Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 2, 2017

Youtube daily don Feb 1 2017

When I was young I never needed anyone

And making love was just for fun Those days are gone

Livin' alone I think of all the friends I've known

When I dial the telephone Nobody's home

All by myself Don't wanna be

All by myself Anymore

Hard to be sure Sometimes I feel so insecure

And loves so distant and obscure Remains the cure

All by myself Don't wanna be

All by myself Anymore

All by myself Don't wanna live

All by myself Anymore

When I was young I never needed anyone

Making love was just for fun Those days are gone

All by myself Don't wanna be

All by myself Anymore

All by myself Don't wanna live

Oh By myself

Don't wanna live by myself, By myself anymore

Oh, all by myself Don't wanna live..

Hey guys, I'm Daniel, and thankyou for watching my cover of "All By Myself".

If you enjoyed it, please be sure to subscribe, like, comment and share it!

And thankyou so much for watching!


Long ago.

And I need her tonight, because I'm scared of loneliness with you, baby.

For more infomation >> "ALL BY MYSELF" - Male Celine Dion Cover - Duration: 5:16.


Salty and Mattie Holmes (Jean Chapel, Mattie O'Neil) - Mama Don't Allow - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Salty and Mattie Holmes (Jean Chapel, Mattie O'Neil) - Mama Don't Allow - Duration: 3:01.


Don't Watch If You Are Under 18 | १८ साल से कम उम्र के लोग इस वीडियो को ना देखें ठीक रहेगा 🔞 ✔ - Duration: 5:26.

Don't Watch If You Are Under 18

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For more infomation >> Don't Watch If You Are Under 18 | १८ साल से कम उम्र के लोग इस वीडियो को ना देखें ठीक रहेगा 🔞 ✔ - Duration: 5:26.


AMV I Don't Wanna Live Forever - Duration: 4:08.

Been sitting eyes wide open behind these fourwalls,

Hoping you'd call

It's just a cruel existence

Like there's no point hoping at all

Baby, baby

I feel crazy

Up all night, all night

And every day

Give me something, oh,

but you say nothing

What is happening to me?

I don't wanna live forever

'Cause I know I'll be living in vain

And I don't wanna fit


I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I'm sitting eyes wide open

and I got one thing

stuck in my mind

Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost

the love of my life, oh

Baby, baby

I feel crazy

Up all night, all night and every day

I gave you something,

but you gave me nothing

What is happening to me?

I don't wanna live forever

'Cause I know I'll be living in vain

And I don't wanna fit (fit, babe)

wherever (wherever)

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I've been looking sad

in all the nicest places

Baby, baby,

I feel crazy

I see you around

in all these empty faces

Up all night, all night

And every day

I've been looking sad in all the nicest places

Give me something, oh,

but you say nothing

Now I'm in a cab,

I tell 'em where your place is

What is happening to me?

I don't wanna live


'Cause I know I'll be living in vain

And I don't wanna fit


I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

I just wanna keep calling your name

Until you come back home

Until you come back home

For more infomation >> AMV I Don't Wanna Live Forever - Duration: 4:08.


Top 5 Replacement Apps For Android - Duration: 5:00.

Stock Apps on android doesn't provide much functionality & flexibility in terms of daily

usage, and Apps that doesn't provide much customizability are just not Android Type.

So here are the Top 5 Essential Replacements for your Android that provide more functionality

and are worth downloading.

So let's get started.

First we have a File Manager replacement which is ES File Explorer.

Es File Explorer is a file manager with a ton of extra features & functions.

You have an "Analyse Now" button which will analyse your internal storage.

You can view your files in different ways and sizes and in different order.

ES file explorer comes with a Recycle bin option to make sure you can undo any files

deleted by accident.

It also has a root explorer.

The tool section of ES file explorer comes with a nice set of tools you use on a daily


It also has some tools for Network related operations like ftp,cloud, bluetooth ,etc.

The app button here helps you take backup of installed apps and much more

Next we have keyboard replacement app swiftkey.

This is a Keyboard App, with Amazing Themes and Features.

Swiftkey memorizes your writing pattern and syncs it directly to your Google Account so

you can use on different devices.

Another Cool feature is that Swiftkey also predicts Emails & Phone numbers which stock

android keyboard doesn't.

There's also a Paid version of Swiftkey to unlock all themes and features.

With Swiftkey you can entirely customize your keyboard as per your liking, you can resize

the keyboard, Change the layout, Add a Number Panel and much more

The predictive text and slide to input works perfectly.

You can also Copy and save Text to Clipboard.

Our next app is a Music Replacement "Black Player"

Black Player comes with a dark theme and a stunning UI

You can also tweak audio settings to best fit your songs.

The free version comes with some themes but the paid one has much more.

The Next App on the list is Open Camera, Which is a Fully Featured Open Source Camera-App

with No Ads!

It shows you the angle meter so you can take perfectly aligned photos.

It also has Auto Stabilize option.

It has manual controls for Exposure, Focus, ISO, White Balance etc...

It also records 4K videos if your device supports that and you can also change video bit rate

and frame rate.

While recording video Open Camera also supports external microphone.

