Hi everyone, so today I thought of doing a make up tutorial as some of you may already
know, we lived in an island for about 7 months.
So, during that time I barely wore any kind of make up.
So, I've never been as comfortable in my own skin until that time came.
But of course, we are no longer at the beach.
We are in the city and specifically The Woodlands in Texas.
And so, you know, it's different not wearing make up at the beach and different not wearing
make up in the city.
If yo are like me, who don't really like putting on a lot of make up everyday; here is a tip
on just how to put make up to look decent but not too made up.
So I'm just going to use really very very simple items, like for example a concealer.
Right now this one I'm using is by Maybelline.
So, it's not really the expensive kind of make up.
So, something that's going to be affordable for everyone.
I use, uhh, well, this is from The Philippines, I don't know if we have this brand here; and
I'm in the U.S. but it's left over from what I have brought to America.
And it's NIchido.
And it's basically an eyeliner in a brush form.
I like it because it kind of stays put and it's pretty much water proof.
I use a mascara and this is called Better Than Sex.
And it is kinda good because you don't need a curler for this.
And I use Into It's eyeshadow make up which is actually can double as a bronzer as well.
That way you have less items to worry about.
So really I just use pretty much these items and of course I've got my trusty brush set
that I have left over from when I was a news anchor.
And I thought it would be handy to just kind of keep it.
So I'd just start off with light make up and that's pretty much just the concealer.
And I don't actually put it to my entire face, only on areas where I feel like I need some
So, it's almost as if I'm putting on a very very light foundation.
And once again, this kind of make up routine takes less than 10 minutes.
So if you're like me and you don't have the time or don't have the energy to spend 30
minutes putting on your make up, well, this is one way to do it.
Although I do like the occasional time I do get to spend putting on make up for special
You know, that's a rare treat.
I wouldn't want to spend 30 minutes to an hour putting on make up though.
I mean that's just a lot of time.
Plus I'll tick off my husband having to wait for me all the time.
So I'm using the eyeshadow set as a bronzer.
As you can see I'm just brushing it.
And then I'm just following my jawline.
You can do this to your face so that you can see where your jawline's at.
So right now if I do that, that's basically where my jawline's at.
Do that on the other side, and then after you've done both sides; you simple go ahead
and follow the sides of your forehead.
So that would be this side and then this side over here.
Basically what you want to do is you want to have your forehead and the front part of
your face pop up and create a shadow onto the side.
This gives that more oblong shape of a face.
Which I think is the most sought after, why I don't know, but that's what people say you
should have.
More of an oblong face, maybe because if you have too much of a round face, it kind of
makes you look a bit heavier, so it's to slim down the face; at least a technique.
There you go.
Now normally, I don't usually do the whole you know nose contouring thing but just to
do it for you who may want to do it; simply follow your eyebrow and just do this.
But leave a little bit of a line right there where your nostrils kind of flare out.
So do the same thing.
There you go.
Some of you might need a lot more.
Same thing that I'm using for the make up.
What I've noticed as well is that when I was working with CNN Philippines is that the make
up artists usually wet their make up or they dip the brush in a bit of water.
And I found that to sometimes be useful and sometimes to not be useful.
So, if you'd like to try that, you can go on ahead and do that.
I'm going to do that.
For example, I'm going to use this.
It's water from Jack in The Box, which is old water from yesterday soI'm dipping a little
bit of the tip of the brush and wetting the same palette I've been using as a bronzer
to kind of just fill in my brow.
I did have my eyebrows tattooed, but I feel like sometimes if I'm going to put on some
make up, it's nice to just define it a little bit.
So, not too much, just a little bit.
So, a little bit on the side.
There you go.
And then now we do the make up per se.
What I'll use is the same palette.
I'll use this lighter brown one.
Lighter brown goes on my entire lid.
Once again, we are trying to aim for a natural look.
A look that makes you look presentable but not too made up.
Doing it on the other side.
As you can see I'm just really dabbing it in there.
And this can actually go much quicker if I wasn't explaining and talking at the same
Like normally when I put on my make up I just go whoosh whoosh whoosh.
(LOL) And it's done.
And as you can see it just gives it a little bit of color.
Okay so that's using this kind of brush.
And then the next is going back to the brush I used for my eyebrows.
Dabbing a little bit of that in water and then using the third color, which is the darker
And kind of just brushing it on the side.
Same thing.
Now it's okay if it doesn't come out as even as you would like it to be that's why you
do it one step at a time.
You know, I'd like to think that putting on make up is kind of like drawing, where if
it doesn't come out perfect initially but then kind of do your remedies.
You add color here and there, a brush stroke here and there and then basically blends it.
