kids@scishow.com.
And we'll see you next time, here at the fort!
ATTREX Chapter 1: What is ATTREX? - Duration: 8:51.
>>Our planet is a living example of a delicate balance
a complex system that is constantly changing,
constantly evolving, constantly adapting.
How do these changes affect life on Earth?
How does everyday life affect our planet?
We have a great capability to absorb, interpret and comprehend
And an urge to understand the world we live in.
This is what defines us as human beings...
What makes us who we are.
With our technological advancements
we are now capable of exploring new worlds, new frontiers.
We're searching for answers that may lay in front of us...
Better yet... above us!
The field phase of the experiment is about to begin.
All the planning, sleepless nights, meetings and hard work
the team has invested in the mission are at stake.
My name is Jasna Pittman,
and I'm one of the many scientists working on
the Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX)
>>It is very natural for humans
to want to understand how the world around us works.
>>Why the atmosphere does what it does?
It's like solving a puzzle!
>>You just want to understand how it works.
>>We're trying to understand how we're affecting,
how humans are affecting the atmosphere.
>>Understanding how the stratosphere changes
very much reflects how our climate is changing.
>>I think that the work that is done in atmospheric science
is very important! But it's also a lot of fun!
>>It's like the best job possible!
>>NASA has been doing airborne science investigations
for quite some time.
Some of the earliest investigations we were doing
was related to the early days of the Antarctic ozone hole.
>>In 2009 we started a new program called the Earth Venture Program.
It's got three parts; and the first of those parts
is what we call sub-orbital science.
this is science done not including a new satellite.
>>With some of these newer missions
we have let the community come up with their own ideas,
their own way of implementing the mission,
what their own science requirements are
and they bring their measurements to the table.
>>And ATTREX had very good science,
was very relevant to the kind of questions we wanted answered,
and its budget was reasonable and appropriate.
>>So ATTREX is an airborne campaign to try to understand
how stratospheric water vapor affects climate.
>>It causes perhaps, maybe, 15 to 20 percent
of the warming that we've had in the past 15 or 20 years.
>>It turns out that small changes in humidity in the stratosphere
are very important for climate and for surface temperature.
They are actually comparable to the importance
of greenhouse gases that everybody knows about.
>>So we know that carbon dioxide was less 30 years ago.
Methane was less 30 years ago.
Nitrous oxide was less 30 years ago.
So we know these gases are increasing with time.
>>Gases that affect the chemistry of the stratosphere
which is where the ozone layer exists
and protects us from ultraviolet radiation.
>>So understanding the rate at which this stuff
gets into the stratosphere and how it changes
is extremely important to looking at the climate
of the stratosphere and how the stratosphere climate affects
the lower atmosphere.
>>So we really need to understand
what controls the humidity of the stratosphere
and actually be able to predict that in the future
in order to improve the accuracy
of our predictions of future climate change.
And it turns out that the most important place to go sample
to understand that, is the tropical upper troposphere.
The top of the troposphere in the tropics is called
the "tropopause" which is actually at a very high-altitude
which is why we need a high altitude aircraft to study it.
>>So the tropical tropopause
is at about 55,000 feet in the tropics.
So if you go down to the equator you have to go up quite high
above 50,000 feet.
And the tropical tropopause is really important to the global atmosphere
because most of the gases that get into the stratosphere,
all the air that is circulating upward into the stratosphere,
goes through this tropical tropopause region.
>>So that is basically a gateway to the stratosphere.
General circulation transports air upward in the tropics,
goes into the stratosphere,
and then spread throughout the stratosphere
and comes down at the higher latitudes in the polar regions.
>>And this is what ATTREX is focused on,
to look at that motion of air into the stratosphere
and how the water is removed
from that air as it rises upward.
>>We know a lot about it, but there are some puzzles
about the details of how the clouds form,
and under what conditions they form.
So that's probably the most important thing
that we hope to gain from ATTREX.
>>ATTREX will address a number of really important issues.
It'll give us a better understanding of the exchange
between the troposphere and stratosphere
and how that impacts atmospheric composition.
How that affects the chemistry in the upper atmosphere.
And, in the longer term,
how that will affect the climate.
>>And that will help us to understand as we go forward
trying to figure out what to do about climate change
to better predict it and make better decisions.
>>How does the interaction between the upper troposphere
and the lower stratosphere affects us down below?
How are we going to find out?
We have the questions.
Now, we'll be searching for the answers.
