Hello Friends and welcome back to my channel
Todays video is a collaboration with Angela Smiles Channel
Angela is the queen of Paperclips, there is no Paperclip that she can't make!
Even Harry Potter's and Disney's
She is amazing!
Our channels hit 1000 subscribers together so we decided to do a collaboration video
We decided for a Setup Video, and i picked this planner
I use this one as "Social Media" planner
Many of you already know that i have two different channels, and two blogs
So i need a planner to organize my online activities
so i decided to use this personal planner
So! no more talking, let's go directly to the setup!
So on this planner i attached this purple tassel
The planner is already pretty full
There are already some paperclips and decorations
On the side part i used some paperclips and some scrapbooking embellishments
Some have foil finish and some are more simple
To mach everything with a "Gold Theme"
On the other side we have the ruler that comes with the planner
i have saved the vellum paper that comes with the actual planner, and i liked the "hello" on the front
I used Rapescos Hole puncher to punch the holes
So we have a nice see thru effect that i liked very much
My dashboard is a scrapbooking paper with a Paperclip and a tab that says "Calendar"
The same material of the paperclip is also on the other pink paperclip on the side
I already started to use this planner last year, so in the calendar i have also some old pages
Here i did a kind of collage of journaling cards
like an introduction
here you can see some old planner pages, decorated only to keep track of wich days i worked my day job
and wich days i could study or record some youtube videos or blog posts etc..
Im a little "childish" in my decorations, i like this kind of drawings and stamps with pastel colors
when i go to work i have the "chef" stamp, and when i study i have this other here
we go to the other section
this tab is the "girl boss"
and a shacker card that i did with a page protector and a journaling card
and the back i glued another small journaling card
This is a daily insert, where every time i get to spend a day working on social medias, i write what i did for every social
For more infomation >> Setup! ♥ Websters Pages Viola (Personal) - La Betty Planner /ft. Angela Smile - Duration: 10:15.-------------------------------------------
Proyecto 1 la caja - Duration: 10:17.
How to draw nose #TUTORIAL - Duration: 27:46.
What's up dear. Ready for another tutorial?
Then put the sticker
We are going to talk about nose today
I'll talk about its structure
Where is every cartilage
Where is the bone structure
And before you watch, like this video and subscribe
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That helps me a lot. And we are reaching ten thousand subscribers (WE ARE ALREADY TEN THOUSAND)
I'm extremely happy to meet this goal
Now that the channel is about a year old
It is very important to me. Ten thousand people are already watching...
So if you share this video or my channel on your social networks
Will help me too much. This is it people, let's share!!
and let's go to the video
Well, let's go
I got this skull
For us to have notion of where the bone structure is
And I'll make it a little opaque
So I can draw on it
This is the bone that comes up to this part of the nose
And this is the cavity
This is the basic structure we need to draw the nose
And I'm doing that angle so that the volume is visible
I'm going to divide this bone in half
this way
And the whole skull will be divided in the middle. Easier
I cut a little piece of the skull, people
Don't use the magic wand!
Don't use the magic wand! This is what it makes.