As you can see, this is a bit darker than this one so I need to just kind of fix it.
So, I'm just going to go ahead and do that.
As you can see I'm just following the outside for the darker shade and just kind of blending
it in.
And to make it stand out a little bit more I going to use the darker shade.
So that's this one.
Again with a wet brush, I go and use it like an eyeliner.
Same thing on the other side.
There you go.
And doing the same thing with the bottom part.
Alright, opps (LOL).
So right now it just gives it that color in the eyes.
Once again we're not trying to look too made up.
We just want to look presentable.
So, now's the time to do the eyeliner.
And you really just want to do this from the middle of your eyeball all the way to the
side if you want a wing tip sort of look.
So, I've never done this before in front of a camera on a computer which is kind of weird.
But I'm going to try.
Yeah this is weird.
I'm going to need a mirror.
(Laughs) Hold on.
There you go.
I got a mirror right there.
You're going to do this.
And it make take a while to kind of get the stroke right but you know it's just practice.
Kind of like with drawing.
If you've never drawn before and you start trying to draw a tree, it's a bit tricky.
But if you keep practising then it becomes easier.
Same thing with making sure that it's perpendicular.
That it is symmetrical to each other.
Obviously, you don't want one eyeliner up here and then the other side down there, because
then that would give you asymmetry which is the opposite of what beauty is supposed to
A beautiful face it supposed to be perfectly symmetrical.
Kind of like Natalie Portman's face or Tom Cruise's face for men.
So there you go.
Is it symmetrical?It looks symmetrical enough.
So as you can see adding a bit of the wing tip ont he side already gives my eye a little
But it doesn't look too made up.
And so now, I'm adding the mascara.
Once again, I don't even use a curler. because I've had a bad experience of using an eyelash
curler where I curled my eyelashes and after squeezing for a few seconds; when I unsqueezed
I noticed that my eyelashes had been cut and it was stuck onto the curler.
So I literally cut off my eyelashes.
So, I have been traumatized by it.
So we're just trying to do the eyelash now.
So all I do is just try to apply it.
Not too thick, not too thin.
There you go.
And you know you're getting too thick when it starts clumping up.
So right before it starts clumping up just stop.
And you can always go back to it after anyhow.
So there.
This one's got some curl because of the mascara, and this one doesn't.
It doesn't really show much because I don't have much of eyelashes.
Other girls are really lucky with really thick eyelashes.
But as for me when I was working as a news anchor I had to wear those falsies, every
time I went on camera.
Just to make my eyes pop my eyes open wide.
Thick eyelashes really open up the eyes.
For example, Indians have really expressive eyes.
Because they usually have thick eyebrows, thick eyelashes above and below their eyes
so it kind of makes their eyes pop up.
Which I love about my Indian friends.
So there you go.
It's a very very subtle look.
So now, we're going to work on the blush.
And for the blush on, I mean you can just use pretty much whatever blush on you've got
but I have here a set that also is a souvenir from when I was a news anchor.
it's a Mac 3 palette, 3 plate is that what you call it.
I rarely use this because it's very 80's, but I use this a lot and and this is pretty
much the bronzer, blush on portion of this make up kit.
So, I usually jump from using any one of these.
Depending on what color of lipstick I want.
Since I want a natural look.
I can just stick with a little bit of a pinkish sort of glow.
So I'm going to stick with these 3 actually.
I'm going to combine it.
So, just brushing it there.
And just applying along my cheek bone.
Or the apples of my cheeks rather.
Just to give it a bit of a glow.
There, so you know, it's a very very slight difference that you see, but once again if
you saw me earlier right, it already makes up for it.
So, the trick here is not to look too made up because it's for an everyday sort of look.
The trick is just to look presentable.
So, just keep dabbing that on, until you feel like you've had enough.
You can put a little bit on your chin, on your nose for that pinkish glow.
And I think we're done with that.
And I'm very very bad with lipstick, but if you need to put some lipstick on I can suggest
that it basically is all about what dress you're going to be wearing.
So I'm always in my gym clothes.
So, I don't usually wear lipstick because it would really be weird if I wore red lipstick
with work out clothes.
So, pretty much this is what I already do.
Sometimes I put some lip gloss on.
But, this is already the natural make up look I think that I have.
And without talking once again, this usually takes me between 5 to 10 minutes to do so
I can be ready in a jiffy as soon as it's time to head somewhere.
So, hopefully this helps and in my next video, I'll show you how to curl your hair.
Because that's also one of the things I really like to do.
That's for another video.
I hope that you enjoyed this video.
In the meantime, if you have comments, suggestions, or questions or things that you'd like to
ask me, please comment below and please subscribe to my channel.
I hope you enjoyed watching this video and till later bye!
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