What in the firetruck! - Duration: 0:04.
what in the fire truck
Donald Trump's 'Muslim Ban' What You're Not Being Told - Duration: 3:14.
LOOK WHAT RICHARD GOT ME!!!! - Duration: 12:40.
umm just letting you know my apartment is not done
thats why i have not shown you around
i did get a new couch and i just came back from ikea and got some new pillows
so thats exciting . but today i want to open up these packeges
because my last opening. um . my last video were im opening packages . i opens a couple and thought i had more
i did have more i just accidentally put them all over the house when i was moving
so i had like a box in my bedroom and a box here and a box there
so i have them all in front of me right now and im going to open them ad we are gonna talk about this
also im using my new ring light and it is so bright and it is so hard to look at the camera with this brightness but thats ok
im gonna get used to it, im just not used to the brightness
minou and beauty are so needy since i moved so thats fun
i wanna open this one first because this is somthing in my last vlog that i had to go pick up
and this is from south korea
i got scissors this time im smart
so i know you cant really see me opening it but i dont like that it wasnt centered
alrighty oh my god air bags
no im kidding
ooo what dis what dis
ooo ok so theres a whole bunch little mask things here a pokemon mask a beauty mask
i think these are masks , they just look like beauty products
beauu-ty products
i dont know what this is oooo ohh
i know what this is
ok so i put on my list a whole bunch of stuff to get for future videos
to make face masks and stuff like that and then i believe that this is eye stick stuff
panda thing im pretty sure this is zuzias actually this is the thing that zuizas been waiting for
they re not at home right now so i cant call them up but im sure that they'll really appreciate this
im pretty sure this is for them i have to make sure but im pretty sure this is for them
so thank you
alright i hope you can see me though
this isnt going to be a video place unless you'd like it to be a video place
to do videos
what is this
" chase your videos have helped me so much while discovering who i really am.
and they make me see that i am not alone please continue your awesome work, you are my favorite youtuber by far
marious from Germany
sorry if i said your name wrong im really bad with names
ooo what dis
oh my god yes the language of letting go
these books are kind of embarrassing because theyre all like helping your self
but what ever, i put this on my list a couple days ago
i dont know what im trying to say right now
thank you so much
whats this
aww yeah
cat slippers
because i need slippers and i was likeyou know what imma get on that cat lifestyle
because i have every thing else cat i might as well have cat slippers
so thank you so much i dont think that theres a note in here
not because its like a third party seller and they dont let you put notes
but oh my god whoever got me this thatnk you so much
what this
what dis?
ohh i think i know what this is
two identical packages what did i put that i need two of
yes, oh my got this is gonna be amazing
um this is for the podcast
im so glad that we have these i cant wait to try these out
oh my god thank you so much
"hi guys i love the podcast i hope these help enjoy- best marcas"
thank you
ok so this some tiny tiny tiny wrapping
so its hard to hide my address
ooo you dont even know what it is and im like ooo
this is going to be great its a mask, its like a face mask for black heads and stuff like that
i cant wait to make videos of me trying these things
you have no idea how exited i am to try these face masks and stuff like that in the video
im so exited
and it looks like im hiding it
im so sick im sorry
ive been eyeing this one literately since the day i got back from Slovakia/poland
cause it was there and i haven't opened it
oh my god yes
"welcome home enjoy your gift from dianna in toronto"
i have baking pans
which is fantastic because mine are so old and i didnt want to bring them with me in the move
so now i can throw them out
also like bugs lived on mine so thank you this is fantastic your saving me anxiety
also do you like the color green on the blue couch im having alot of anxiety about this couch
and like l feel like it wasnt a good decision
i have anxiety about buying anything for myself
i bought myself straws at ikea ody and im like EEE
my god yes
yes this is like a wall mount thing for the bathroom so i can put things
because i have no storage in my bathroom
and i didnt know that before i moved into this apartment
like i didnt really check if there was storage in the bathroom
and then like i moved in and was like oh my god theres no storage i dont know where to put anything
so this is gonna be fantastic
basically all of my hair dyes gonna go on here
so oh my god thank you so much
and there is a little note, there is a little note
which lips
"at the risk of keeping the sugar daddy label i am sending you what i hope will help the move to your new roach free place
theres also a microwave stand by the way happy moving best wishs-richard"
papito richard
in a non sexual way
oh my god yes
and hes not really giving anything away about the microwave i did get that, i had to go pick it up in the mail
i have it somewhere here its not wrapped so it says on the front that its a stand for a microwave
oh my god
richard, your amazing, this is amazing
i cant wait to build this
thank you so much
im really overwhelmed right now
ive been really stressed for the last like 3,4,5 days
and i feel like i havent been able to do anything but all ive been doing is putting work into making this apartment cleaner
and looking presentable, for me to be happy with it
i dont care about anyone else its really for me
oh also its right here, this is the microwave stand here
so i did not know that richard sent me this , so thank you so much richard
i will be making this soon probably tommorow
i am super duper exited about this
ok so lets open this one over here
its like cereal or somthing
or like food what else would there , i didnt put cereal on there
i was just letting you know theres no cereal on my list
air bags!!! im kidding
ooo this is big
what is this
oh jesus
what does that sound like to you?