Well, cutting it in the middle, that's the bone structure we have
Well, over this
There are these two parts that will follow down
And they will do this shape
also divided in half
what is it? I think it's a cartilage
Yeah, it's a cartilage
So this is a divided cartilage in half
And it is in this division of the bone and cartilage that the nose of some people are marked
there are people who have a lump in their nose
and it's at that height
I'll even decrease here to be easier to understand
If this bone is too high, this way
This part will go down
doing this shape
Then that lump in the nose that some people have
is right here, between bone and cartilage
Actually, I think there's a bone here
I'm not sure
The cartilage is here on the bottom
Well, knowing that the nose will be completely divided in half,
it becomes easier to know where to put the shadows
After completing this part
came to the bottom
So we start the cartilage from the bottom
It will start more or less here
I'll divide this way
And I'll do it here
This cartilage is also divided in half
If you put your hand on your nose now, you will feel this division
between the two cartilages
Appears clearly on some noses
Is very marked. You can even see this easily
But some people do not. However, regardless of whether or not it appears, in the fundamental structure there is this division
From the trace that comes here
That's why I used the skull underneath so that I could orientate myself
In this part of the cavity is where the cartilage of the nostril is
So we're going to draw this way, joining with the front cartilage
This way
Well, this cartilage from the front will go down
Doing a "little ass"
It will also be divided in half as it is a continuation of these two cartilages
And to finish this basic structure, we will start from this bone
Which divides the nose in half
In 3/4 gets a little harder to understand
This is where we'll fit the nostril
And it will be like this
A little higher up, and the nostril here
This part may go up a bit more
And this is a thing that appears in some people
Especially when you smile
Is the top of this "chinese mustache" that appears when we smile
More or less until here
Well, this is the basic structure of the nose
I'm going to paint too
In fact, before I'll make a finished stroke
Make this opaque
And make it darker over
Then, recapitulating, this is the part that has the lump
Depends on the type of nose
This is the second part of the nose
that is this cartilage, or bone
It's best not to scratch too much because those marks that I did usually do not appear clearly on the nose
and this cartilage from the front
There's a protuberance ahead
here we cut the bottom
Makes this bulge down
Draws the nostril
And makes the cartilage of the nostril
You can trace here, trace here
Are subtle things in the final trace
You can also make this darker
Evidence it, but it is not necessary
I'm going to do a quick painting
Pick a color here
And for you to understand the trace well I'll do some lightings
If the light comes from above
It will have an illumination... OPS
It'll have an illumination here
That's why I did that division of the cartilage
Here will be two illuminations
It will look more or less like this
More subtle
This illumination will look more or less like this
If it comes from above, of course
Here is going to have a little light too
in this part
Here also has a little bit
And on the tip of the nose if it is snapped up
In this part also has a little bit
And in the matter of lighting, this is how it will stay
I'm going to erase those marks that I made
To become more subtle
These brands are important for you to be oriented at the time of making volumes
But it is not good to let the trace appear
In the final art. This is more to orientate
Now I'll do the shadow
This shadow will be here
Remember that the light comes from above
Here below will be where it has less light
It will get very dark inside the nostril
Like this
Here we can make a very subtle mark in the division
I messed up
like this
And here it has a very clear shade
This light I'm doing is not strong, it's not focused.
Is ambient, natural lighting
It's basically like this
I'm going to paint some more
And to evidence the shadow of the nose
The light comes from above, so it will be a large area
Making the underside very dark
This nose will be basically like that.
To do the side view I do not have to take the skull. It will be a little easier to understand
So I'll do it like this. Here on the side.
The same structure we did, so
First I'm going to draw the bone
I'll make this clearer
So I can draw over... So
Pull the nose up to that part of the bone
Here it divides
I'm going to make a longer nose for you to understand better
Pull back here
doing this thing
So we can make the cartilage underneath
The cartilage of the nostril comes in this part of the bone
Here we'll go down
The frontal cartilage
To make this bulge
And from that we'll draw the nostril here
This way
This became a very pointed nose
It all depends on the way you want to do it
To make a steeper nose, both bone and cartilage will be more inward
The frontal cartilage will be steeper
And from that part of the nose we make the mouth
that will be the subject of the next tutorial
This way.
I'm going to make another type of nose
It's easier if I duplicate the same old structure, EPA!
No, my dear!
I duplicated the same structure
And I'll draw over
A steep nose
Will have this cartilage raised
I'm doing a very long nose
because of the bone structure I drew
This first bone structure that I did
was made to be projected forward
So I'll make it a little lower
So I'm going to pull that cartilage over here
I do this part as I've already done
Frontal cartilage. This time a little more protruding
Cartilage of the nostril
Cartilage of the nostril
The bulge
I'll do this part more subtly,
since he's a snub nose
And the drawing of the nostril
I'll make a mouth to combine
I made the stereotype of disgust
It's more or less so.
