Hello I'm Dongki
Today, as I first
I'm filming a video at night
I will let you hear good sound
I gonna show you the thing in the end of video
I just hope
You to fall asleep
Before notice the thing
Let's start
Flan di Topinambur + ricetta EXTRA | Il Cibo delle Coccole - Duration: 6:21.Hi folks and welcome to Cuddling Food channel
Here I have some fresh topinambur, also known as Jerusalem artichokes.
I don't know if you know them, if you eat and like them, but
here in Piedmont they're quite popular during winter time, so from October until March.
And they're easy to be found at the farmers market as well as at the grocery store.
I've to say I've never been a super fan of this product, mainly because I didn't know how to cook it!
So today I'm going to show you 2 simple recipes to cook the topinambur.
One is really easy and maybe you have already your own version.
The second one is even more simple and it's a nice idea for an aperitivo with your friends.
I would start from the topinambur's flan.
Meanwhile I'll explain you the recipe, I'll show you the second way to eat Jerusalem artichokes.
Let's get started with the flan.
First remove the skin with a teaspoon, as you do for the fresh ginger.
It doesn't have to be perfectly removed.
Then, clean them quickly under the running water.
Slice them thinly and place them in a pot.
I sliced them and placed in a pot, now pour some fresh milk just enough to cover the topinambur.
Bring them to boil and then turn the heat down, cooking until the topinambur get softer.
While the topinambur are cooking, I show you how to prepare an easy aperitivo.
In few steps, it will be ready and you'll love it!
Slice the topinambur thinly.
Place them on a nice plate or a wooden board.
Serve the raw topinambur with some olives pate on the surface.
I guarantee that it's a super simple winning pairing.
And here you have a simple aperitivo.
You don't need to cook anything, but just slice the topinambur and serve them!
Let's go back to our flan.
Stir once in a while the topinambur in the milk.
Turn down the heat.
When they're almost cooked, add a pinch of salt, black pepper and nutmeg.
In a few minutes the topinambur will get soft, then turn off the heat.
Place everything into a container, easy to blend.
Blend it until creamy.
Let it cool down before adding the eggs and the Parmigiano Reggiano.
Add the eggs once at time and the grated Parmigiano Reggiano.
Pour the mixture into buttered molds.
Place the small molds into a bigger oven tray. Then pour water until cover 2/3 of the molds.
Bake at 160°C for 30-40 minutes, with fan setting.
The flans are ready. Let it cool down just a little bit.
Serve them as an appetizer.
You can start with the raw topinambur and olives pate, and move on with these delicious flans.
These flans are perfect with strong cheese fondue, as Raschera or Castelmagno.
Or simply with a drop of EVO oil and some Parmigiano or Pecorino Romano flakes.
If you liked the recipe, THUMB UP!
Now I'm going to taste it, of course FOR YOU!
Guys...it's delicious.. so delicate..
Well, you can't go wrong with it. It's a way to eat a seasonal vegetable simply and healthy.
Fantastic...really FANTASTIC!
Sorry.... We will see in the next video recipe...
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and I send you a kiss!
KRASSER BOSSKAMPF | Resident Evil 7 #8 (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 22:00.-------------------------------------------
Construction cartoon for children Build a grid station Car cartoons Excavator trucks videos for kids - Duration: 14:28.Construction cartoon for children Build a grid station Car cartoons Excavator trucks videos for kids
Hình ảnh xấu xí của bạn trẻ ở ngôi chùa nơi Sơn Tùng quay MV | những 'hình ảnh xấu xí' của giới trẻ - Duration: 10:21.-------------------------------------------
สอนบิน [Minecraft 1.9 - ล่าสุด] - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Car for kids | Formation and uses | Videos for kids | Construction vehicles - Duration: 12:59.-------------------------------------------
Pharrell Williams and Wife Helen Welcome Triplets | Splash News TV - Duration: 1:07.Well, Pharrell certainly has a full house now!
The singer and his wife, Helen, have welcomed not one, not two, but three new babies!
According to Vanity Fair, his rep announced, "Pharrell, Helen and Rocket Williams have
welcomed triplets.
The family is happy and healthy!"
With three new bundles of joy, the couple understandably has their hands full and hasn't
had the opportunity to release the newborns names or their sexes, but we're sure that
information will be coming soon.
And of course Pharrell and Helen already share an eight year old son.
In terms of the Dad and husband life, it seems Pharrell is a fan.