You can pretty much capture DSLR Level Photos by tweaking some controls which just isn't

possible in the Stock camera App.

The next App on the list is the MX Player, Which is a Video Player that supports pretty

much every Video Format and has a material design look.

It has Great user interface and is easy to use.

You can also play online videos through this App.

It displays last watched video and finished video in different color and maintains resume

position for every video.

You can change the Appearance of the App from the settings.

The floating play Button does two things, while you're at the home of the app it'll

play the last watched video and if you're in a folder it'll play last watched video

from that folder.

While playing a video you can zoom & pan, slide across the screen for Forwarding and

rewinding, you can resize or fit to screen, choose from multi audio tracks and select


You can also Open, Synchronize and download subtitles directly from the App.

There are just a ton of other features which might come handy and there's also a paid

version of MX Player without Ads.

We hope you liked this video and if you did leave a like and if you have any questions

or video suggestions leave it in the comment box below.

Subscribe to us if you haven't already and we will see you in the next one

For more infomation >> Top 5 Replacement Apps For Android - Duration: 5:00.


2017 FEB 1ST BUDGET DON'T MISS - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> 2017 FEB 1ST BUDGET DON'T MISS - Duration: 0:35.


Behind the scenes of "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" Music Video #4 (Taylor Swift, Zayn) - Duration: 1:04.

Zayn and I were talking about who

we thought could really execute the vision of this

song and the message behind it.

And really do it in sort of like a symbolic way.

And Grant Singer has always been someone I look up to .

And just kind of look at the work that he does and thought

that is really next level.

And he's always kind of like,

innovating and changing and evolving.

Getting to work with him is amazing.

His enthusiasm is incredible.

And then you kind of like get on the same level.

Like, when people are really enthusiastic,

you kind of rise to that.

I've seen that happens

like, everywhere he goes on the set.

Taylor is awesome. Zayn is awesome.

They could't be kinder,

and more thoughtful and sweeter

and better performance.

They both brought there.

It was really nice.

They're both incredible people.

So it was fun.

For more infomation >> Behind the scenes of "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" Music Video #4 (Taylor Swift, Zayn) - Duration: 1:04.


Wisdom Teeth Part 1 - Duration: 10:55.

They're full grown. They all need to be fixed.


How are you doing?

I'll see you tomorrow, we're going out for expands

Do you like empanadas?

Good Lord Jandice

Where are we?

Taylor: We're in the car

What car?

Taylor: Your mom's car. Do you need help?

I don't see the seatbelt buckle. Oh, I found it.

Taylor: You got it?

I got it right here, and I can plug it in.

Freshness with a spin. Plug it in, plug it in.

They're talking about me

Taylor: They are but it's ok.

They're talking. Because they hate me. I was the worst patient ever

That's what they're saying right now.

I don't need no medicine

I know what I'm doing with my life.

Don't tell me how to live... so.

Girl I'm ready to go eat, and we can rave! Dab on 'em. Yeah son

I don't know. Something that doesn't taste like blood. Cause this tastes like blood.

I don't like this even a little bit.

You were so wonderful!

We're getting some freaking empanadas.

I'm gonna take you out and we're gonna go to Los Antojitos.

It's really freaking good!

Better than the last one in my opinion

and we can go there and. Look, I'm fixing my gauze for you

Cause you told me I needed to

So I'm gonna fix it and then we're gonna be on our way!

I remember that part

Nurse: Make sure he gets plenty of sleep.

I don't sleep honey, I'm a freaking vampire.

I'm up all day, I'm up all night

I'm preying on the blood of the innocent

Mom, I missed you

I was gone for a very long periollolically a time.

You're closing me in!

Where did my nurse go? We have to get the empanadas

Mom I promised her I would take her out for empanadas

I told her tomorrow I'd be here at 3 o'clock

Central time

To take her out to get freaking empanadas

I don't know

Where you going?

I can't eat right now

I got gauze in my mouth are you crazy?

Is this some kind of joke?

You need to try and close your mouth cause I'm tired

of hearing you guys just yap on about me

Talking about how stupid I am

You said I was stupid

and it hurt my feelings a lot

Why'd you even give birth to me if you hate me that much?

You probably don't even want me to live anymore

maybe the anesthetist should have just finished the work in there

and I wouldn't wake up and you wouldn't have to deal with this

I wouldn't wake up

and you wouldn't have to deal with all my

*mumbles unintelligibly*

I don't feel good


are you kidding me?

I feel like I'm on top of the freaking world

I'm freaking like

I'm freaking Donald Trump about to take on the world!

Let's change our foreign policy

and our education policy

What are you talking about?

I'm just speaking my mind

Everyone else was thinking it


I'm trying to it keeps coming out

It's red

Did they put it in KoolAid?

That's blood!?

I don't want that in my life

Oh I ate the kleenex

Alright y'all where we gonna go eat?

Cause daddy's hungry!

We see the undertow and we say

Have you never seen Finding Dory?