We can change the stereotype in that part underneath, the part of the cartilage
But the bone structure ... well, in some people it is bigger
And care must be taken. If you want to make a snub nose, you can not make a protruding bony structure.
in this way. Because otherwise he'll be upset here
And to finish, I'll make a nose from the front
There is no secret. It's the same structure I made
This is the bone
The upper bone
Divide in half
Cartilage comes down
Do this turn
Divides in the middle as all things
There is another cartilage here
that will also be divided in half
From it has the cartilage of the nostril
Like this
From this frontal cartilage will lower this part
Also divided in half
Everything is divided in half, always following that main line that divides the head
Of course, if this is seen perfectly straight ahead
And then the drawing of the nostril
I made a horrible nostril
The drawing of the nostril will look more or less like this
I'll also make a basic painting
I'll redesign it
I will decrease the opacity of this and make a cleaner trace
I'll leave the structure visible so I can make the shadows
I'll make the light from above, ops, calm
I'll make the light from above too.
When the light is ambient, this will be subtle
And the shadow that will usually be at that tip
I made it very dark, I'll make it a little softer.
This is going to be the division
Here will have some shadows too
On the outside of the cartilage
And be that way
A slightly darker shadow here
And the shadow of the whole nose underneath
that's it. I hope this tutorial has helped you in some way
If it helped, do not forget to subscribe in the channel
to recommend for those who enjoy drawing too
And enjoy the video. Comment, All these things help me a lot
So, what you do for me, I thank you from the heart.
OK? See you
The TRUTH about Poveglia Island | EXPLORATION | Part 1 - Duration: 8:01.
(English Subs) Hyadain - D.T.'s Song (A virgin's life!) ft. Kayoe! Chugaku - Duration: 3:52.
¡Kayoe! ¡Chugaku!
¡Hyadain master!
¡Come y'all!
¡Yes sir!
Primary school kids can fight, Yeah!!
They graduated from the graduated D.T.! Cherry life!!
Ah, me, my girlfriend?... S-sure, her name?
She must be in the stationery shop of the primary,
Goddammit, hurry up!
I'm a little bit of "this" and some of "that"
Or also "that other," you already got it!
Blanco!! (Which means "White" in Spanish, lol)
Poor of my samurai spirit...
Uh!, I spy with my little eye
I borrowed an eraser!
and I didn't have to bring it back!
late at night
Decisions! Decisions!
Right hand: good night
Left hand: manicure
I'm D.T. yeah. Girls "is" joy.
(Morino) Yeah! Characteristic sexual secondary phase!
-Let's go! -Yes sir!
With a girl's smell
I could eat 3 bowls of rice!
Pains because of which I cannot
either speak or see. D.T. quality!
(Wada) Impossible!
And suddenly my kind words are misunderstood
"If you get in love with me, you'll wound yourself"
The illusion is the strongest thing!
(Araki) Yes, it is!!
Only the knowledge of a man knows what is to be stand in front (of a girl)
and feel such a desire for sex
I admit that adult women are good
You said it, Hyadain teacher, they're so cool!
By the way, Hyadain sir, your first kiss, at what age did you give it? Eh?
At ni- 19?
Eh! Isn't that too late?! Was it that late?!
Then, when did you have sex for the first time?
...At ni- 19?
Eh?!! At the same time? Adult?!! And she, adult?!!
I pick up a plastic bottle
which I found on my way!
and I check its essence
I smell, I smell
Giving an "indirect kiss" is a pro-technique!
Masculine chests are also good!
While I was on a crowded bus,
like a test of fate, I got a date,
after picking up her glasses,
-With a beautiful girl! -(Ibata) No way!
I still believe in my special skills
If I release all this power
-The Earth will blow up! -(Blanco) Hara-kiri!
I've been screaming "D.T.! D.T.!" for a while, but
What's that?
What are those stands?
What does that acronym mean?
Is it all about being adults?
What does it mean to be an adult?
After all, is it that kind of things?
Does it mean to do "that" kind of things?
In certain circumstances
it is impossible to control the "little teacher" ;)
A physiological phenomena
-forced him to "stand up" -(Wada) "downstairs" jokes!
And suddenly my kind words are misunderstood
"If you get in love with me, you'll wound yourself"
-The illusion is the strongest thing! -(Araki) It's invincible!
Primary school kids can fight ¡¡Yeah!!
They graduated from the graduated
¡Los horarios de las comidas influyen en tu salud! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.
Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam_01 de febrero de 2017. - Duration: 2:22.
La Fan | Episode 11 | Telemundo English - Duration: 13:15.
Wait. What?
-A secret romance? -Yes, exactly.
Isn't it wonderful?