He reportedly says, "The bestie thing is awesome.
Every night is like a sleepover."
Sounds like Pharrell can add three more sleeping bags to that party, although with triplets,
we're not sure how much "sleeping" actually gets accomplished.
BANDA REAL SOM ( SUCESSO NOVO) LAMBADÃO 2017 DVD HD. - Duration: 15:23.-------------------------------------------
ENDERMAN HAQQINDA 7 BİLGİ ! - Duration: 5:12.-------------------------------------------
WWE RAW Türkçe Altyazı | Dün Gece Cehenneme Gidip Geldim! - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
⚔⛏ YENİ SERİ? | EMİR MUT İLE MULTIPLAYER SURVIVAL #1 ⛏⚔ - Duration: 19:11.-------------------------------------------
YOK BÖYLE NOOBLUK!! (ZULA) - Duration: 7:04.-------------------------------------------
3 Ubuntu Tips You Didn't Know About // Linux Tips & Tricks - Duration: 3:22.Linux is known for its customizability and insane usability - but do you know how to
do everything in Ubuntu?
Here's a few things you might not have known you can do.
I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier to understand and more fun via free educational
I'm here today with a new Ubuntu video, sponsored by System76 - the best Linux PC
distributor I can recommend.
These are a few of my favorite not-so-well-known things you can do in Ubuntu, some of which
I only just learned recently.
These are in no particular order.
I'm someone who rarely ever sees my desktop.
I keep just about all windows maximized - I use up all the screen real estate that I can.
But when I am on my desktop, I'd like it to be as useful as possible.
So I was delighted to find out that you can actually set your Desktop directory to be
your home folder so you have direct access without opening a file manager.
To do this, open your Home folder and hit CTRL-H to show hidden files.
Open the ".config" folder and then find the "user-dirs.dirs" file.
Open that in gedit or another text editor.
Here you can change all of your default directories.
To make your Desktop show the home folder, just delete the "Desktop" after the "Home"
listing on the Desktop line.
Save the file and reboot, log out and back in, or restart Nautilus.
This is pretty cool, and any desktop icons you have set to show - such as Trash, Network,
mounted drives, etc. - still show up on the desktop.
You can customize these further.
For example, I moved my Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Videos folders over to my secondary
SSD so they don't take up the smaller boot drive in my Lemur laptop.
Following a reboot this changes the directory shortcuts in Nautilus and everything - just
keep in mind you will need to manually move any files over to the new folders or they
will still be sitting in your actual Home folder.
This next tip is for those who frequently help out other Linux users such as myself.
You can actually make web links that directly open packages in the Ubuntu software.
Instead of a normal hyperlink with "http so on and so on" simply link to "apt:<packagename"
such as "apt:firefox" with no spaces.
Then those running Ubuntu clicking the link from the web will be quickly prompted to install
FireFox from the software center.
It's pretty cool!
Those not running Linux will just be confused by the links, but that's okay!
If you share a computer with less tech-savvy relatives or just don't want to keep files
immediately out in the open, you can instantly hide any file or folder by adding a period
at the start of the file or folder name.
In Linux, any file starting with a period is hidden unless hidden files are set to be
You can toggle visibility of hidden files with CTRL H in Nautilus.
To rename the file, select it, hit F2 and add a period.
Boom, gone.
This video is sponsored by System76 - a fantastic, USA-based company focused on distributing
great Linux computers to help you unleash your potential.
Their new Oryx Pro with a 4K HiDPI display is the perfect workstation to handle just
about anything.
Check them out today by clicking the YouTube card icon or the link in the video description.
That's it for this round of Ubuntu tips.
If you enjoyed this video, hit that like button and get subscribed for more awesome tech and
Linux videos.
I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier for you, and I'll see you next time.
اسرار اينجل الحلقة 29 مترجمة - Duration: 20:31.-------------------------------------------
LAMBADÃO 2017 ( VIDINHA DE BALADA ) BANDA REAL SOM - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Episode 26 REVIEW - "The People Vs Fred Jones" #ScoobyMonth - Duration: 5:08.Hello lords and ladies.
Welcome back to Cartoon Hangout, your place for all things cartoon.
Today is the last day to make sure you have enough entries to guarantee you have enough
chances to win the Scooby Month 2017 giveaway, as I'll be announcing the winner tomorrow.
Get those comments in and check out the giveaway video for more information if you're confused.