We see the undertow and we say

Let's go!

and we say heck no!

except then Dory says

We see the undertow. There's the undertow

undertow, undertow

That's my favorite part of that movie



Oh my tongue feels like a giant bouncy ball

like you could bounce it in the freaking gym

and you could hit three pointers

I'm basically freaking Michael Jordan when you think about it

I'm like

what's the other one? Lamar?

I don't know but

I'm pretty sure that there's a basketball player's

name that is Lamar.

LeBron James

I knew that one too

The gauze helps a lot

it really makes me feel like I know what I'm doing in life.


Are you talking about me?

Are you talking to the Social Service?

Are you telling Obama to have me taken out

before Trump even has a chance to be President?

cause he will bring change to this country

like that man never could

and we can have insurance

Who's daddy?

I'm daddy

Everyone calls me daddy

Are you talking about James?

Tell James I said "Hey what's up my nigga"

He be teaching that Spanish like como esta bien

He be like, "Girl what's up?

girl what you tryna do?"

Five guys

I don't even freaking care

I don't.. so?

Mom: They said one of them was real hard to take out

but the other one

wasn't so bad

Tell him I said

that that is the sweetest thing

that anyone has ever said to me

He really said that?

Did he mean it?

From the bottom of his heart?

I just have a really wonderful family

and they're so supportive

and my friends are so supportive of me

and they make me feel

like I can conquer the freaking world

and I just, I love them so much.

and I don't know if anyone out there

thinks that no one loves you

honey I'm hear to tell ya that I love you

and that you mean so much to me



daddy, daddy, daddy!

Hey daddy!

For more infomation >> Wisdom Teeth Part 1 - Duration: 10:55.


Why I Don't See COLOR!!! - Duration: 4:06.

For some reason I'm getting picked on by

the SJWs and the mainstream media as being a

racist who hates black people. As I've stated

before: I can't be racist because I don't

see color. Fact check, all you millennials who are too

entitled to better yourselves, black is the

absence of color. So whenI say I don't see

color, I'm factually correct.

I cannot and do not see black people. I dislike

a large number of celebrities, singers

actors and athletes who happen to be

black. So now here are my final thoughts on

things I have a problem with. Pay

attention to the diversity of my list,

crybabies, since that's all you seem to

care about. Number one: Beyonce. My dislike for

Beyonce has nothing to do with her race.

I'm a white girl who likes the phrase "boy, bye"

I personally identify with Becky,

because as you can seeI have good hair

because blonde is beautiful. But not like

that fake weave blonde. Ew. I mean like a

chemical blonde. Unlike Beyonce, I'm able

to see past the supposed to racial divide

that keeps our historical band-aid on

tight. So tight, that you might think that oozing,

throbbing wound is infected, but that's

just what healing looks like.

Keep your blackness out of your music, so us

white people can keep using it for

iPhone ads. I'm just saying, when black

people wear corn rows, we call it lazy,

and sloppy, but then when Kylie Jenner

wears it, we call it trendy. So maybe

it has nothing to do with race, and really

white people just always look better

than you. You hear that, Beyonce? I look

better than you! Number two:

Obama. I hate his black and white sides equally so

therefore I can't be racist. Every single

problem on this Earth is your fault Barry.

Isis. 9-11. The deaths of Prince and David

Bowie, the gym being so far from my house,

Nickelback, and the fact in four million

years the Sun will explode and kill us


your white and black sides did all of

that. Thanks, both Obamas. Number three:

Colin Kaepernick. Who told you kneeling

was ok? Unless it's in church, in front of the

Lord Jesus Christ, Our Savior,

it is disgusting. Supposedly you were

"protesting," but as I stated before, no

form of protest is acceptable. Ever. And

it's not because you're black. It's

because you're wrong, and don't have good

hair like me or

Becky. And, no. Talking about you or

anyone else did not make me famous.

I did that on my own, with my own political

savvy, and by being flawless. See, Beyonce,

you don't own that word. I can say that

word too. I can be just as cool as you, Beyonce!

Just let me be you! I'm not jealous!

Anyways, that's not even the end of this

liberal lying train. Hey, Wally! Don't

think I forgot about you.

My name is Tammy. Sorry, it's Tohney. I mean

it's Becky.

Shut up, Wally!

You see the pattern here?

The pattern of all the people that I

hate? What do they have in common?

Absolutely nothing. Duh. Anyways,

here are some other things I hate: Jaden

Smith, the Black Lives Matter movement,

all of the Black Panthers, literal black

panthers; you know, the cats.

I mean seriously, you're going to use

being black to play the endangered

species card? Typical. Black ice, black sheep,

black licorice.

I mean everyone can agree on that, but

now to officially end this ridiculous notion

that I'm racist, here are some there things

that combine black and white in a way that I

can support: penguins, piano keys, Rorschach

tests, which the doctors kept forcing me

to take until Glenn Beck found me in

hospital. Newspapers, barcodes and most

importantly, White House Black Market.

Sorry, liberals, the race-baiting bitch

hunt has come to an end. And that is my

Final, Final Thought.

God bless, and boycott Black History


For more infomation >> Why I Don't See COLOR!!! - Duration: 4:06.


I'm a Brazilian but I don't look like Gisele Bündchen - Duration: 1:44.