We could love each other without hurting anyone,
especially Salma.
No one will know about it.
Just the two of us.
Love without cameras?
Without the press, without an audience?
Yes, exactly.
A love like the one you had in<i> Behind Closed Doors.</i>
No! No!
I can't have a secret romance with you.
Why not?
Does it hurt?
You know what?
I think I'm dead.
I'm in the hands of an angel.
How can you be joking at a time like this?
The bleeding stopped,
but let me call a doctor just in case.
Benicio! Thank God you're here.
Have a doctor see Castro ASAP.
You heard her. ASAP!
I'm so mad at you.
Why didn't you tell me Diego arrived last night?
Why'd I have to find out this morning today?
It's not a big deal, Mom.
What do you mean?
If Vale hadn't showed up to save him,
he could've been killed.
They didn't rob him, though.
What would they rob?
He used every last dime he had to pay the mortgage.
Mom, I'm worried.
About what?
He got that money way too fast, and now this?
Don't scare me.
No. Don't worry.
I'll find out and let you know.
Carlos. You're back again.
Yep, and not alone. Look who's here.
This is Mommy.
If you're here to give me a massage, forget it.
Not after what happened.
And if you're here to apologize,
apology not accepted.
Look, sir.
Excuse me,
but you've had me all wrong from the beginning.
I'm a professional.
That's why you were giving massages on a boat.
I needed the money.
Doing anything, huh?
Sorry, but I'm not some floozy, you know.
I did you a favor.
You looked so stiff and wimpy.
-All rigidified and... -Rigid.
I did you a solid.
I thought, "Poor guy.
Maybe a massage will help with that face."
I'd rather just forget about it.
I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Forget it. I'm not here to see you.
I'm looking for a friend who works here.
He's very important. His name's Diego Castro.
No... No sweets for Mom.
She's diabetic.
Sorry to hear that. You'll be missing out.
They're delicious.
She follows a strict diet.
-Do you own this place? -Yes.
Eloisa is a widow. She has two children.
She's very family-oriented.
What? You know Aunt Emily?
Such a small world. Where did you meet her?
-Mom's hard of hearing. -Too much eating?
Are you calling me fat? I haven't had anything!
Would you like some tea?
Please, but without any sugar. Remember she's diabetic.
Sugar? Gimme! Gimme!
See? You're wonderful.
You're ahead in every single poll out there.
Listen to this.
"Salma doesn't really love Lucas."
"Poor Lucas. He should stick with the fan."
I don't know. I'm confused.
The best thing we could do
is forget about this episode and go on.
Isn't this what you've always wanted anyway?
-Of course it is. -Being with me?
-Yes. -So...
You're ahead in the polls.
97% for you and only 3% for Salma.
Wait, what? 3% for Salma?
This means 97% of the people think
you two should stick together
and that Salma's suicide attempt was a ploy to keep you apart,
while the other 3% want him and Salma to stay together
and blame you for the real suicide attempt.
Got it?
How many people participated in this poll?
10,000? Maybe more.
That means 300 people blame me for that suicide.
That's nothing!
What? Nothing?
Don't you get it? 300 people hate me.
You call all that bad energy nothing?
No! I don't think I can take it.
That's not even a point in the ratings.
You're crazy. Both of you.
Castro? What happened?
He was mugged.
It's weird they hit him like this.
What did they take?
They stole your peanuts?
-Benicio... -Was it a gambling thing?
Benicio, stop.
There has to be a reason behind this beating, Adriana.
Is that it, Castro?
Do you have gambling debts?
[Toques en la puerta]
Come in.
Baby, here you are.
-Wait. -Poor thing.
Look how they left you.
Excuse me. Who are you?
Hi. Sorry.
Nice to meet you. I'm Jessica Gonzalez.
Makeup artist and cosmetologist.
Here's my card if you ever need anything.
I'm Diego's friend and wanted to see how he was doing.
I was worried, you know. Look at him.
He looks awful. I'm taking him with me.
Let's go to the hospital.
No need. We already called the doctor.
No, ma'am. Don't worry.
I'll take good care of him.
-Let's go. -Easy.
This way.
Nice to meet you.
Here. Call me if you need me.
So what they say online is not true?