"this is a thank you for being an all around amazing person and helping me understand more about the trans community
happy holidays from alex fox"
thats a cool name
alex fox
alex fox and chase ross
that would be like a tongue twister
we could have a tv show
what is this
sold as set
what is this, ohh shit
oh my god i was like it feels like food
oh my goodness
oh im so excited yesss
these are like nutless clusters
these are such a good snack
hash tag that vegan life
but they are like chocolate and dates and coconut
and i i i am in love i have snacks
and its like a box full of them to
oh my god these are gonna be so great
im gonna put another box on my wish list just because i love these so much
theyre like a really great healthy alternitive snack
i dont even know if theyre healthy theyre just really fucking good
its really heavy
i have no idea what it is
what is this
what is this
oh my god
i didnt think that these were bought
oh my god
oh my goodness this is awesome
oh my god these are two end tables for my bed
because i need, oh my god
i had no idea, like i looked at my wishlist like yesterday
and this was still on it and was like ok im just gonna take it off my wishlist
so today i went to ikea AND I BOUGHT MYSELF AN END TABLE
ohmy god
it was like a really cheap on it was like $39
or somthing
i am returning that oh my goodness
can i just tell you what it says on the box right over here
"we like gentle men please handle with care"
i says that right here, i dont know if you can see that its kinda bright
ooo theres a note good good good
i wanna see who sent me this
so i can thank them
"all of your informitive videos, mental heath update and podcast with Aaron were honestly the
only things that kept me going during 2016
you have made such a positive change in my life
and i could never thank you enough- Dan"
thank you so much dan im so glad that ive been able to help you
and that aaron and i have been able to help you in the podcast
heas been able to help you
and youre helping me
thank you so much
i feel so overwhelmed about these gifts
and maybe i didnt react like this for all of the gifts in the past
and i dont know , maybe that makes my a bad person
i dont know i dont know
all i know is that im feeling really emotional because
i feel like ive had to do eveything by myself and its hard to be alone
i feel like i have no one
yeah i have zuzia and stuff like that down stairs but
i dont know its different i feel like i need more support
more help and i dont know what type of help im asking for
do you see what i mean im in a conflicting place
right now i feel like my heart is so big and heavy
and i feel like, like im not asking for monetary things physical objects
um to make me feel better to get me the support that i need
um but i feel like these messages that im getting are just so nice
and im umm beyond great full for every single little thing that ive gotten
from this to the rack for my microwave
which i dont actually have a microwave yet so , wishlist
if you wanna check that out
un to the pens to the little face masks everything
i appreciate every single thing
and you are helping my move
so much by doing that so much, because youre getting me things that i need to get
so you are saving me money
so thank you for that
umm yeah but im gonna stop crying im gonna stop making this video
im gonna go edit this, post it online
sorry my voice is all messed up, i feel it, like this is my voice, thats what i feel like.
this is my voice 7 years on T
i feel like im so deep
um but its not gonna be this deep forever
it is deep lol
im outy
thank you for watching, thank you, like i said i have a po box
so if you just want to send me a little note a little post it
if you wanna send me a big box with one little post it in it
if you want to send me a box of bees
if you want to send my your cat, im kidding
if you wanna send me lockets of your cats hair
if you wanna send me a peen
if you wanna send me um {beauty meows} alittle note a little letter
or anything a package
my po box excepts every thing from like a little tiny letter to like a huge package
so im outy beauty says meow
she loves you she loves you for the little gifts you get her and mionu blitto
thank you so much have a great day, ok, bye
true: Other people judge and criticize us each and every day. Mind you, they don�t
do it nearly as much as our minds may lead us to believe, or as negatively, but they
do it, just like you do it to them.