So, the other day I was talking to a guy I met through a friend online

and he asked me what I did for a living

and I said I was a beauty blogger here in Brazil.

And the minute I said that, he just replied with:

That must be easy

Brazilians are all supermodel material.

I do know where he came with that comment from,

because that's true.

There is a lot of beautifull supermodels that are Brazilians.

Like Gisele, like Adriana Lima, like Isabelli Fontana, like Alessandra Ambrósio.

But that doesn't mean that all of us are like that.


That's not the average Brazilian woman, that's actually exception of the Brazilian women.

We have so many types of boy shapes and facial features, skin colors, hair types and hair colors...

This is such a pretty multicultural country!

And for you to say that just because you are born in Brazil your pretty and and super model


That is SO much a Stereotype.

Some of us, like myself, we're ok.

We're not supermodels, we're just OK.

And happy about being just OK.

So the next time you meet a Brazilian girl do not ask her if she is a model, or say that

it's easy to do something about "pretty" because she is brazilian.

Because that is just really a douche move.

Sorry to destroy your dreams guys.

See you on the next Video.


For more infomation >> I'm a Brazilian but I don't look like Gisele Bündchen - Duration: 1:44.


D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die Gameplay Walkthrough - Episode 1- Xbox One - No Commentary - Duration: 1:03:57.

Bathroom again



For more infomation >> D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die Gameplay Walkthrough - Episode 1- Xbox One - No Commentary - Duration: 1:03:57.


BT Daily: We Don't Understand Faith - Duration: 1:08.

[Gary Petty] We've been working this week on a new Beyond Today program about faith,

and it's titled, "Lord, Help Me Believe".

We're talking about some of the problems we have in our faith – growing and having

real faith – but one of the points we talk about in this program is, we don't understand


Many times, people think faith is just belief – if you just believe, it'll happen.

It's more than that.

Faith is more than belief, when we see what the apostle James says, when he writes about,

"you believe in God, you do well.

Even the demons believe" (James 2:19).

In other words, we have to have more than what the demons have – they know God exists.

We have to trust Him.

We have to trust in His goodness.

We have to trust in His greatness.

We have to trust that He's going to do what's best in our lives.

That's not always easy.

But when we do that, when we break through that barrier, we can begin to trust God and

He will be involved in our lives.

Have faith.

It's more than belief.

It's trust.

That's BT Daily.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> BT Daily: We Don't Understand Faith - Duration: 1:08.



hey guys welcome back ! So, today it's

going to be a bit of a different video

from what you're used to see on my much

as I like to film & create and edit my food

recipe videos, I wanted to talk to you

today about an issue that i've had in my

mind for quite a long time now. I wanted

to film this video for a long time,

but somehow I thought that it wasn't

going to be great, because I couldn't

structure the way that I wanted to make

it. and so that you could take something

from it.and I still couldn't find a way

to structure it, so this is going to be me,

talking about the issue of being a

perfect vegan or having the pressure of

being like a real vegan. I feel like

there's this idea of like who's going to be

the best vegan. And this pressure comes from

non-vegan people, as well as from vegan

people, which I find completely detrimental

to this awesome lifestyle.i hope

that you can relate that's actually why

I'm doing this video. for non-vegan

people that are scared of being or going

vegan, and also for vegan people that

feel sometimes guilty of not being as

perfect as they think they should be.

everything that I'm going to say in this

video is completely my opinion. i'm open

to discussion, as long as it's

positive criticism and just hate

comments. also, i might not choose the

right word every time, that's just like

what comes to my mind and English is

not my first yeah. so when

I first thought about that issue of

pressure of being a perfect vegan,

I thought that, that might be caused by

something. I think it is caused by the

fact that we are following so many people

on social media. We are following people

that are inspirational people and that

do everything they can to show the

best of theirselves. They also usually are

people that are vegan, that are doing yoga,

that are doing

meditation, that are like, really into

health and like sometimes fitness, you

know all that.

so we have the illusion of people that

are perfect and also we have the

illusion of vegans are necessarily

associated with all. that's like a

package that comes with you being vegan.

I think that we need to remember that

being vegan has one goal and that is not

contribute to animal exploitation or

animal cruelty.

it is a compassionate way of living

towards the animal and towards the

animal first. it is love message and not a

hateful one. sometimes when I'm on social


tho, I feel like it's a competition on

who's going to be the best vegan.

I feel like some people in this

community feel or think that they

own the truth on how to vegan, and that

there's only one way to be vegan. if a

person doesn't align with all these

things, then they can't be vegan or they don't

have the permission to call themselves

vegan. i think that is super moralizing,

and that's definitely not compassionate.

I think it doesn't matter how you're vegan,

as long as you're vegan, and even if you're

not vegan yet, as long as you're in line

with your actions, your mindful and happy

with everything you're doing, I think it

is perfectly fine. And you're not a

horrible person for not being vegan. You

need to remember that doing something

is always better than doing nothing,

you know. also being vegan does not solve all the world

problems. you'll hear people say "oh you're

vegan but you're wearing nike shoes, have

you heard about,like, child labor ?" and all

these things. I think it is extremely annoying.

just because you're vegan doesn't mean

that you have to be a perfect person

that's going to help to solve all the

world's disease.