I called the doctor because I had a stomachache.
That whole suicide thing is not true.
Besides, why would I want to kill myself
when I have you... and Lucas?
Well, Lucas not so much.
You're not the best mom, either.
You can't cook and you're absent minded.
But you're my mom and I love you.
I love you too, sweetie.
You know, deep down, I always knew it wasn't true.
That's because you're so smart.
What made you realize that?
Well, if there's anyone who loves themselves it's you.
Eloisa, Mom always says
there's a good girl waiting for me out there
and I finally found her.
-Really? -I'm talking about you.
Carlos, I think there's a misunderstanding here...
I can't hide anything from Vale
and the whole point is for everyone to know.
I know.
As soon as this whole thing blows up,
the ratings are going to go through the roof.
The producers will beg you to stay with her.
I know, but she doesn't want to ruin her reputation.
I've never seen anything like her morals and her ethics.
I know.
I've been thinking, but I can't come up with anything.
Lucas, you angel, don't think.
That's what you pay me for. Leave it to me.
I'll take care of everything.
What do you have in mind?
What do you mean?
I'll make sure everyone knows you're dating the fan.
Leave it to me.
Vale... Lucas is looking for you.
He wants to go through his lines with you.
Sure. I'll be right there.
This is all making me really sad.
Maybe this needed to happen
for me to know how things work around here.
Forget about it and go see Lucas.
Forget about it?
You don't know me, do you?
More than 100 people hate me.
How can I be sure someone from my neighborhood
isn't one of them?
The paperboy, the cashier from the market,
the curly-haired boy on the corner?
What really matters is that Lucas loves you.
Isn't that what you wanted?
Do you really think he loves me?
He's not very sweet to me.
Lucas has never been that expressive.
He doesn't like showing his feelings.
He's a little... He loves you, though.
I swear he does. A lot, too.
I've known him his whole life. I can tell.
-I don't know. -Yeah.
I don't know.
Maybe I got so wrapped up in this dream
that I can't see things clearly.
Oh, please!
With all the beautiful women out there,
why would Lucas fall in love with me?
You're beautiful.
Don't let some bimbo who only cares about ratings
get in the way of your dreams.
Oh, please.
That's nothing like Lucas.
That's what I'm saying.
You have to protect your love.
Mommy! Please don't die.
The paramedics are on their way.
Thanks for taking care of Mommy, Eloisa.
-Son... -Here I am, Mommy.
Would you like to hear my last wishes?
Don't talk like that, Mommy. Please, don't.
If I die...
Ma... Ma... Marry her.
Yes, Mommy. Your wish is my command.
She seems like a good woman.
I will, Mommy. I promise.
If you're done here. Let's go, Diego.
You shouldn't have come.
You either.
Look at yourself. You look awful.
We're going to go home,
I'm going to patch you up and you're going to get some rest.
Damn it, Diego. We need to go to the hospital.
I still have to let them know I'm leaving.
No, you don't.
They won't even notice you're gone.
Let's go.
She's the president! What are you saying?
She's the president?
Lucas Duarte's niece?
Sorry, but they're completely different.
She's nowhere near as talented and charismatic as Lucas.
She's not as good-looking either.
There's nothing special about her.
And those clothes? Expensive, but so tacky.
I'm leaving.
Should I let security know?
Impossible. You're not going anywhere.
Where are you?
I didn't think you'd show up after what happened.
I'm a responsible professional, my love.
After your stellar performance,
Vale wants nothing to do with me.
-No? -No.
I'm sure you already told her the truth
about my suicide attempt.
What's her problem?
Why would she want to break up with you?
It's something called principles.
Vale doesn't want people to hate her.
She doesn't want to be the villain in this story.
Can you believe it?
-She's so dumb. -No, she's not.
Please don't ruin this.
Our ratings are through the roof.
Don't do this to us.
What should I do then?
Clear Vale's name.
Let everyone know she had nothing to do
with your suicide attempt.
And why should I do that?
For me.
For you.
For us.
For our future.
You're so convincing when you look at me that way.
You make forget everything. Everything.
Suelta La Sopa | Podrían salir detalles de la ruptura de Angelina Jolie y Brad Pitt | Entreteni - Duration: 0:35.