We make judgements all the time, both negative and positive, and that�s a natural part
of life. While some people understand this and see that it has little to no bearing on
our ability to be ourselves and do what we like to do, to the majority of us, this is
a crippling reality that leaves us feeling frequently and persistently unhappy.
For the vast majority of my life, other people�s opinions of me mattered way more than they
should have or I would have liked. My pursuit of acting contributed to this problem big
time, since audition after audition not only forced me to face constant criticism, but
also regularly reminded me of what about me just wasn�t good enough to get the part.
Thankfully, I�ve since graduated from this state where virtually every outside opinion
had the power to influence my mood, decisions, and peace of mind, to one where only a select
few have that �honour.�
Yet I�ve recently made a point of working on that as well, in hopes of unlocking a state
of being where I literally no longer give a shit what others may or may not think of
me or my decisions. Please understand that the goal here is not to completely disrespect
the opinions of others � I�ll still happily seek and grow from them as they arise � but
to eliminate the unhealthy tendency to let these opinions dictate my life.
Here are some reminders and mental shifts that I�ve found to be particularly helpful
in this process so far:
Most Opinions Are Rooted in Jealousy
On the surface it may seem as though criticism is coming from a state of superiority, but
in reality it is often rooted in perceived inferiority. Someone else feels threatened
by what you are doing, and rather than focusing on how they could do something about it in
their own lives, they�ve chosen to expend their energy trying to cut you down.
The truth is, we are never superior or inferior to each other, and the sooner we choose to
respect each other�s individual journeys, lives, and passions, the quicker we�ll all
be genuinely happy.
Even Your �Failures� Took Courage
We all screw up from time to time, and in the grand scheme of things, can all learn
to appreciate each of those mishaps as vital for our maturity and growth. So when you do
next �screw up� and receive some criticism as a result, remind yourself of the courage
it took to do whatever it is that you messed up on. Choose to focus on that bravery, rather
than the unpleasant responses, and you�ll find yourself back on your metaphorical horse
of creation quicker than you can imagine.
They�re Just as Concerned as You Are
Only having the ability to be in your own body, it�s easy to believe that the world
revolves around you. But there are over 7 billion of us who see it the same way. Keep
in mind that as much as someone may have criticized you in the past, they aren�t giving you
and your decisions as much attention as you think.
Why? Because they have their own lives and concerns about what others are thinking of
them, which, from their perspective, will always be far more important.
Find What You Admire
In my particular case, where only the opinion of a select few still ruffle my feathers,
I�ve found it helpful to identify what it is about them that makes me hold them in such
esteem. Is it our extensive history? Their courage? Their accomplishments?
Whatever it is, identify it, and then rather than feeling inferior to it, choose to be
happy for what they have done, and what they have helped to trigger in your life. It may
not feel like it, but each of these people, and the opinions that they hold, all stand
as a wonderful opportunity for us to step into our own power.
Embrace the Feeling
It may feel scary at first, but the more you consciously choose to defy the restrictions
your mind is trying to place on you through a fear of outside opinion, the more addictive
it becomes.
I�m not suggesting we all become rebels, but I am suggesting that we all regain the
driver seat of our decision making process.
Do you struggle with anxiety? On February 21st, I will be launching an online course
filled with all of the tools and techniques I used to conquer anxiety. Sign up to be one
of the first to find out about the course�s release and to start receiving some anxiety
hacking tools in your inbox today!
The Return of the Gentleman Series with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 8:27.
Hello gentlemen of the world, my name is
Dr. Dain Heer inviting you to a new
exploration called
Return Of The Gentleman.
In a conversation with a really dear friend
of mine, a twenty-three-year-old
brilliant young man, we were having a
conversation about some different
aspects of what it is to actually be a
man and he looked at me and he said I
have been looking for this my whole life.