I feel like we're shouldn't rank what is

a better cause to support. Like, if you're

a person that cares about animals like i

do, it's so cool if you're vegan! and

if you're a person that's more

compassionate about, like, homeless people,

that's awesome too! we don't need to rank

who's the best and who's doing the most

powerful thing in this world, you know.

Although, I wanna say, being vegan helps so many

other like.. I mean it has a lot of other

side effects like environmental issues,

or hunger. sometimes i'm scrolling

through forums, i'm in some facebook

groups and stuff, and when i read what

people say, I feel like being vegan it's

like being in an exam where you can fail. So

many people are putting pressure on

theirselves to not fail. They feel like, if

they do one mistake it's going to ruin


I feel like we put so much pressure on

ourselves to show the perfect

example. to show that veganism has

the answer to everything or;

just like because you're vegan,

you're going to clear your skin, you're

going to get skinny. And to

show that veganism is gonna solve

everything, and that's not necessarily good

because some people might get pimples,

some people might be a little bit chubby,

and be vegan, and then people are

gonna judge them because, it is known that

someone who is vegan has a perfect skin

and a perfect hair, and perfect like skinny

figure and it is not always the case! and

sometimes it doesn't have to do with the

diet, the way of living and stuff like

that. and I get that, sometimes me too, i

feel like i need to show the best

possible way, because it is true that

being vegan is amazing for the animals but it

has also so many good side effects, you

know, and it is hard not to show them

because usually that's what people are

attracted to as well, you know. Then,

there's another thing that I want to

talk about.

and that is, being vegan does not

entirely change a person ok. So there are

some vegans that are not compassionate.

not all the vegans have to be your friends.

because vegans, who are they ? they're just

people that chose to have a different

way of buying and eating. Just like in

crowd outside, you wouldn't be friends with

everyone, that is the exact same thing with

veganism. something that my friend

well i guess i can call her friend, from

Instagram, Tia, she told me.. you have to

remember that not everyone is vegan

for the animals and compassionate reasons.

That's what I told you before,

a lot of people are seeing benefits

of being vegan on theirselves, and yeah

I don't think that's necessarily

an issue, because in the end, they're not

contributing to animal cruelty and stuff.

there's also a lot of people that aren't

vegan, and that are extremely

extraordinary people.. and you know no one

of my family is vegan and I love them so much.

so, I guess what I'm trying to say here,

is that being vegan does not define a

person. i hate when people say "she's a vegan"


the first thing they say about a person.

NO. being vegan is just part of all

the things that define a person. Although,

I have to say that being vegan has

helped me to be more compassionate about

a lot of things, I develop my curiousity,

and I just like, opened my mind on a lot

of different things. But, I've always been

pretty compassionate you know, i feel

like if i wasn't compassionate then I

would never have became a vegan.

So yea, behind every vegan is a

person with different lifestyle,

different activities, not just yoga, not just

fitness, not just healthy food. also, not

all the vegans stop drinking alcohol,

I don't drink alcohol because that

doesn't make me feel very well. So now I

want to talk to you vegan, that are struggling

sometimes with guilt. that guilty feeling

that you're not always doing everything

right and that you're not perfect.

please stop to feel guilty about what

you're not doing and start to be super

happy and proud about everything you're

doing. everything you're doing right now

is so much better than doing nothing.

don't let anyone judge what you're doing.

don't let anyone tell you if it is right

or wrong. and no one is perfect, and no

one will ever have the definition of a

perfect vegan because it simply doesn't

exist. and i really don't want you to

feel pressure by people that say you're vegan

but you're using a car, you're using an

iphone, you're not a REAL vegan. You're using

cosmetic that are from a cruelty-free

and vegan brand, but this brand is

owned by a bigger company that isn't

vegan. This is completely my opinion, okay,

but when you think about it,

big brands that have money, these are

the ones that are going to be able to develop

and research altenatives products.

And even though you're thinking that they're

not doing this for the right reasons,

maybe you're right, but that doesn't

matter because in the end, you have a

great alternative product for you to use.

it's like when I go in a restaurant, I

don't just go to vegan restaurants, i

go to normal restaurant and I get the

vegan meal so eventually, they will see

that there are people that are wanting

to eat differently. That is the

same in supermarkets,

I'm not going in a vegan supermarket all

the time, because that would be like, so

expensive ! and also I want to be honest

with you I don't want veganism

to be hard and difficult. if I had to

just do vegan restaurant, to just do

100% owned, cruelty-free makeup and

cosmetic products, then honestly I

wouldn't be a vegan. I really want this

video to be helpful

this is why, right now, I'm going to show

you that i am not a perfect vegan. i have

here, a lot of animal products. things

that I still have from before I went


Let's get into this. so I have a leather bag,

yes I have a leather bag, and i'm still

using it. and I'm still a vegan. because,

simply, it's almost brand new. And also,

you know, I am a person. this was my

gift when i graduated from business

school. you know I'm vegan now and I

wouldn't purchase any other leather

things, but that is still an important

thing for me. I have some boots. I lived in

canada for four years, and from the tahiti

it's kind of a difference of temperature!