I talked about this briefly in my 'Five Monsters I'd Like to See in Be Cool, Scooby-Doo'
video, but the Scooby gang have done lots of good over the years.
From catching crooks to saving the world from zombies, vengeful spirits from beyond the
grave, and even evil viruses.
Which is why an episode like "The People vs Fred Jones" is such an interesting concept,
because I think any of us at some point has thought about the legality of a bunch of teens
and their dog getting involved in criminal activity.
For the most part that has been ignored outside specific episodes and/or series like What's
New, Scooby-Doo or Mystery Incorporated.
Now we can add this show to the list.
In this episode Fred is arrested on suspicion of not only being the Toxic Mutant but every
monster they've ever unmasked!
Quite an outrageous claim, but it made the events of the story all the more interesting.
Obviously we know that he's innocent so that does take some of the tension out, but
like they say, it's all about the journey.
Which is actually quite a fun episode, but there are, unfortunately, some parts I didn't
We'll get back to that in a bit.
First off I think like Daphne's part in this episode more than anything.
I thought it was going to get annoying, what with her constantly playing that lawyer game,
but when she suddenly started spouting out actual lawyerisms (made that word up myself),
it was hilarious.
Poor Velma, too, she had to cut her hair.
She would get her revenge, though.
I also dug the set up for the episode where the present events were interrupted periodically
for the flashbacks.
I know there's a word for this, but I'm blanking on the literary term.
Actually, you know what?
I think it's just flashback.
I'm dumb.
Anyway, you could claim that that would be the only way to do it given most times a character
is on trial, they rely on flashbacks, but I think it worked.
The writers didn't necessarily do anything new or put on a twist on it, but I don't
believe they had to.
I'm about to sound like a broken record, but I do have to once point out that the comedy
in this episode was really good.
It's been some time since I saw the early episodes (I know, I should have prepared for
the new episodes by binging the season), but I'll hesitantly claim that I think the show
has gotten more funny over the course of season 1.
I really don't understand why Cartoon Network is mistreating this show by not even airing
re-runs of it that often.
It's far funnier than Teen Titans Go, that's for sure.
Although the part where Scooby and Shaggy act like runway models was a teeny bit similar
to TTG's humor, but you could argue it's more like other Scooby iterations, too.
Anyway, my point is that the show seems to have gotten much better with its humor and
I appreciate that.
While we're still on the subject of humor, now would be a good time to explain which
part of the episode I wasn't a fan of.
It's a small part, so it doesn't impact my overall feeling for the episode.
And that's namely the DA and him constantly leaving the courtroom only to pop his head
back in.
It was funny for the first two times, then it got really really old.
By the time he got to this scene, it was yawn inducing.
So while most of the humor has been great this episode, stuff like this comes off too
Oddly enough because the brunt of the episode's plot focused on Fred's court case, it didn't
seem like the actual mystery of the episode got much attention.
I mean, yeah it's still there and apart of the episode which helped get Fred arrested,
but there wasn't anything too interesting about the mystery beyond that fact.
Even the Toxic Mutant felt boring, even though the design was a little interesting.
Actually looking at it, I'd say it does win the 'Most Creepiest Human Design'
Most other culprits have monster costumes, while this one is just a mutated human.
Gross to think about.
It's not a bombastic season finale by any means, but it does a good job of wrapping
the season up.
It gives us another heartfelt moment with the gang giving Fred a peptalk and how he's
a great leader, which I loved.
And provides a not often tread upon concept.
I think we can all appreciate that.
With that the season 1 reviews are finished.
Even more accurate is that this marks the end of Scooby Month.
It's been a lot of fun, even though it's been stressful at times.
These reviews should have been done a week ago leaving time for additional content, but
hey, that's me for ya.
I have a habit of really screwing my schedule up.
Even now it's 2:44 PM on the day this review is going up.
I'm glad you were all able to take this fun little journey with me spanning two completely
different Scooby-Doo series and a Top 5.
I wanted to do so much more, but that'll have to wait until Scooby Month 2018, right?
I never thought you lords and ladies would gravitate so hard to these Scooby reviews.
Some of them are getting up there in views, the kind of views I used to get and that's
been fun to see.
Anyway, enough of the warm fuzzies talk.
Share your thoughts on this episode down below.
Oh and remember, the winner of the giveaway will be announced tomorrow.
And if you missed any past reviews, click these annotations on the screen.
Thanks for watching and take care.
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