I have scoured youtube I have looked all
over the internet for somebody to give
me this kind of information where being
a man is actually about being honorable,
being kind, being caring but also being
potent, also being sexual,
also being able to make money, also being
able to contribute to family and he said
I didn't realize this was possible until
we had this conversation and I looked at
that and I realize that we need to do
something different. So I created this
series, who knows what it's going to turn
into, but right now you'll be able to get
it on youtube and a few other places
called Return Of The Gentleman and what
it's really about is returning to the
gift of being the gentleman that you can
actually be. Now we're going to cover
subjects like relationship, sex, women but
not from the place of so many of the
videos I've seen on youtube and other
places at this point about
being a man is getting your
game on and and you know having a great
game so you can get women in bed and
dominating women, because that's all
I've seen and that's not what it is
at all. The most interesting part about
this for me is when you're truly being
you whatever that is for you when you're
being authentic as you women are
attracted to you and it doesn't matter
how you look, it doesn't matter that much
how you dress, although we're going to
talk about that too because that's
definitely an aspect of what you want to
have. But what I like to do is have some
frank, open, honest discussions with you
and also give you a place to get your
questions answered
where you can write in the stuff that
you want to know about and get it from
this different perspective. 16 years ago I was at a place where I
was going to end my life. I was with a
girlfriend who I thought was the perfect
woman and she hated me I was a
chiropractor starting my second practice
and I had so little self-worth that I
felt like the most insecure man on the
planet and I found a way to change that
but not only did I find a way to
change it I started actually liking me.
So what I would invite you to is the
awareness that there's something totally
different possible but it's actually
from you being honoring of yourself,
starting to trust yourself, starting to
actually be vulnerable with you, having
gratitude for you and then having no
judgment of you. If you could just
consider what it would be like to be
that for a moment, maybe an hour,
I mean imagine that for an hour.
Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and had
no judgment of you for the man you're
being in the world? Imagine if you
woke up tomorrow and looked in the
mirror at you and were like I like the man
that's looking back at me. This is where it all starts, this is
where we're gonna head. So you'll be able
to send in your questions, you'll be able
to get a as much information as I can
give you with the time I have because I
travel almost four weeks out of the
month right. I am an owner and facilitator
of a worldwide self-development business.
It's not like I have a lot of time
but I really want to give you guys this
information. The resources that are out
there for men,
there's so few available that are
actually about being the greatness that
a man can truly be. I want to read you
something and as just one tiny example
of where we're headed if you find that
you'll also find these videos
interesting. If you don't like what I'm
about to read this is probably not the
place for you. Go to one of those
alpha male channels where it's all about
dominating women.
Okay so give me just a sec I'll be right
back with that.
Okay guys I'm back and this is an
interesting facebook post that this
gentleman posted to his sons, who were
four and seven years old after
the thing with Donald Trump and how he's
treating women and Rudy Giuliani got up
and said "well men at times act like that".
So this is a facebook post this guy
wrote "Caleb and Ethan fortunately
right now you're too young to be exposed
to or interested in political discourse
and you're much too young to have
Facebook accounts but I imagine there'll
be a time in the not-too-distant future
when you're on facebook and will be
I also imagine that at some point after
that weather out of boredom or interest
you look back through your old man's
posts for some funny stories and maybe
some tidbits of wisdom. So I'm gonna
leave this right here for you. Men do not
at times talk like that
sure some individuals with an x and y
chromosome like you may say something
like that but we do not call them men, we
call them perverts, abusers or rapists, not
men. Real men don't do that and wouldn't
even think to say that. You hear a lot of
people tell you
what men do or what it takes to be a man.
The vast majority of it will be total
garbage. If you want to be a man forget
about machoism or sexual conquest. Being
a man is not about that, it's
about protecting those around you who
are weak or innocent, maybe a child being
bullied or your own children.
It's being awake at all hours of the
night to warm a bottle, change a diaper,
change the sheets on a wet bed or even
worse. Men get puked on, pooped on, blood on
and cried on. It's about being open
with someone, vulnerable and accountable.
It's admitting your mistakes and
failures in all its ugliness and seeking
forgiveness over and over and over again.
Real men play dress-up and enjoy tea
parties and we'll make a complete fool
out of themselves just to hear a child
laugh. They cry and even weep when the
situation calls for it. They respect
honor and cherish women because all of
them are human.
It's tough being a man, the hardest work
you'll ever do. So when someone tries to
justify abhorrent words and behavior by
sulling your good reputation as a man be
angry and speak up don't let them
defind you by their conduct. In short be a
Sincerely, Your Dad. So that's sort of
where we're headed where men actually
get to be men and actually get to be the
honoring beings that we are. But also
honoring of each other. I think one of
the biggest things that's missing here
men getting to actually support other
men contribute to other men, be grateful
for other men. It's like somehow we have this weird
macho football idea that you know what
testosterone tells us mount it or kill it are our
only two choices and you know what it's
not like that at all. In the last few
years I have had the the great, great
blessing of having some men in my life
who were there is really, really good
friends who truly have my back.