the first year i went

to Canada, i bought so many things,

and I bought these boots. this is leather and this

is from sheeps, I think.

yeah then, okay, you probably will give me

so many thumbs down, but I'm being

completely transparent and honest with

you, so i'm going to show you. i have a

Canada goose. so, well, you know Canada Goose.

i bought this the first year that i

went to canada. I asked people over there

what they would wear in winter when it's

like minus 40 degrees and everyone was

telling me

Kanuk, Canada Goose, like all these very

warm coats. I kind of was

brainwashed, or like, I didn't really

think about it. i just thought about

myself being warm. and like, everyone,

everyone was wearing big coats, so I

thought that it was normal you know. I

didn't really question it. I never

learned about how these things were made

off and what they were made off.

and yes, I am still using it because

sometimes it's cold outside and I feel

like if it's just in my closet that's a

completely waste. and yeah, I'm not going

to lie, like I paid this a lot of

money, and I also don't want to sell it

because i feel like that would not be

very vegan to sell animal products.

Then I have Nike shoes that i

bought in Sydney before I went vegan. These

are made of leather.

another bag, which have leather things,

that some of you saw on snapchat or instastories,

and they asked me, if it was leather, and

yes, it is

leather. that is a gift from my sister.

It has my name, like, my nickname on it.

this is my everyday bag. I also feel like

it would be such a waste to just

throw it away or just, you know, give

it to someone just because it is not

vegan. because eventually I would have to

buy another bag, and I try to keep my

things to minimal. I have other things

that are made from, what's this called, angora,

Socks, Scarves. i have this that I got when I

was vegan. I bought my camera, that it

filming me right now, and it was in a

package, i opened it, and there was like,

this leather pouch that comes with the

camera. First I thought that I would give it

away, but they wouldn't take it back.

they wouldn't get me another pouch. So you,

know, what has been done has been done.

The, in this, all my makeup, and also like,

products. This is a foot cream. I believe,

Urea, Urea ? I don't know how to say that,

I don't know, but I think it comes from

animals. it's for my feet and I have a

terrible feet condition. Like they are so dry in

everything i do. They dry out very

quickly and this is the only cream that

has ever cured my feet, so for now until

I find another one,

I'm going to keep using that. Also, I have

so many makeup in here that are probably

not vegan, just because I never buy

makeup, and I've had this makeup for

about maybe, some of the things, maybe

have more than eight years or something!

and so i don't feel like i'm going to

throw them away and buy new ones, just

because they're not. because that would be

such a waste! of course my camera cut

so, um yeah, I wanted you to know that

because i own these products, if you're not a

vegan, and you're considering going

vegan, I don't want you to think that you

can buy these products. Like, 'okay she's a

vegan and she has that product'. I

would never buy animal products

intentionally ever again,

just to make it clear. if I have one

advice for you people, that are

interested in being vegan, or that are

maybe scared of being vegan, because you're

scared of, like, failing. and you're scared

of not doing things right. and you're

also scared of people judging you, of

this like, vegan police that's going on

on social media especially. just start.

start, and you'll see how easy it is to be

vegan. and you'll see that you don't need

to change anything about yourself. or you don't

need to change anything about your life,

except the way eat and what you buy.

That is it. if you make a mistake, it is ok.

like don't give up, and don't see it as an

exam like I told you before. don't

see it like you can fail or pass the test.

we all make mistakes, and I did a lot

of mistakes, and I still do some mistakes.

and it's completely fine. as long

as you do the best possible things and

the best choices that you can do in the

moment, then you can definitely call

yourself a vegan. And if you wanna go vegan

overnight do that, if you feel like you need

a little bit more time, take the time

that you need.

I swear when you go vegan things change

and, you will not be willing to buy any

other animal products intentionally ever.

there is this idea that when you're

going vegan you need to change

everything, you need to be healthy, you

need to be lean, you need to be skinny, you

need to be beautiful, you need to have

all like, perfect everything! but you

really don't. like you really, really,

really, don't have to do that. you

shouldn't allow anyone to dictate what

you want to do,

how you want to be vegan. Just go on with

your life and be happy. You will see that

it is so much better of a life when

you fully align with everything you

believe in. you're not forcing yourself

into doing things you dislike, just

because you've seen some people do that.

it will change a lot of things

positively in your life. so yeah I hope

this video wasn't too boring. i'm not

sure if it was well constructed or anything.

it's just thoughts that I had in my mind

that I wanted to share for a long time

and I didn't really know how to start.

let me know your thoughts below, and

thank you so much for watching, bye.

For more infomation >> BABE, YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A PERFECT VEGAN - Duration: 17:37.


LIZ FORTE - I DON'T CARE - Duration: 4:20.