William da Silva: "La confianza que viene de las tribunas es lo que te saca adelante" - Duration: 2:55.
Kara Sevda 52//La hora de la verdad - Duration: 4:19.
La Doña | Capítulo 46 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:01.
I don't know what to say. Thank you for coming, Saul.
I had no choice but to come here and ask you personally,
since you didn't offer a statement at the DA's office.
I understand what you're going...
I want to hear your version of events.
I already told you.
When I left the site, I told you I'd met with Yesenia.
I never saw your father.
Everything points to you.
You mean to say Monica, that detective, and you.
You all blame me because you saw me after your father fell.
Is that what makes me a suspect?
He must've have fallen from another floor.
Then why is everything going your way as per usual?
I went to the station, and guess who's in charge of the case?
Gabino Dominguez.
-I don't know who that is. -You don't?
He's the cop who perjured himself during the trial
of Rafael Cabral's son.
I didn't attend the trial.
You didn't have to.
You don't have to go anywhere to exercise your power.
The rich and powerful look after each other.
You told me that when we met.
I'm sorry to interrupt,
but Altagracia didn't kill your father, Saul.
Yesenia and I spoke on the phone before they met at the job site.
She knows the truth.
I also spoke to Yesenia.
She swears you're making it all up.
She said she was never there, much less with you.
She hates me. I'm being set up.
Don't you see, Saul? We're both being lied to!
Let me go!
I know Altagracia sent you, you bastards!
I swear everyone will know she's responsible for this!
If you kill me, the truth will come out!
Shut her up!
Help! Help!
Yesenia doesn't want to leave either.
You see?
I'm not the only one who thinks you're making a mistake.
Leaving won't help you forget about Saul.
I'd decided I was going to leave,
but after the death of Saul's father, I'm not so sure.
I might act like I'm strong,
but my emotions are getting the best of me.
This isn't just about what I feel for Saul.
It's also about everything he's done for me.
It wouldn't be fair to abandon him now.
I think so too. You can't leave now.
I know.
I'll until things settle down.
Saul will never truly be able to overcome Mr. Jaime's death.
Now's the time to fight for him.
Regina, could you please give us a minute?
I lost my parents, too.
I know how you feel.
Then you also know that I won't stop
until I find out who killed my father.
Saul, I'm begging you.
I'm not a saint,
but I'd never do anything to hurt you.
Did you forget that you had him incarcerated?
That was before we got to know each other
and before I fell for you.
It's different now.
You bring out the best in me.
You bring out any shred of goodness that's left in me.
Have you ever murdered anyone?
Tell me.
You saw me with a rifle at my ranch because I'm a hunter.
I've hunted down savage animals who deserve to die
because they're dangerous.
Humans, however...
Human life is sacred.
There are a lot of sacred lives involved in all this.
Let this be a warning to you.
If anything happens to them, I won't forgive you.
What's that supposed to mean?
I'm talking about collateral damage.
When you destroyed Felipe's life,
didn't you kill a woman just to have something on him?
We've got her.
She's a feisty one, but she'll calm down soon enough.
Take her to the place we agreed.
Lady Altagracia will be there later.
I'm busy with something else at the moment.
Try again, Diego.
Yesterday you didn't even reach the other team's goalpost.
I doubt you fought with anyone. Right, Emi?
Don't underestimate him, Isa.
Just when I think Diego can't be more of a klutz,
he always manages to prove me wrong.
I'll show who's the klutz.
What's wrong with you?
You've been a hothead lately! This isn't you.
Emiliano's your best friend.
My best friend?
Thankfully, I don't have many friends like him.
If you don't calm down,
everyone will know I cheated on you.
Emiliano and I aren't doing anything.
No one's even noticed.
We don't even hug. Tell him, Emiliano.
Isa, I don't...
I don't care.
Know why?
You and I got together to get our parents off our backs.
From now on, do whatever the hell you want.
I will do the same.
I'm not one to take advantage of other people's misfortune.
It's not your fault.
You just love Saul so much you were willing to step aside.
That's the point.
It's not my place to be there...
I think it's unbecoming to receive affection
when it's not really meant for me.
No, you'd be reaping what you've sown.
Besides, so what? Look around, Mona!