That's the energy i'd like to bring to
this conversation. So I hope you choose
to sign up and hope you get a heck of a
lot of information that's way more than
you ever thought you would get. It's my
desire to be a contribution to you and
all of us and the interesting thing is
as you start watching these videos, as
you get your questions answered, as you
start to explore this possibility for
being this way in the world the way
women will treat you in the way you'll
treat them will absolutely amaze you and
please no there's no particular
political point of view, there's no
religious point of view, there's nothing
other than us men getting together to
actually contribute to each other and me
hopefully sharing some wisdom that will
help you enjoy you as a man and have the
gratitude for you that you should have.
so thank you so much for listening, thank
you so much for watching. I look forward
to seeing in the next video bye
What is God's Will for my life? - Duration: 2:35.
Asking what is God's Will for my life? is one of the most important questions you can
ever ask.
Because nobody wants to waste their life!
We all want to actually make a difference in our lives.
To find deep meaning and tap into what makes us come alive, we want to solve those injustices
that we are so passionate about.
We all want our lives to count, to actually make an impact in the world.
Did you know the #1 Deathbed regret….is "I wish I didn't live the life others
expected of me".
In other words, I wish I lived a life that was true to my heart!
So don't do that, don't aimlessly live a life that others want you to, live the life
God has called you to live.
But How do you do that?
By making your life about something much bigger than yourself…By leaving a legacy.
See sometimes a destiny can be selfish and only about you but a legacy is always about
others and something bigger than just you.
As Erwin McManus says, "The greatest danger in your life is to pursue a destiny that leaves
no legacy."
So, don't do that, don't pursue a destiny that's only about your own glory, pursue
one that's about God's glory.
1 Corinthians 10 tells us whatever we do, that we are to do it to the glory of God,
for the GLORY of God.
Another thing to remember is God's Will for your life is more general than it is specific.
Because there are MANY things God has given you the opportunity to walk into.
Colossians 3 says "Whatever you do, (or whatever you choose to do), do everything
in the name of the Lord Jesus."
That means in a way that honors Christ or in a way that conveys you belong to Christ.
See God's primary calling for you is to belong to Christ and to participate in his redemptive
kingdom work in the world.
And that applies to everyone…farmers, accountants, janitors, pastors…
There is no distinction between the sacred and secular.
A humble janitor can bring more honor and glory to God than a prideful pastor.
It's all about your heart more so than your job title.
It's important to note though that sometimes you have to try out new things.
Revelation 3 says "I have placed before you an open door".
See there are a variety of open doors you can walk into but choose the open door where
"the adventure of yes seems more alive than the safety of no."
-John Ortberg
And for those of you who think you've missed it, you're too old, you're too far off,
you've sinned too much….You have not!
Think of a GPS in your car.
When you go off route, it tells you re-routing turn left here, turn around here.
And that's what God does, his mercy and grace always get us back on track to what
he has called us to do in our lives.
BOYCOTT STARBUCKS Look What SICK Thing They Just Did to Screw with President Trump! - Duration: 1:40.
BOYCOTT STARBUCKS Look What SICK Thing They Just Did to Screw with President Trump!
By Danny Gold.
The boycott has begun!
When it comes to liberal companies, there are not many more liberal than Starbucks.
Now their CEO Howard Schultz has hit an all new low by declaring he will hire 10,000 refugees
OVER citizens in the next 5 years to get back at Trump�s immigration ban.
Doesn�t he realize that Americans NEED those jobs?
I mean seriously, it was stupid decisions like this that helped get Trump elected in
the first place.
His liberal policy rampage did not end there, though.
Starbucks released a full list of their new liberal initiatives:
Give medical insurance to ALL illegal immigrants who work for Starbucks
Send money to Mexico to help them fight against the Wall
Support and Donate to the effort to stop Trump from deporting the families of Children who
came here illegally from Mexico
course, none of this should really surprise you.
After all, Starbucks donated TRUCK LOADS of money to Hillary Clinton�s campaign during
the election.
So from now on, do not get your coffee, pastries, or even wi-fi from Starbucks.
There are plenty of companies out there who still love America.
What is average rate of change? (KristaKingMath) - Duration: 4:31.
When we talk about average rate of change, what we're really talking about is the total
change in the dependent variable over the total change in the independent variable.