Everything else, everything else

It doesn't matter for me

Everything else, everything else

It doesn't matter for me

Anymore because I just don't care

I just don't care

Anymore because I just don't care

I just don't care

I've been my whole life wanting to know who I was supposed to be

I dont need anymore another caring eyes with me to see

I only carve my name inside the heart when I carve on the tree

And If I don't break my own heart, who's gonna do that thing for me

And if you walk away I just don't care

I just don't care

If you forget my name I just don't care

I just don't care

If you dont think about it

If you feel nothin' bout' it

Don't give a shit about it

Oh fuck it, I just don't care

I just don't care

I just don't care

Everything else, everything else

It doesn't matter for me

Everything else, everything else

It doesn't matter for me

Anymore because I just don't care

I just don't care

Anymore because I just don't care

I just don't care

I feel so strong now that I think I have forgotten how to bleed

I don't know where to go so there's not any big reason to flee

I got no place to go so there's no real big deal on being free

God Im an ocean, I don't care, I'm everywhere I want to be

And if you walk away I just dont care

I just don't care

If you forget my name I just don't care,

I just don't care

If you dont think about it

If you feel nothin' bout' it

Dont give a shit about it,

Oh fuck it, I justdon't care

I just don't care

I just don't care

Everything else, everything else

It doesn't matter for me

Everything else, everything else

It doesn't matter for me

Anymore because I just don't care

I just don't care

Anymore because I just don't care

I just don't care

For more infomation >> LIZ FORTE - I DON'T CARE - Duration: 4:20.


What Fans Don't Know About The Stars Of Fixer Upper - Duration: 4:56.

Fixer Upper fans will tell you how much they love the show's house-flipping stars, Chip

and Joanna Gaines.

How did they manage to go from just your everyday married couple to the power pair of HGTV's

most-watched program of all time?

Here some things you didn't know about Chip and Joanna Gaines.

Flipping the script

Though the couple seem like they were born to flip houses, both of them originally had

very different dreams in life.

Growing up, Chip wanted to play professional baseball.

"When I was in college, I was really hopeful that one day I'd be a pro baseball player.

I wanted to be the best baseball player I could be.

So this new path opened up and I really applied that same drive and determination and really

the discipline that I had learned from baseball.

I focused all that attention on flipping houses"

And while Joanna wanted to be on television, she hoped to do it as a broadcast journalist.

She told Popsugar,

"I always dreamed of the idea of television but never thought it would have to do with

design or renovations."

But she was actually selling tires at her dad's car shop when she met Chip, who helped

her feel confident enough to live out her dreams.

"If I didn't have Chip Gaines in my life, I'd still be dreaming in my head and not acting

out on any of that—not living it out.

You pushed me.

You pushed me out of my comfort zone."

The two of them soon made an unbeatable team, according to Joanna.

"When I met Chip, he was renting and flipping properties left and right to college students.

Once I caught on to the concept of buying something that is undervalued to then put

value into it and sell it for a profit, I was hooked, too."

They used to be broke

In an interview with People magazine, Joanna opened up about the tough financial times

they faced when they were starting out as small business owners.

"I remember when we were first married the only money that we had was what was in Chip's


He had this wad of cash.

And so if i needed to go grocery shopping, if I needed to just go find a new shirt, it

was whatever was in his pocket.

We pretended like we were rich so my dad would be real proud, but we were broke."

The pressure to impress Joanna's dad affected Chip as well.

"Her dad spent the first two years of our marriage asking me if I was going to get a


I was like, 'I've got a job.

I really like my job.

I flip houses, I've got some rental properties, I do some construction—that's a job.

It's a full-time deal.'"

We're guessing the TV show finally convinced him.

"That looks a lot farther than it is.

But it's not.

It's really two or three feet.

It's an optical illusion.

Watch this…"


The newlywed game

The first property Chip and Joanna flipped together?

The house they bought when they got married.

Joanna recalled,

"We started renovations on it immediately after we came home from our honeymoon.

All I could remember is the smell.

The house was bad.

Chip did all the construction, and I remember many nights he was on his hands and knees

staining floors or laying tile."

She also confessed it took time for her to find her style aesthetic.

"I was experimenting with my design style at the time and every room had a different


The living room was nautical themed with cheap sailboats and prints as decor.

The kitchen was French themed with horrible mustard-colored walls.

The den was cowboy themed for Chip, of course…horns, leather, and lots of cedar.

It was all very interesting, to say the least."

Lessons learned

Chip and Joanna may be known for their incredible style and craftsmanship on Fixer Upper, but

that only came after years of learning valuable lessons—aka making mistakes.

Joanna told HGTV,

"For our first high-end flip, I chose a tan stucco color.

After it was painted, I pulled up to the house and it looked like a big yellow school bus."

As for Chip, well, he wasn't so perfect, either.

"I wanted to surprise JoJo with a bold backsplash at a flip property.

It took me all day to install this beautiful tumbled-stone backsplash, but when I went

to grout it… it soaked up the color and turned maroon.

It was horrible, and JoJo was surprised to say the least."

"Man down!

Man down!

Epipen to the heart!"

Accidental stardom

Even though Fixer Upper has millions of fans and Chip and Joanna run a number of profitable

businesses, they're still flabbergasted by how famous and successful they've become over

the last few years.

Chip told People,

"All of this sort of fell into our laps.

We were just living our life out here in little bitty Waco.

We had dreams and aspirations like most folks, but this has really been something else."