Do you know how many people go their whole lives
without ever falling in love or feeling loved?
Take me, for example!
I almost died and I've never met a guy
who gets butterflies in his stomach when he sees me.
That's not true! Plenty of guys like you.
You know it's not the same.
Get out!
Visiting hours are over.
Yikes! Someone's in a bad mood.
You see how many bitter people there are in this world?
She couldn't even bother to say "hello" or "excuse me."
Don't do this. You'll be out of here soon.
Don't cry, sweetie.
Tell me you'll stay and that we'll work hard
to get the things we've always wanted.
If I stay,
I won't stay to win Saul's heart.
I'll stay to support him.
I can't imagine how heartbroken he is.
In the end, your parents are in the US.
They're alive.
And my dad's sick, but he's still alive.
I'd die if my dad passed away.
What is it, Felipe?
I feel like crap.
You've been drinking again. You're drunk.
Completely drunk. I'm heartbroken.
<i> But that's not why</i> <i> I'm calling.</i>
I'm calling because Saul Aguirre stopped by my place.
What about it?
<i> He came to see me. </i>
We argued and...
I think I might've done something stupid.
<i> I couldn't help myself.</i>
<i> I told him Altagracia</i> <i> had forced me to lie</i>
and that she threatened to blame me
for the death of the woman whom she had killed.
You shouldn't have done that, Felipe.
Now you can't control who has that information.
In the wrong hands, that information could hurt you.
I don't know what Felipe told you,
but I didn't kill anyone nor have I had anyone killed.
Everything suggests you have extorted him.
Otherwise, why would he recant overnight?
How would I know?
If Felipe has any evidence against me,
he should've given it to you.
Otherwise, it's just his word against mine.
Very well. Let's talk about Margarita.
Is it true that you threatened her
so she wouldn't tell me
what she told you about Miguel Preciado?
We've been over this already.
Her situation brought back memories.
She reminded me of myself after I was raped.
That's why I hate that man.
He did to her what was done to me.
Would you kill the man who raped you if he were here now?
What would you do to the man
responsible for your parents' death?
Please tell me!
I want to know what to do to the person who killed my father.
I don't even remember the last thing Jaime ever said to me.
We didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.
Mrs. Azucena, I understand what you're going through.
My mother was killed before I got a chance to say goodbye.
There's nothing we can do.
Do you know where Saul went?
He's taking care of a few things relating to Mr. Jaime.
I want the person responsible for this to pay,
but I also want them to release his body
so I can give him a proper burial.
How can this be?
Sadly, there's a procedure when it comes to this.
They need to run all sorts tests
to see if they can find the killer's DNA in his nails,
hair, clothes or anywhere else.
They're not going to run any tests on Jaime's body.
They'd find proof that would blame
the only person who's responsible for his death.
Altagracia Sandoval.
Is this all the evidence regarding Jaime Aguirre's case?
The report should rule Jaime's death as an accident.
He slipped and fell to his death.
His body must be released to his family ASAP.
That way they'll bury him and stop digging around.
Understood, sir.
I always thought that behind the facade of Lady Altagracia
there was a sensitive woman.
Someone completely different.
-There is. -No.
Only you know the real me.
No, all I see is an ice queen
who's willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants.
Someone willing to avenge the injustice she was a victim to.
I don't know where you're going with this, Saul.
I told you my story.
I told you I'd been raped,
that my parents were murdered.
Why are you using that against me?
Miguel Preciado disappeared the day after he met with you.
Recently, a colonel named Alejandro Cespedes went missing.
I don't know who that is.
I've been investigating
and it seems they were members of gang known as the Monkeys.
20 years ago, they were known in Veracruz
for raping and killing young women.
You were one of their victims, weren't you?
-Hi. -Hey, Adolfo.
I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about Saul's father.
I met Mr. Aguirre while Saul was admitted here.
He was a good man.
One of the best I ever met.
He was a really good man
who worried about others and wanted to help them.
How's your father doing?
My dad?
Why do you ask? Has he called?
No... Yeah...
I mean, he's okay.
I ask because I'm sure everyone at the tenement must be upset.
Yeah, we're all pretty upset.
However, I think he's upset because he doesn't like it here.