A lot of discussions about average rate of change relate to speed.
And in that case, the average rate of change represents the total distance covered over
a certain amount of time.
But really, we can talk about any change in y over any change in x, regardless of what
x and y represent.
And this brings us to the formula for the average rate of change between two points
on a function.
The average rate of change of a function is given by f(x_2) minus f(x_1) over x_2 minus
x_1, where (x_1, f(x_1)) is the starting point of the interval we are interested in and (x_2,
f(x_2)) is the endpoint.
If you've spent any time studying linear equations, you'll probably recognize that this formula
for average rate of change is exactly the same as the equation to find the slope of
the line!
More specifically, the formula for the average rate of change calculates the slope of the
secant line between two points on the graph of a function.
A secant line is simply a straight line connecting two points on a function, which is exactly
what the average rate of change calculates.
The average rate of change of a function can be negative, positive, or even zero, just
like the slope of the secant line.
The average rate of change of a function will be negative when f(x_2) is less than f(x_1),
which makes sense both when we draw the secant line on the graph and when we realize what
subtracting f(x_1) from f(x_2) will do to our equation.
Likewise, the average rate of change will be positive whenever f(x_2) is greater than
In the same way, if f(x_2) and f(x_1) are equal to each other, the secant line will
be horizontal and the numerator of the formula will be zero, so the average rate of change
will also be zero.
This can be tricky, because even if the average rate of change is zero, it doesn't necessarily
mean that no change occurred.
After all, if I threw a ball into the air, and it came right back into my hand, the graph
of its change in height over time would look like this.
The ball definitely moved, but if I asked you for the average rate of change from this
point to this point, you would get zero.
So clearly, finding the average rate of change is not the same thing as knowing the rate
of change at any particular moment.
Rate of change is represented on a graph as the slope of a curve, and looking at this
function and the secant line found using the average rate of change formula, it's clear
that the average rate of change doesn't tell us anything at all about the actual rate of
change at this point or the slope of the curve at this point.
To find out more about these, we would need to calculate the instantaneous rate of change
by using the derivative of the function.
In a lot of cases though, we only need to know the average rate of change of a function,
like if we were writing a report on marathon runners.
It would be pretty boring to report the speed of the runner at every given second, but it
is pretty cool to know a runner's average speed over the course of the race.
Let's look at how we could figure that out.
Say we're given this table of this runner's time for each mile of the marathon.
We could easily find her average speed at each mile by plugging into the formula the
change in distance, one mile, over the amount of time elapsed.
But if we wanted to find her average speed over the course of the race, we would need
the total change in distance, 26.2 miles, over the total time elapsed.
In a table like this, where the times are not cumulative, we would need to sum up the
increments of time in order to plug the right amount into the average rate of change formula.
So to summarize, we've talked all about average rate of change and its relationship to the
secant line.
We now know how to calculate the average rate of change when given two points on a curve
to use as an interval, and we know how to use information from a chart to do the same
We definitely know that the average rate of change doesn't tell us everything there is
to know about a function, but it does give us a general idea about its behavior!
究竟 BJJ 係 D 咩? What exactly is BJJ? - Duration: 5:03.
Cancer Treatment For Children | Part 2 of 4 - Duration: 4:21.