"Why can't anybody ever pick the easy one?

You know the one that's like yeah we gotta paint the bathroom.

"Well it's your fault.

You're the one who showed him the house."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Fans Don't Know About The Stars Of Fixer Upper - Duration: 4:56.


Don't Worry About the Way You Look - Duration: 0:40.

(exciting music)

- So being a woman and teaching ladies how to play,

I've learned that a lot of self-confidence can be lacking

because they're worried about how they look when the throw.

And it's something you just kinda gotta get over

and just be okay with what your body looks like

when you follow though and don't worry about it.

Just focus on throwing the disc the way you want to

and just get out and throw.

(exciting music)

For more infomation >> Don't Worry About the Way You Look - Duration: 0:40.


'Mr President, don't build this wall!' Berlin's mayor urges Trump to learn from history - Duration: 2:35.

�Mr President, don�t build this wall!� Berlin�s mayor urges Trump to learn from


Berlin Mayor Michael M�ller has just sent President Donald Trump a message about his

proposed Mexican border wall.

As the mayor of the iconic German city that was divided by an imposing wall for almost

three decades, Muller is in good position to offer advice.

"Berlin, the city of the division of Europe, the city of freedom of Europe, cannot look

without comment when a country plans to build a new wall,� M�ller said in a statement


�We Berliners know best how much suffering a division of an entire continent, cemented

by barbed wire and wall, has caused.

Millions of people have been seized by this division of life.

In the end, we, the people, have overcome this division, and it is one of the 20th century's

star-studded hours when, at the Brandenburger Tor, the most important symbol of the division,

people conquered the Wall and then removed them piece by piece.

The Brandenburg Gate stands for the spirit of freedom!"

Trump began moves to deliver on his campaign promise to build a wall at the Mexican border

this week, signing an executive order for federal agencies to begin constructing the

nearly 2,000-mile structure.

When Trump said he would raise a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports to cover the cost of

the wall, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto canceled his planned visit to the White House.

"Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we cannot simply accept it if all our historical

experiences are thrown over by those to whom we largely owe our freedom, the Americans,�

M�ller�s statement continued.

�I appeal to the President of the United States not to go this way of foreclosure and


Wherever such borders still exist today in Korea, in Cyprus, they create unfreedom and


M�ller ended his statement with a reminder of the words of US President Ronald Reagan,

who in 1987 called on Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to take down the Berlin Wall.

�Remember his words: 'Tear down this wall,'� M�ller said.

�And so I say: Dear Mr. President, don't build

this wall!"

For more infomation >> 'Mr President, don't build this wall!' Berlin's mayor urges Trump to learn from history - Duration: 2:35.


Forget People Who Don't Like You – Bullying Self-Esteem Inspiring Video – Zeni Says – Nikki Karis - Duration: 1:34.

Hello, I'm Nikki Karis.

For today, I'd like to share an inspirational message I've written about self-esteem.

This message will help uplift and empower you to overcome the negative effects of bullying.

Here's my message for today: "There will always be people in this world who don't

like you or approve of what you're doing.

Forget about them and move forward in your life."

You know, I think this particular message is especially important for the young people

out there who are going through the negative effects of bullying.

You know, we all grew up and were taught that one of the most important things is to be

popular amongst our peers.

What we're never taught though is to be popular with ourself, to learn to love and

accept ourself for who we are, to not worry about what other people say or think about


That's what I want to encourage all of you to do, my Friends, to forget about other people,

forget about the fact that they don't approve of you.

Because you know what?

There are millions and million and millions of people out there in this world.

There will always be people who won't like you, but that doesn't matter because the

most important thing is that you like yourself.

And when you like yourself, you, in turn, draw into your life positive people who love

and support you in reaching for your dreams.

That's my message for today, my Friends.

Overcome the bullies.

You can do it.

Love and blessings, Nikki Karis.

For more infomation >> Forget People Who Don't Like You – Bullying Self-Esteem Inspiring Video – Zeni Says – Nikki Karis - Duration: 1:34.


Don't Judge Others, Accept Differences; Stop Bullying – Compassion Video – Zeni Says – Nikki Karis - Duration: 1:33.

Hello, I'm Nikki Karis.

For today, I'd like to share an inspirational message I've written about compassion.

This particular message is directed to all those bullies out there who want to bring

others down to make themselves feel better.

Here's my message for today: "Your job isn't to judge others.

It's to appreciate and accept their differences."

You know, Friends, when you bully someone, it simply means that you're failing to accept

and appreciate the differences someone else has from you, whether someone is a different

skin color than you, a different height, a different religion, a different race, a different

gender, a different sexual orientation, whatever the situation may be.

When you strike out and bully them, you're attempting to make them be like you, instead

of accepting them for their differences.

What I want to encourage all of you to do is to let go of all of the anger, hatred,

bitterness, and resentment that may be present in your heart.

Fill your heart with love and compassion for your fellow mankind.

Learn to accept and appreciate others for their differences.

In turn, this world will be a better place for all of us.

Say, "bye bye to bullying."

Become the better person and move forward in your life in a positive direction.

That's my message for today.

Love and blessings, Nikki Karis.

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