You know, the pollution and the people get to him.
However, I am worried because he's suffering from headaches.
Plus, he's been blinking a lot. Is that normal, Adolfo?
Well, I don't know.
I'd have to check him to know for sure.
Can I see him?
I'd love it if you did, but I doubt he'll want to come.
-I'll go to him. -Really?
I can examine him at home. He doesn't have to come here.
Let's go before you change your mind.
-Your father needs me. -Alright, thanks.
-I'll get my things. -I'll wait for you here.
-Thanks. -Stay here.
What are you talking about? Who are the Monkeys?
I've never even heard about them.
So you're not one of their victims?
Of course not.
I'm a victim of Yesenia, Felipe, Margarita
and everyone of my accusers.
I'm even a victim of whom least I expected.
Are you saying Yesenia lied?
That she was with you when my father died?
I am! I'll swear it if I have to.
Yes, Yesenia was with me.
Then what were you and Yesenia doing there?
Why meet there when you despise each other?
I was trying to make amends.
On that very day?
You've spent years denying any connection to her.
Since when are you so docile and willing to make amends?
I have a very complicated history with Yesenia.
It's very difficult to explain.
Here we go again.
More secrets.
Among all these secrets,
all I know for certain is that my father was murdered
and that you were up there when he fell looking at me.
That's also very difficult to explain.
Est-ce que c'est autorisé De Ne Pas Jeûner À Cause Des Examens?-Zakir Naik - Duration: 2:19.
BMX RACE: CHARLIE LA FUSEE DU FILM | Extrait "Addicted Riders Project" - Duration: 5:26.
Hello "Addict'Riders", today we are going to show you the BMX race part of the film
we welcome...
What's up boss ?
Oooooooooooooooowwww !!!
Mister Charlie Boutet
I accept the slap because he rides better than me
Charlie, for how long have you been riding ?
for 15 years now
So you started very young
Yes, when I was 6
In which club did you start ?
CR4C, since I was young, I started there
You were a trainer ? What did you do ?
I trained just last year or else I use to help them sometimes
Ok, The CR4C followed our addicted riders project at the cinema
Thank you very much to the team, you did an awesome report on your website. Cheers !
If you've seen the film, you know there is BMX flat, street and race
Charlie is a Race AND street rider, polyvalent dude !
Sometimes on contests we see eachother, for exemple Caen Bmx Indoor
You use to do a lot of contests right ?
Yes, Caen was a step of the french championship
I know you did some great position... *explicit content?*
which positions !?
what is your palmares ?
I finished 3rd (2 times) at Caen, some french cup finals
Rhones-Alpes Champion, Loire champion, classic !
He's reaaly good !
I'm a big fan of Charlie
I know..
The race part, for me who use to ride vtt and never tried BMX is...
It's not freestyle but really smooth, fast and difficult
Yes it's clean and with a lot of precision
I like the way of filming this part too, it's cool
Can I surprising you right now?
Let's go for the videos flank heads !
Awesome !
The question we can ask is "where was it ?"
Gallieni, at Riorges and the club of Riorges and CR4C incorporated. Now it's call UBR
Ok, you ride BMX street and race, which one is the easier to begin ?
Race is more easier because you can have a trainer and IN - FRA - STRUC - TURE
for the street it's more for fun, hobbie and it's also interresting because you are free, you do what you want
So.. To answer you, the race is easier
And to speak about money between both ?
Ok.. Street is better, you don't have equipment, no licence, bike is cheaper
To resume Price / performance ratio winner is street but race you have more help to begin. You can easily begin when you are young
Riding race give you some skills for the street ?
Yes ! Balancing, learning how to jump, manuals, basics
But it's really different
So it's nice to begin with BMX race
If we want to start BMX race, where can we find a facebook page or website ?
You can contact UBR (Union Bmx Roannais) and Gabriel Mounier the trainer
or the other one Nicolas Totot
But don't call him too early*
* Pun : Nicolas trotot in french mean Nicolas "Tooearly"
If you want to join us it's Addicted Riders Project, we are on social networks (Facebook Instagram Twitter)
For the Youtube Channel you can follow us right now and give us a like !
See you Addict' riders !
Goood byyyyye
Goood byyyyye
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