welcome back
and today is the second episode of this
four part series creating awareness
about cancer in children Verity Jackson-Taylor
is the former manager for clic
sargent the clarity for children with
she is a nurse and Midwife and
cancer survivor herself in the first
video we made I asked how we can better
support our friends or family members
who child is going through cancer and
today I asked her to explain in a
nutshell what the treatment options are
for children so that we can better
understand what they're going through
There are three main courses of treatment for childhood cancer:
chemotherapy radiotherapy and surgery
and they will usually use the doctors
will use two of them usually the
radiotherapy and chemotherapy of the
most popular ones the surgery they used
with tumors as opposed to a blood cancer
which is fluid obviously ordinance
cancer they will use their therapy for
that to reduce with radiotherapy it that
usually have three sections of it with
two week break so you have six weeks of
radio and two weeks break for your body
to get over it and another 50 weeks and
to eat break and another six weeks and
that can go on for a couple of years if
the council doesn't completely go away
and the children have to come back to
that and it was hospital for this
no they usually day patients ok so this
day in the house with with CLIC Sargent
and go down every day for that and come
back which was such a great service
actually because you've got a child as
experiment progressive they get really
tired I'm just want to sit around and
watch DVD or just very logically draw
was he involved it has it's a very
similar sort of the regime where you
have this medication you three times a
day usually at all
at all but they will build trying to do
it during the day that the child can
come home at night and involves having a
line putting here within two business
explain here and the easy then to
administer and the children it's not
awful right now only gradually gets more
and more tired again and very noisy or
hear anything that has so
hello.this treatments for two-and-a-half
years as well
yep yeah and it certainly is obviously
where they actually try and remove that
she left from definitely yeah but what
if they do a surgical removal there will
also do a bit of chemo and a bit of
radio usually combine video conference
because if you can not go in surgically
it better
15 15 is less invasive he always treated
with surgery obviously but the artists
he looks like he left it and scary other
I still quite careful children children
are incredibly good at just responding
to the moment it's much harder for
teenagers and it didn't work for young
people to 21 and 25 year-olds the
teenagers think and they may get up
certain want to know why this is
happening and why should it be me
where is a child will just the other
hand some steam is longer and then five
minutes later when the paint gone
they'll stop so that but that's a good
thing with little ones
thank you for watching I think having a
better understanding of what the
children are going through enable us to
be better supported friends for the
family for parents for our friends who
are going through this so don't forget
to hit the like button to show your
appreciation for Verity and share her
don't forget you can subscribe to this
channel and check out the other three
parts to this series to get the full
understanding of childhood cancer
Eng【Hwarang Ep 15 Preview】What'll happen to Sun Woo after he admits he is the king? - Duration: 1:01.
if you don't fight fully with me
I would accept
you really think you are the king?
don't let us die in here
at least we should break the door, and fight together
do you wanna be the cause of the war?
the nobles won't have any action
please save our king
those people who born in a wrong country, live with hunger and under fear
if we die, you must die too
can you promise?
like you said, people
today I'm competing with the king of Silla, fencing duel
he is very experienced in war
it's a game for him to kill people
I will win
because I have something to guard
What to do if someone has had a severe allergic reaction - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance - Duration: 3:19.
WHAT HAS HAPPENED??!! - I'M BACK NOW!! - Duration: 5:14.
When I Grow Up... - Duration: 4:43.
What is ATM CARD , DEBIT CARD and CREDIT CARD !! Difference between a DEBIT CARD and CREDIT CARD - Duration: 3:14.
Hello Friends , As we know we all are going towards digital payments .
As we say the word digital payments the very first thing come to our mind is card .
As we know a variety of cards are available .
Many of us have many doubt regarding these cards.
what is it and how to use it ?
This video is all about to clear all your doubts .
Friends , My name is RAHUL .
You are watching TECH PEDIA .Lets start now .
Friends , may be many users already aware about it .
But still some users haven't information about what these cards are all about .
So all the doubts will clear by this .
We start with ATM CARD . What is ATM CARD ?
ATM cards doesn't contain any types of logo like VISA CARD, MASTER CARD ,RuPay CARD .
You can use ATM card only for the purpose of withdraw rupees from ATM machines .
ATM CARD are linked to our bank accounts .
So we can withdraw only that limit of amount that are present in our banks.
Now we talk about second type of card named as DEBIT CARD .
Somehow DEBIT CARD is same as ATM CARD .
But if we see the difference by visualization of cards then you will see a single difference
that is VISA CARD , MASTER CARD , Rupay CARD or any such type of gateway is labeled on DEBIT CARDS .
you can also withdraw money by this.
You have one more advantage in this is that you can use this card in your Shopping's too .
This card is also linked to our bank .
We can do limited shopping depending on our bank balance .
Now we talk about third type of card named as CREDIT CARD .
These type of cards are not available to every user.
Availability of this card is depend on many factors .
We can use CREDIT CARD into shopping .
This card is not linked to our bank balance limit .
So if our bank balance has not sufficient money still we are able to shop .
What will happen in this bank will do payments on behalf on us .
We need to pay back to bank in a given time limit .
We have to give with interest if somehow we can't able to give that amount in given time limit .
So friends , all these three cards are use in this way .
Friends if you have some doubt about the logo labelled on cards then no need to worry
i will come soon with another video regarding to this topic .
This is all in this video .
Hope you like this video.
If you like this video then hit on like button .
If you have any doubt or query
then don't forget ot write in comment section .
IF you haven't S-U-B-S-C-R-I-B-E yet then click on red subscribe button .
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